Category: Uncategorized

  • At the Request of AZA

    AZA contacted EMR and said that the second half of his comment on the 25,000 jobs lost post by Jim Bacon has been deleted three times since 8:00 this AM. (The time stamp on the Blog is off by an hour.) EMR saw the third attempt to post when it was up at about noon.…

  • The “Cooch” Gets His Ass Whupped

    Jim Bacon, our favorite bloviator, seems to be a little too enamored with Kenneth Cuccinelli, our hard-charging attorney general who battles his highly-politicized court fights and opinions. As the Grand Baconator Deluxe writes: “It will be take-no-prisoners time in Northern Virginia this Tuesday evening at the Virginia Conservative PAC fundraiser. Ken Cuccinelli will be the…


    Readers of Bacon’s Rebellion will recall the name Richard Thornton. A few years ago, Richard provided eye opening insights into the nefarious activities of Pre-Revolutionary governors of the Virginia Colony. Back in the days of the First Bacon’s Rebellion. Richard is a National Examiner in architecture and design. He often focuses on the historic roots…

  • A Massive Confrontation with Reality

    It will be take-no-prisoners time in Northern Virginia this Tuesday evening at the Virginia Conservative PAC fundraiser. Ken Cuccinelli will be the headline speaker. I don’t know what the Attorney General plans to talk about, but I suspect the words “kicking butt” and “taking names” will apply. Yours truly will provide the warm-up act. I…

  • Obamacare: 25,000 Lost Jobs and Counting

    Bacon’s latest column in the Washington Times: An Associated Press story sparked a small furor recently when it reported that the Obama administration’s ban on deep-water drilling would cost an estimated 23,000 jobs. With unemployment stuck near 10 percent, consternation over the avoidable job destruction was understandable. But that’s hardly the only example of how…

  • A Review of “Boomergeddon”

    “Boomergeddon” is a useful, breezy primer on the problems confronting the U.S. as its Baby Boomer population ages and face what the author believes to be a rising firestorm of government debt and entitlement programs that the nation can no longer afford. The author, Jim Bacon, is a journalist with a libertarian point of view…


    On 25 August the WaPo head line read: “As midterms loom, Democrats (the Donkey Clan) work to shore up faltering recovery.” By ‘recovery’ it is assumed that the headline writer was suggesting that the Donkey Clan is hoping that ‘something’ will get ‘the economy’ back to Business-As-Usual in time to make citizens feel good by…

  • The Whiplash Shift in Investor Sentiment

    Wow, the negative shift in investor sentiment has come faster and harder than I ever imagined. When I started writing “Boomergeddon” about a year ago, the U.S. economy was growing briskly and the stock market was rising. I certainly wasn’t alone as a pessimist, but I didn’t have much company. Indeed, I sometimes wondered if…

  • The “Cooch’s” Curious Circle

    Want to see how Virginia’s hard right conservatives operate? Follow the circle. Del. Robert G. Marshall, a Prince William County Republican and a staunch social conservative, sets his social media a Twitter and before you know it, he has asked his dogmatic kinsman, Atty. Gen. Kenneth Cuccinelli, for a legal opinion on an issue that…

  • Boomergeddon Update

    In case you are one of those who pre-ordered a copy of Boomergeddon, here’s a status update. A small volume of books was delivered to late last week but they were insufficient to cover the number of preorders, so in the blink of an eye, the book status went from “preorder” to “out of…

  • Museum Donors of the World Unite!

    “Virginia Workers Have Benefited from Organized Labor,” proclaims the headline of a press release promoting a new exhibit at the Virginia Historical Society. The press release continues: “For most people, unless they have someone in their family who has been a union member or has been very involved with union work, they have no idea…

  • Bill Bolling’s Funny Pages

    Sunday mornings bring my usual routine — wading through three newspapers. Despite the wholesale move to digital, there’s something about flipping through all that newsprint that seems satisfying, but this shows my age. When I come to the Richmond Times-Dispatch, I reach for the “Commentary” section rather than the comics if I want amusement. Publisher…

  • McDonnell’s Idea of Health Care Reform

    With all the hub-bub about “Obamacare” and the new-found love of Republicans for balanced budgets after eight years of George W. Bush blow-outs, one wonders what Gov. Robert F. McDonnell is doing. When it comes to health care, the Republican governor seems to have a deaf ear on medical care for the poor. Consider that…

  • What are Trani and Casteen Really Doing On Corporate Boards?

    In Virginia, as in most states, being the head of a large public university is a prestigious job. Along with it come lots of perks, such as being appointed to various education and public service committees and also, in some cases, to lucrative seats on corporate boards. Therein lies the problem. Two former heads of…

  • Administrative Bloat in Higher Ed

    Runaway administrative costs are major reason that higher ed costs are increasing without let-up, concludes a new report by the Goldwater Institute. States the report: Enrollment at America’s leading universities has been increasing dramatically, rising nearly 15 percent between 1993 and 2007. But unlike almost every other growing industry, higher education has not become more…