Careful There, Dems, These Are Your Voters

by Kerry Dougherty

I’m not in the habit of offering political advice to Democrats, but they might want to consider toning down the “convicted felon” rhetoric.

Ever since Donald Trump was convicted of 34 felony charges in New York, the left has become a Greek chorus, chanting “convicted felon” every time they mention his name.

As if that’s a bad thing in Democrat world.

After all, this is a party that not only courts lawbreakers with its soft-on-crime policies, but it depends on the felon vote.

There’s a reason Democrats consistently fight for automatic restoration of voting rights for convicted felons, often before they’ve finished serving their sentences. Shoot, in Vermont and Maine incarcerated felons are allowed to vote.

Anyone else remember the stunt former Gov. Terry McAuliffe pulled to help his old pal Hillary in the months before the 2016 election? He violated the Virginia Constitution by offering blanket restoration of voting rights to more than 206,000 Virginia felons just months before Election Day. Continue reading.

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97 responses to “Careful There, Dems, These Are Your Voters”

  1. Bob X from Texas Avatar
    Bob X from Texas

    My take away from reading the article is that 99% of felons are democrats. If you took guns away from democrats the murder rate would go down 99%.

  2. Wahoo'74 Avatar

    Excellent article and spot on.

    Democrats will do whatever it takes to boost their votes – allowing imprisoned convicted felons or 10 million illegal aliens for whom they want to grant voting rights.

    JFK’s “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country” has been replaced by “Whatever it takes to win” as the official Democrat Party motto.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      The illegal aliens are counted in the Census whether they vote or not.

      Pumping up the population of liberal urban and inner suburban Congressional districts with illegal aliens mans that the residents of those districts who are legally allowed to vote have their votes amplified compared to exurban and rural areas with few illegal aliens.

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        All the ways on the margin Dems have learned to game the system. Far beyond just the dead voting.
        The 2020 election was stolen. Too many statistical anomalies, besides the strange "coincidences" like the Atlanta water pipe or covering windows in Michigan and late night deliveries of "ballots."
        Why do Dems have a whole lawfare system designed to make the vote less secure? How come I need to show an ID to fly, but not to vote? To enter a Federal Courthouse?
        How come we can't have real audits?
        If you are the beneficiary of a trust, and you accuse the fiduciary of stealing from you, what is the first thing the honest fiduciary does?
        So how come all of the fiduciaries of our votes don't immediately open the books and instead spend millions to prevent an honest look?
        Better yet, ask this one question of any Dem, is it wrong to cheat in elections? You will never get a straight answer. You will get the party line of Republicans suppressing the vote (enjoy the racism in Dems saying blacks can't get ID!), but never a straight answer.
        Here's my answer – it is wrong to cheat in elections. See how simple that is?

      2. Wahoo'74 Avatar


      3. Not Today Avatar
        Not Today

        That knife cuts both ways. Ever been to a rural meat, poultry, or veg processing plant? There be your immigrants.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          farm labor, field workers, harvesting, housekeepers, roofers, etc. working for sub-standard wages that they cannot complain about….

          best of all worlds. Cheap Labor, collect sales taxes, property taxes, FICA taxes….while they remain second class citizens working in a shadow economy, and demonized for elections.

      4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        ☝️Conservative argues for taxation with no representation…

  3. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Shades of Edwards/Duke in Cajun Country
    Vote for the Convicted Felon
    Not the Unindicted Traitor
    It's Important

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    They’re still better voters than your candidates. Democrat voters maybe felons, but the Republican presidential candidate is too.

    It’s along the lines of “I’d rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.”

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      Make some of those voters candidates if you don't want Trump as president again. Going after him instead of fielding a real candidate to oppose him is barking up the wrong tree. There's still time, don't waste it.

    2. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      So how do you explain Biden?
      Looks like a frontal and rear and side lobotomy.
      Yeah, leader of the Free World. Our enemies fear and respect him.
      Did you get a good price for your soul, or trade it for a bowl of stew?

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Did you know that brain cells don’t replace themselves?

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Did you know that brain cells don’t replace themselves?

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          Biden makes that clear every day. Please, pretty please, find a real candidate.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Last 4 years bin berry, berry good to me.

          2. Lefty665 Avatar

            That's a pretty selfish view as well as remarkably short sighted. Have you no concern for the other 90% of the country or the world for that matter?

            If you want more Trump, keep pushing Biden & Giggles and you'll get it. The Dems need to nominate an actual candidate. There's still time, please.

