Category: Uncategorized

  • The Right to Academic Freedom

    Like many conservatives, the anonymous blogger who goers by the name of his high school, likes to limit individual rights. Regarding the Virginia Attorney General’s chilling harassment of a reputable climatologist, Mr. High School writes: “There has never been a right to academic freedom. There is no right to academic freedom. And, God Bless, there…

  • Another New Right From The Left

    Another New Right From The Left. Liberals love inventing new rights. For the past 18 months I have heard the liberals chirping about the “right to health care”. Now the imaginary liberal rights machine has manufactured a “right to academic freedom”. Yet another pseudo-right extended only to liberals after having been manufactured in the liberals’…

  • The “Cooch” and Academic Freedom

    Of all of Attorney General Kenneth Cuccinelli’s bizarre initiatives, the one probing scientific research at the University of Virginia is the most frightening. It goes to the heart of academic freedom issues and conjures up some very ugly moments in American history. Cuccinelli’s target is Michael E. Mann, a former U.Va. climatologist now at Penn…

  • Cuccinelli Gets Gas

    Overview: Controversial Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli has gas. Or, more accurately, he has a problem caused by the gas which is trapped in the coal seams under large swaths of Southwest Virginia. In 1990 Ken Cuccinelli was walking down “the lawn” at UVa to pick up his BS in Mechanical Engineering. That same year…

  • “Streamlining” State Government

    Grabbing onto a popular, bi-partisan trend, Gov. Bob McDonnell is set to “streamline” Virginia government. He has named a 31-member panel headed by the man who led President George H.W. Bush’s unsuccessful reelection campaign in 1992. On one level, there are reasons to examine cutting state government. The state faces a multi-billion budget shortfall, which…

  • New Face at Bacon’s Rebellion

    We have a new face here at Bacon’s Rebellion — we just can’t show it to you yet. But we will as soon as we can! I am winding up the writing of my book, “Boomergeddon,” and soon will begin the task of generating publicity for it. That task will entail building and maintaining a…

  • Cheerleading Against Regulation

    You have to love the Richmond Times-Disgrace, err, Dispatch. It is a perpetual fount of cheer leading for the ruling elite with no regard for average folks. Its news sections take down, stenographic-style, the opinions of corporate pooh -bahs while their Sunday editorial pages are dominated by self-dealing lobbyists or non-profit bureaucrats telling us what…

  • What Is It About Lacrosse?

    Lacrosse, the kind of hockey with sticks invented by Native Americans, has gained special popularity in Virginia, the Mid-Atlantic and parts of the South. Or make that notoriety. The game had been played for years at regional schools such as the U.S. Naval Academy and Johns Hopkins, but it only won broader popularity about 20…

  • Race and Class in Arizona

    There’s no getting past the racist implications of Arizona’s tough new immigration law that requires police to check the citizenship of anyone they suspect to be an illegal alien. Supporters of the law claim that it is badly misunderstood and that Arizona is only doing a job that the federal government has so far not…

  • Offshore Myth Busting

    Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell gave a somewhat disingenuous response when confronted with the facts that the massive oil rigs explosion and spill in the Gulf of Mexico make his plans for Virginia’s emergence as “the Energy Capital of the East Coast” highly questionable. The governor said essentially that one doesn’t stop all airline flights because…


    In case you missed it, today CNN reports: “An oil spill off Louisiana was designated a spill of “national significance” Thursday, meaning assets can be drawn from other states and areas to combat it, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said. “The U.S. military may be called on to assist authorities scrambling to mitigate the potential…

  • Making Stone Soup on Roads

    The policies of Gov. Robert F. McDonnell have more than a few contradictions. A key one is his stubborn refusal to raise taxes while he also deals with a state highway system that badly needs upgrading. Yet, it so short of money that funds for maintenance are routinely raided from construction funds. Trying to reconcile…

  • Just When You Thought Drilling Was Safe

    “Drill Baby, Drill” advocates who include President Barack Obama along with Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell have been telling us that modern offshore oil technology is so modern that deaths and devastating spills are the problems of yesteryear. Think twice. This Tuesday a powerful blast ripped apart and then sank the Deepwater Horizon platform about 50…

  • The Ugly Ain’t Over, Part III

    Consumers account for roughly 70% of the U.S. economy, and their spending is the driving force behind economic growth. Over the past three business cycles, consumers increased their buying power through borrowing: running up credit cards, purchasing automobiles and houses on easier credit terms, and tapping their home equity. This trend was particularly pronounced during…

  • Take That, Big Bird!

    Gov. Bob McDonnell could make good this week on aims of the Republican-dominated House of Delegates to slash state funding for public television and radio. To be sure, a number of revenue-starved states have cut funding to their public television radio stations by at least $23 million this fiscal year, according to the Association of…