Category: Environment

  • Taming Virginia’s Hardened Landscapes

    If you haven’t noticed, I’ve been narrowing the focus of my blog posts to an interlocking set of topics: transportation, land use, energy, environment and infrastructure. Each of these themes is inextricably bound with the other. We’ll never make sense of any one of them until we understand how each relates to the others. A…

  • Climate Change Commission Ponders Recommendations

    The Governor’s Commission on Climate Change has issued a draft interim report summing up the testimony from five sessions of public hearings. To my mind, the most compelling graphic in the document shows that the intensity of energy use in Virginia is twice that of several advanced European countries. Virginia — 345 million BTUs per…

  • The Transmission Line Saga Continues

    Virginia’s State Corporation Commission may have bought Dominion’s logic for building a high-voltage transmission line across the northern Virginia piedmont, through Maryland and Pennsylvania, but regulators in Pennsylvania have not. Regulatory judges have recommended that the Public Utilities Commission in the Keystone State deny the application of Dominion and Allegheny Power to build the interstate…

  • It’s a Nuclear Power Plant, Dude, What Were You Thinking?

    In 1971, Dominion Virginia Power created a man-made lake, Lake Anna, to serve as water coolant for the power company’s two nuclear power generators situated on the shoreline. As part of the project, the company built a series of dikes and lagoons through which water from the power plant passed. The design allowed for a…

  • Kaine Appoints Dominion Counsel to SCC Judgeship

    Gov. Timothy M. Kaine has appointed James C. Dimitri, the McGuire Woods attorney who has led Dominion Virginia Power legal team bidding to build a high-voltage transmission line through Virginia’s horse country, to the State Corporation Commission. In making the announcement, Kaine noted that Dimitri had served as senior counsel at the SCC between 1994…

  • Do Virginians Support Off-Shore Drilling? Maybe.

    What do Virginians think about drilling for oil and gas off the Virginia coast? I haven’t seen any polls that ask that question specifically, but the American Petroleum Institute has generated data hinting that they might approve by large numbers. In a poll that encompassed 18 key states, the Institute found that 70 percent of…

  • Southside’s Nuclear War Still Simmering

    The battle over Pittsylvania County’s uranium deposit — the largest undeveloped deposit in the United States and reputedly the seventh largest in the world — has attracted the attention of the Wall Street Journal. Max Schultz, a senior fellow with the Manhattan Institute, quotes two environmental foes but makes it clear he does not sympathize…

  • Conservation Voters Release Annual Scorecard

    The Virginia League of Conservation Voters has released its ninth annual Legislation Conservation Scorecard. The scorecard ranks 140 members of the General Assembly based on their votes on bills ranging from the application of fertilizers (to reduce runoff into state waters) to performance standards for state road projects, from the reporting of greenhouse gas emissions…

  • Dominion to Invest $600 Million in Smart Grid

    Dominion Virginia Power has unveiled a plan to invest $600 million in “smart grid” technology plus a slew of energy conservation programs that it estimates will save electric consumers $1 billion over 15 years and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 12 million tons. “This plan will provide a jump start toward meeting the 10 percent…

  • Climate Change Commission a Waste of Effort?

    Patrick Michaels, Global Warming skeptic, has weighed in on the Virginia Commission on Climate Change — and this time there’s no question that it’s him and not one of his colleagues (as was unclear in another recent communique discussed in “Low Hanging Fruit vs. Deep Green.”) This time, he has written a column in the…

  • Wagner Plays the Offshore Drilling Wildcard

    So far, the special General Assembly session on transportation has been shaping up as a flounderfest: no one agreeing on anything, everyone just flopping around. But Sen. Frank Wagner, R-Virginia Beach, has thrown a wild card into the game. In a news conference today, Wagner linked offshore drilling for natural gas with Virginia transportation. He…

  • “Low Hanging Fruit” vs. “Deep Green”

    The Governor’s task force on climate change is meeting in Blacksburg today. One of the voices that will not be heard is that of Patrick Michaels, former state climatologist and one of the nation’s leading Global Warming skeptics. Despite his extensive knowledge on climate change issues, Michaels was conspicuously not asked to serve on the…

  • Prudent Precautions Against Rising Sea Levels

    As a follow up to my recent post, “Insurance, Risk and Climate Change,” I would offer into testimony a column appearing in the Times-Dispatch today, written by Skip Stiles, executive director of Wetlands Watch, a Hampton Roads environmental group. The Virginia Department of Emergency Management has updated its storm surge projections, which had been using…

  • I’ll Take Some Solar, Please. Put It on my Tab.

    Shrewd, very shrewd. Dominion is asking the State Corporation Commission for permission to offer customers two options for purchasing renewable energy, be it solar, hydro, wind, biomass, wave, tide or geothermal. Under one option, customers would be billed for what it costs Dominion to acquire the “green” energy from independent green power producers. Under the…

  • Are These Plants Really Worth Saving?

    You’ll be glad to know that Fluor-Lane, Transurban and the Virginia Department of Transportation have partnered with a local conservation group to “rescue” native plants in staging areas for construction of two high-occupancy toll lanes along the Capital Beltway. Volunteers from Land and Waters Inc., based in Falls Church, joined employees of the construction companies…