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            That’s the American view. Why do you think this blog exists? “DE&I does nothing for me”, “Renewable energy does nothing for me”, “Confederate statues and flags do”….

          4. Lefty665 Avatar

            Please work to help the Dems nominate an actual candidate. I don't want another Trump administration, but that's what we're going to get if demented old Joe and Giggles are the alternative.

          5. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            C’mon, be honest, Gore & Bush? When was the last time you were enthusiastic?

          6. Lefty665 Avatar

            Hey, as part of the Party we (wife and I) helped turn Virginia blue in 2008. We were enthusiastic about that (plus McCain was scary – talk about severe PTSD) until we realized that the campaign of "Change" turned into government of "Same" and that ran us out of the Party. In '06 we were enthusiastic about helping Webb beat Allen. Drinking beer with Webb was fun too. I voted for Perot in '96, that was pleasing, and I liked Jimmy Carter. Kennedy's inauguration was really cold and snowy, but I was enthusiastic to be there.

            As underwhelming as many of the candidates have been none have ever before demonstrated they were senile demented. Biden is unique in that.

            Please Dems save the country from Trump by nominating an actual candidate. There is still time before the convention.

          7. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            My $1 to your $0.1, it’s Parkinson’s. It’s the gait. It’s the type that retards motor reaction. In the past 10 years, I’ve watched two friends with it. It’s really random in how it progresses and rarely causes problems with mental acuity. It’s far worse. It walls you in.

          8. Lefty665 Avatar

            My Dad had a variation that was heartbreaking to watch progress.

            He took about 7 years to go from a profoundly competent EE to unable to form a sentence. It was variously diagnosed as non palsy Parkinson's and Progressive Supranuclear Palsy.

            The gait, the hoarseness, the mumbling, the whispering, the vacant confusion and disorientation from time and place in Biden is eerily familiar and sends chills down my spine as I watch it progressing in him.

            For his sake and ours let him go sit on the beach for the next couple of years as he finishes devolving. He is profoundly incapable of being president. That endangers the entire world as well as being cruel to him.

            On a practical level, as Biden's current trip to Europe has demonstrated, he is unsafe in public. He has a presidential campaign to run for the next 4+ months. That will require constant public appearances which will put a spotlight on every dysfunction. A basement campaign that keeps him out of sight except for carefully scripted appearances as with Covid in '20 won't work. The degeneration was well under way then, and it's had 3 1/2 years to progress since.

            The country understands what's happening with Biden so, despite all his own baggage, Trump's lead will increase. We narrowly got Biden in '20 because he was not Trump. The reverse will be true this year. My dollar to your dime.

            The Dems still have a chance to rescue the country. Thank Joe for being a bridge to the future, send him (and Giggles) to the beach and nominate a real candidate.

          9. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            “ Trump’s lead will increase.” Nah. He will fade from here even against Joe. The next four will be fine. Joe and gang won’t do anything drastic and things will cook along nicely. “It’s the economy, stupid.” Always was, always will be.

          10. Lefty665 Avatar

            Our views vary. I'll take my dollar against your dime, but not because I like the prospects of another Trump administration.

            Joe and his gang of second rate Obama/Clinton retreads have already done far too many drastic things. They have not corrected their course, in fact they have doubled down on their mistakes. It started with Identity Politics, the payoff of picking Giggles as a reward for SC black Dems saving Joe from Bernie, the debacle in Afghanistan once in office and has gone down hill from there.

            Obama was right with "Never underestimate Joe's ability to f*** things up", and that was from a time when Joe had something that passed for a brain.

            You are right, it is indeed the economy, stupid. The rate of inflation may be slowing, but prices are not coming down as Joe has been touting (nor is deflation good, although that is a different topic). Wages have not kept up with prices.

            Most of the country, although not many of us here in the peanut gallery of BR, is worse off then it was 4 years ago.

            Credit card debt is at record level, interest rates are up. People are buying groceries and gas on credit cards whose outstanding balances are increasing. Each month people are further in the hole. Job gains are mostly part time with increasing numbers of people holding several of them to make ends meet. 10M illegals who work cheap depress wages for legitimate workers.

            Although they seem mystified, those are the reasons Biden is not getting much credit for Bidenomics and this "wonderful" economy. Inflation was not over 9% when Joe took office, no matter how often he says it.

            Cannibals cooking the BLS numbers like they did Joe's uncle doesn't actually make things better, but those are also stories for another day.

            Please, pretty please, encourage your party to nominate an actual candidate. We will all be better off. There's still time.

