Category: Media

  • Praxis Circle’s Newest Contributor: Ross Mackenzie, Genuine Journalist!

    Praxis Circle is a nonprofit that helps its members build their worldview primarily through courses and thought-provoking interviews of our many contributors. We are delighted to welcome our newest Expert Contributor Ross Mackenzie, former editorial-page editor of The Richmond Times-Dispatch! As the editor of the Editorial Page for almost forty years and as a syndicated…

  • Liberals’ Nasty Authoritarian Streak

    by Kerry Dougherty This, friends, is an actual headline in an actual daily newspaper. It ran yesterday over a “news story” about Tuesday’s Virginia Beach School Board meeting: After hours of vitriol and misinformation, Virginia Beach School Board votes to make masks mandatory for students, staff Misinformation? That’s liberal newspeak for any statement or point…

  • Media in COVID Feeding Frenzy

    by Kerry Dougherty Many years ago, Virginia’s most prominent political scientist, Larry Sabato, wrote a book called “Feeding Frenzy.” If memory serves — and it’s been years since I read it — the University of Virginia professor analyzed how the media mob swam from scandal to scandal, feeding on wounded politicians like a school of…

  • Rejected by Facebook

    Bacon’s Rebellion has been using reader donations to promote readership of the blog and The Blunderbuss newsletter on Facebook. The ad in question did not mention COVID, stolen elections or other verboten topics. To see the ad and the reason for the rejection, keep reading…

  • Youngkin Gets Romneyfied

    by James A. Bacon The Associated Press has just published a story highlighting the plight of newly retired Judy Pavlick in a mobile home park in Sunnyvale, California. When the park was acquired in 2015 by the Carlyle Group, a Washington, D.C.-based investment firm, “things began to change.” Pavlick’s rent surged 7%. Additional fees followed.…

  • Reporting the Truth in the Post-Trump Era

    by Chris Saxman When I was a teacher of U.S. History and Government, I had only one rule for my students and it was that they think. I told them flat out: I don’t care what you think – I care that you think. Time will take care of the rest. Their thinking was dependent…

  • Debunking the Big Lie in Education Funding

    by DJ Rippert The big lie. Various intellectuals, aided and abetted by the mainstream media, have repeatedly put forth the falsehood that funding for public K-12 education in America has been decreasing. In fact, the opposite is true.  However, the number of times that false claims about defunding public education have been made, published and…

  • Why the Need to Slant Stonewall Jackson’s Legacy?

    by Donald Smith If you were asked to describe Stonewall Jackson in just a few words, what would you say? Apparently the Washington Post would say — an enslaver of six people. Ian Shapira, a member of the Washington Post’s Metro section, is the paper’s most prolific writer on the ongoing controversy at VMI over allegations of…

  • Mayor Stoney and His Left-Wing Critics

    by James A. Bacon Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney published an op-ed in the New York Times a few days ago defending his actions last summer during the tumultuous protests and riots  following the George Floyd killing. I was thinking of writing a post this morning critiquing the piece from a conservative perspective. But then I…

  • Good News for Corruptocrats

    by Kerry Dougherty Listen closely. Hear that? That’s the sound of champagne corks popping as local corruptocrats and sleazy businessmen celebrate the continued demise of local newspapers. I’m talking, of course, about The Virginian-Pilot. Or what’s left of it. And The Daily Press. Perhaps you heard. On Friday, shareholders of The Tribune Company, which owns…

  • Dodging Emails Versus Dodging Bullets

    by James A. Bacon What the Richmond Times-Dispatch considers news this morning… Headline: “Task force creating Richmond police oversight board publicly calls out Chief Smith.” Excerpt: “At some point, the unwillingness to engage with this body does start to feel like arrogance. I don’t think we can overlook it,” task force member and University of…

  • Bacon Opens Mouth, Mayhem Ensues

    I been blogging less and jabbering more this week. I don’t know if the world is better or worse off for it, but for those of you who subscribe to the theory that “there’s no such thing as too much bacon,” I offer the following for your listening/viewing pleasure. Two Mikes podcast. Conversation with Michael…

  • Three Card Media

    by William Moore Three Card Monte is a classic short con. The Dealer places three cards face down and the Shill, who is in on the con, attempts to pick the money card. They play boisterously, hoping to catch the attention of some poor sap, the Mark. Thinking himself quite good at following the money…

  • Gas Lines and Headlines

    by Kerry Dougherty It’s tempting to mock the folks lined up at gas stations these past few days as “panic buyers.” You know, fearful, gas-addicted, greed balls. Smug members of the media have been quick to blame them for the shortages. The Washington Post: Panic buying strikes Southeastern United States as shuttered pipeline resumes operations New…

  • Virginia Voters Tilt Mildly Right — Why Can’t Conservatives Win More Elections?

    by James A. Bacon Virginia voters describe themselves as ideologically moderate, leaning conservative, according to a new poll by the Wason Center for Civic Leadership at Christopher Newport University. Asked to place themselves on a 0-10 scale (liberal to conservative) with 5.0 being middle of the road, the 1,008 voters polled rated themselves 5.83 on…