Category: Uncategorized

  • Exercise in Futility

    Here’s a quote that summarizes the futility of the proceedings in the General Assembly yesterday, in which the major accomplishment was the state Senate’s passage of a gas tax that Gov. Timothy M. Kaine never asked for and the House of Delegates will never vote for. From the Washington Post: “There is no consensus in…

  • They Did What?

    Here’s the latest salvo from the General Assembly battlefield: Senate Democrats this afternoon killed a measure that would ensure that funds raised by regional levies would be spent exclusively in the regions that paid the taxes. According to an email missive from the Virginia Senate Republican Caucus, Sen. Creigh Deeds, D-Bath, led Democrats on the…

  • Northern Virginia’s Transportation Quandry: Dozens of Cooks Spoiling the Broth

    The following was submitted by Ron Utt of the Heritage Foundation and the Virginia Institute for Public Policy: As the state legislature convenes in Richmond this June in a special session to revise Virginia’s recently enacted surface transportation program, a number of elected officials – ranging from the legislature’s Republican caucus to the Attorney General…

  • Transurban’s Low Cost of Capital

    There’s a very interesting story lurking within Len Gilroy’s column, “Another One Bites the Dust.” Gilroy tackles the idea that privately financed public-private partnerships are a bad deal for motorists because the private sector can’t avail itself of tax-free bond financing like state and municipal governments can. In the last few weeks, the Pennsylvania Turnpike…

  • Bacon’s Rebellion: Special Session Edition

    As the special session convenes today, the General Assembly has got transportation on the brain, and so do we at Bacon’s Rebellion. Indeed, it’s pretty much transportation and land use from start to finish for the June 23, 2008, edition of Virginia’s preeminent public policy e-zine — with a dash of other topics to keep…

  • More on VCU and the Evil Weed

    My last post generated considerable e-mail traffic from members of the VCU community and I learned of a faculty meeting on June 19 to discuss it. Uninvited, I went to it and was allowed to stay if I respected the participants’ desire for confidentiality. Here are excerpts from a post I did for R’Biz on…

  • Malthus, Singularities and Chins-up

    The NY Time’s Jay Tierney has a good post that is also a useful tonic for what seems to be a creeping Malthusian trend on the Rebellion of late. He discusses an article by George Mason University economist Robin Hanson that focuses on “singularities,” the stunning advances that have completely transformed the way we do…


    WaPo had an interesting front page “analysis” by Neil Irwin this morning: “Why We’re Gloomier Than The Economy: Consumer Anxiety Outstrips the Data.” Earth to Neil: Citizens can Read. They can read the headlines we noted in the recent post “HEADLINES, HEADLINES.” They can read the other headlines on today’s front page of WaPo and…

  • Electronic Health Records Coming to a Doctor Near You

    The Kaine administration has been doing some useful things behind the scenes, but because of my monomaniacal fixation on transportation, land use, energy and the environment, I have not had time to highlight the more positive initiatives. With this post, I hope to make up for that deficit to some small degree. One of Gov.…

  • Left and Right Converge on Basic Economics

    Mr. Peter Galuszka took one for the team when he bought, read and reported on Thomas Sowell’s “Basic Economics.” I was unable to respond to his post in a timely fashion, so I’m posting here to show where our political perspectives from the Right and the Left blend on the basics of basic economics. Because,…


    There has been a lot of loose talk on this Blog about Fundamental Transformation not being an urgent need, especially in the Commonwealth of Virgina. Our friends the Tiger Riders may have not been reading the headlines. Last Saturday the Business section of WaPo was headlined by: “Flying Is Going to Get Even Less Fun.”…

  • UVa Increases Endowment Payout

    The University of Virginia will tap more of its $3.2 billion endowment to strengthen university programs and help hold the line on tuition increases, reports the Daily Progress. The Board of Visitors voted Friday to increase the payout rate to 5 percent of the fund’s market value on June 30, a move that should generate…

  • A Virginia Dem on Transportation: One Good Idea

    Virginia Senator John Miller (D-1SD) will introduce a bill to abolish the Hampton Roads Transportation Authority (HRTA). This unelected, unaccountable, unseparated powers Regional Government – ruled un-Constitutional (by unanimous decision of the Virginia Supreme Court) -has already spent $200k. Let’s see which Hampton Roads legislators sign up to be co-patrons of this bill – and…

  • Escape from Orlando

    Wow, it’s been a crazy week. Let me tell you, Disney World is not for old people — well, it’s not for old people acclimated to an auto-centric society where little walking is required. In Disney World, you do a lot of walking. You also find yourself hurtling along in roller coasters and other devices…


    We saw Jim Bacon’s 4 June post on the Aptera concept car (“300 MPG. This could be the Coolest Car Ever?”) just before we left on a 22 mile chained trip to accomplish seven errands that could not be done here in Greater Warrenton Fauquier. (For those who came in late, since 1973 we have…