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Carly Fiorina… Native Virginian?

Photo credit: Washington Times

Last time I paid attention to Carly Fiorina, she was running for the U.S. Senate in California. She didn’t win that race, although, as a Republican candidate, she acquitted herself well in a deep blue state. So, it was with some surprise that I read in an article about her run for the presidency that she now hails from Mason Neck, Va.

Mason what?

According to Wikipedia, Mason Neck is a peninsula jutting into the Potomac River just east of Woodbridge. Located in Fairfax County, it is a census-designated place of about 2,000 residents. According to local real estate listings, there are currently eight houses on the market valued at more than $1 million. So, it seems to be the kind of place where a former CEO of HP might settle down should she move to the East Coast.

So, it looks like Virginia has a favorite son, er, make that a favorite daughter, running for president. None of us knew that Fiorina lived in Virginia, but what the heck. None of our home-grown politicians seem up to the challenge. We might as well root for the newcomer.


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