Category: Environment

  • Insurance, Risk and Climate Change

    Money talks and bull**** walks, as the old saying goes. When it comes to the debate over Global Warming, a formidable quantity of the latter is in evidence. Ideology and partisanship have badly skewed the debate over public policy, as journalists, politicians and special interests on both sides of the debate cherry pick the evidence…

  • A Shred of Good News on the Save-the-Bay Front

    Underwater grasses are coming back in the Chesapeake Bay, increasing their domain by about 10 percent last year, according to a survey overseen by Bob Orth with the Virginia Institute for Marine Science. Grass beds are a critical part of the Bay ecology, offering shelter for baby crabs and fish, breathing oxygen into the water,…

  • OK, Maybe Tim Kaine Deserves More Credit Than He Gets on the Environment

    In an earlier post, I questioned Gov. Timothy M. Kaine’s environmental credentials, so it’s only fair to take note of important environmental initiatives that he has supported — even if he couldn’t get them through the legislature. As Kaine noted in a statement yesterday after the adjournment of the 2008 General Assembly session: “Unfortunately, the…

  • Living with Higher Sea Levels

    OK, folks, here’s the map you all wanted to see: What happens to Virginia’s Tidewater under a doomsday global warming scenario, a three-meter rise in sea levels? Answer: About 1/3 of of south Hampton Roads slips under the waves. (Click on map to view a larger, more legible image.) Not shown on the map: When…

  • How Global Warming Could Hit Home: The Virginia Impact

    The Governor’s Commission on Climate Change dug into some meaty material yesterday, exploring what would happen to Virginia if commonly accepted scenarios for rising temperatures and sea levels pan out. Bill Geroux with the Times-Dispatch hits the highlights of the meeting, held in Williamsburg, but lacked either the time or news hole to recount much…

  • The Kaine Mutiny

    Is Gov. Timothy M. Kaine’s political future being destroyed by his support for Dominion Virginia Power’s plans for a $1.8 billion coal-fired plant in Wise County? You may not read about it the mainstream state newspapers, but it’s all over the Democratic Blogosphere and even The Wall Street Journal. Fervor over greenhouse gases has reached…

  • Stop the Presses: Bacon Admits He Was Wrong!

    Dominion spokesman Jim Norvelle takes exception to my reading of the State Corporation Commission rulings on coal-fired power plants proposed by Dominion and Apco. (See “SCC Nixes Apco Coal Plant — Is a Post-Coal Energy Era Soon Upon Us?“) In its recent rejection of an Apco proposal to build a coal-fueled power plant in West…

  • Save the Blue Crab

    Some of my best memories growing up 40 years ago were of standing at the end of the wooden pier on hot, sticky summer afternoons and throwing chicken necks on strings into the Elizabeth River. We kids would patiently tend the lines and whenever we felt a strong tug, it meant that a blue crab…

  • Albemarle Corp. Chases Mercury-Removal Business

    There are many, many environmental concerns associated with the use of coal as a fuel for electrical power plants. One of the most intractable has been the emission of mercury, a highly toxic chemical that tends to concentrate in the food chain. Now Albemarle Corp., a Richmond-headquartered manufacturer of specialty chemicals, has signed a letter…

  • A New Power Source: Henry Howell Spinning In His Grave

    It is fascinating to observe the politics behind Dominion’s effort to a coal-fired power plant in Wise County. Although Dominion loaded it up with all manner of clean-coal technologies — circulating fluidized bed technology, waste coal-burning capabilities, sulfur dioxide pollution controls, water-conservation condensers — some environmentalists have made it a cause celebre. Their problem isn’t…

  • Gilmore’s Independence-from-Foreign-Oil Plan

    Because Bacon’s Rebellion focuses exclusively on state/local policy issues, I normally don’t comment on U.S. Senatorial campaigns, even those here in Virginia. But I’ll make an exception in this case because Republican Senatorial candidate Jim Gilmore has issued a proposal for a “U.S. Declaration of Independence from Foreign Oil,” which , if enacted, would have…

  • Still a Lot to Learn about Climate Change

    As the governor’s commission on climate change starts digging into the impact of Global Warming on Virginia — a particular concern is the expected three-foot rise of sea levels by the end of the century — it would do well to acknowledge the evolving state of climate science. Nearly every day brings some new discovery…


    When someone has been working for nearly 50 years to answer a set of questions it is splendid to come across another person who has arrived at many of the same answers to those questions via a much different route. In 1961 while standing in what we now call a Cluster (Lewisburg Square) in a…

  • Good News, Bad Reporting

    I’m heading off to Wyoming next week, and I won’t be able to publish the next edition of the Bacon’s Rebellion e-zine until a week after I return. But Ed Risse has a time-sensitive column he’d like to put into the public domain before it gets too stale. Good News, Bad ReportingAs the economy weakens,…

  • No Uranium Mining Study for Now

    A House of Delegates committee has nixed a proposed study of uranium-mining safety. Even though I have supported such a study, I thought the committee offered some pretty good reasons for its decision. As argued in a Virginia League of Conservation Voters newsletter, a study at this point is premature. Virginia Uranium Inc. has not…