Category: Uncategorized

  • Bacon’s Rebellion E-zine

    The Jan. 19, 2009, edition of the Bacon’s Rebellion e-zine has been published. Virginia and the Employee Free Choice ActThe panic over the Employee Free Choice Act is overwrought. Here’s why it isn’t as big a deal as partisans on both sides would have you Lawrence H. Framme III Lowering the Costs of Virginia’s…

  • The Intellectual Pretensions of Suburb Bashing

    Saturday night my wife and I went to see the movie “Revolutionary Road” starring the Titanic team of Leonardo and Kate. It’s sharp, intelligent and deeply depressing fare by the same director of that gem “American Beauty” but without much of the satiric humor. The film brought to mind the concept of suburbs and just…


    There seems to be an intentional attempt on this blog to distort EMR’s views of governance and the achievement of Fundamental Transformation in human settlement pattern, governance structure and the global economic structure. Darrell – Chesapeake dismisses EMR as just another socialist. Larry Gross somewhere got the idea that it will require a philosopher king…

  • Kaine’s “Green Jobs” Initiative

    In a Jan. 12 release, and again in his state of the Commonwealth speech, Gov. Timothy M. Kaine outlined the details of his “green jobs” initiative. For the most part, it is a worthy policy thrust, containing some very good ideas, some inoffensive ones, and only one worrisome proposal. The package is modest in scope,…


    In the 47th comment on the TRAGEDY OF TRICKLE DOWN string, TMT posted a question unrelated to Trickle Down but on an important topic: The optimum location for the evolution of Balanced Communities. Jim Bacon posted a responding comment that is on target but TMTs post provided an opportunity to nail down some flapping issues…

  • Fewer Homes, Smaller Homes

    Every municipality in Virginia bases its land use planning on the anticipated demand for new housing. Their plans are only as good as their projections. And the projections are good only as long as historical trends hold up. The demand for housing is based upon the rate of new household formation. And that is driven…

  • Back from the Dead: the Bacon’s Rebellion E-zine

    The Jefferson Institute for Public Policy has published the Jan. 5, 2009, edition — its second — of the Bacon’s Rebellion e-zine. The highlights: Privatization Can Transform the Delivery of State Psychiatric Servicesby Leonard GilroyWanted: A Virginia Land Inventoryby John PalatielloThe Ultimate Tax Cut that can Help President Obama get America’s Economy Moving Againby Paul…

  • The New Fru and Fundamental Change

    As part of my job for the Boomer Project, I survey the media and blogs for emerging trends. One unmistakable trajectory is the increased commentary on what EMR and I would call the “end of the era of mass overconsumption.” Others have given catchier names to the phenomenon, but it all amounts to the same…

  • Weight Matters

    In 2007, trucks paid $2.7 million in fees for permits to operate in excess of Virginia’s vehicle weight limits. But that number fell far short of the estimated $211.4 million that heavy loads did to the state’s roads that year, according to Gary Allen, head of the Virginia Transportation Research Council. Although Allen didn’t put…

  • The True Spirit of Islam

    I’ve got a big backlog of stories that I hope to get to this long New Year’s weekend. Some, like this, are a bit out of date. But better late than never. Does anybody remember the terrorist siege of Mumbai? Definitely yesterday’s news. But there’s a local angle that’s worth bringing to your attention. By…

  • MORE ON MainStream Media’s DEFAULT

    Further thoughts on MainStream Media’s culpability vis a vis Collapse of the global financial house of cards: The previous post (IT is MainStream Media’s FAULT) engendered a number of useful observations concerning financial Collapse and the role of the Media: REID ON THE RIGHT TRACK At 6:37 AM on 30 December, Reid Greenum put his…

  • Try This Simple Christmas Quiz

    I like to think that it takes a certain minimum IQ to be a BR Blogger. Discussing land use, patterns of human settlement, the woes of Virginia’s Republicans and Tri-O-G requires a certain amount of wit. Or does it? Let’s find out. In the spirit of the season, here is a simple Christmas quiz to…


    TRILO-G Chapter 15 – Learning From Delmarva – spells out what can be learned about THE USE AND MANAGEMENT OF LAND from the small Urban Support Region that occupies the DelMarVa Peninsula between the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. Following completion of Chapter 15, the prospect of contemporary economic and social changed dramatically. (See…

  • How to Save $200 Million Without Even Trying

    Chesapeake City officials say it would cost $300 million to replace the aged Jordan Bridge across the South Branch of the Elizabeth River. Philip Shucet, the former commissioner of the Virginia Department of Transportation, says he can replace the bridge for $100 million — without a penny of local, state or federal funds. Shucet, who…

  • All Your Work Into the Dustbin of History?

    Fellow BR bloggers. I don’t know if you’ve seen the new Bacons Rebellion -E-Zine which seems to be little more than a marketing effort for privatization of government. Only one former Zine writer is on the list — the rest are PR flaks or “anonymous” state workers, which is a cute gimmick. However, I have…