          11. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Who? Mayor Pete? I think he’d be great, but won’t stand a chance.

          12. Lefty665 Avatar

            That is the next problem, Dems have spent the last 30 years not building much of a bench. Not that the Repubs have done a lot better…

          13. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Good news, whatever bench the Republicans had have all disqualified themselves over trump.

          14. Lefty665 Avatar

            Doesn't matter this year, they're stuck with Trump, and by '28 it'll be old news. Dems OTOH still have a chance to rescue this year, please.

          15. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Best I can do for you is a clothes pin.

          16. Lefty665 Avatar

            Thanks, no matter what happens we're going to need one.

          17. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “The rate of inflation may be slowing…”

            It was zero in May 🤷‍♂️

            “…but prices are not coming down…”

            All other factors being equal, the only way prices can come down is through deflation. You think the Biden administration should pursue a deflationary strategy…? I think not…

          18. Lefty665 Avatar

            C'mon troll you know better. It was zero change from last month, not actually zero.

            I've also said several times that deflation is something we don't want. Deflation is another of Biden's delusions that make folks laugh at him.

            Sorta sad when you're reduced to making stuff up.

            Dems, please, please give us a candidate.

          19. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            See below… The CPI is the consumer price index… a 0.0 change in the CPI means that it did not change for that month and for that month inflation was 0.0… actually zero.. I made nothing up, you are simply wrong. If you want consumer prices to drop, you would need a negative change in the CPI and that would indeed be deflation.. Biden understands this… Trump certainly does not… I will stick with Biden..

          20. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            You first…

          21. Lefty665 Avatar

            The Repubs are stuck with Trump, but the Dems still have a chance to come to their senses, retire demented Joe & Giggles and nominate actual candidates. If y'all don't it's another 4 years of Trump. Denial is not your friend.

            My choice is neither Biden or Trump. Expect I'll be voting 3rd party again this year. There are now more of us Indys than either Repubs or Dems. One of these elections there's hope that will change politics.

          22. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “The Repubs are stuck with Trump…”

            Hmmm… why is that? Your argument would have more validity if you were even remotely willing at placing the blame for the Trump threat at the feet of the people who actually voted for him. Alas, that doesn’t seem to be your intention at all…

          23. Lefty665 Avatar

            The Repubs are stuck with Trump because he is dominant in the party. Despite all the unattractive things he is, he is not soft in the head like old Joe.

            The blame for Trump goes back a long ways, to the Dems kicking their New Deal working class populist base to the curb in the '70s after 40 years of rule.

            Although it is not a natural match for the Repubs, Reagan first, then Trump picked up that constituency. That is what carried Trump into office in '16. Plus, he was not Hillary which was profound too.

            The Dems subsequent doubling down on Identity Politics and other foolishness like forcing EVs and not understanding the impact of inflation on most of the country has further alienated that constituency.

            We got Biden in '20 because he was not Trump. People were tired of the constant drama and turmoil.

            This year will reverse, the country will not re-elect someone with obvious and worsening senile dementia, his buddy Giggles and narrow identity politics. Biden is no longer a less unattractive alternative to Trump.

            The Dems still have a chance to retire Joe & Giggles and nominate a real candidate. Unless of course they're really longing for another 4 years of Trump, or their TDS is so profound it has blinded them.

            My intention is simple, and clear, to encourage Dems to put their efforts behind selecting a non-demented candidate who has a chance of winning in November.

            But, if your preference is to deny old Joe's obvious dementia and to continue poking at Trump's warts instead, have at it. You will have 4 years to regret your choices. It's a free country. Take your pick.

          24. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “…he is not soft in the head….”

            He most certainly is… absolutely no question.

            I and my party are perfect happy with Biden. I hope you will at least be pleased when he beats Trump yet again.

          25. Lefty665 Avatar

            Dream on. Trump has a skiffle full of issues, most profoundly pathological narcissism that drives many of the others. But, he is not soft in the head. Biden is soft in the head.

            No, I would not be pleased if a senile demented candidate prevails in any election.

            Wake up. If you look around you will see an increasing portion of your party is horrified at what they are seeing with Biden's candidacy.

            Trump's lead is larger now than it was when he was convicted of 34 felonies. There is a message in those numbers.

            As Biden was fond of saying, "Don't compare me to the Almighty, compare me to my opposition". The country has done that and it unsurprisingly prefers drama and chaos to senile dementia in the oval office.

            Your party can still do the country and the world a favor. Retire Joe & Giggles to the beach and nominate a real candidate.

        2. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          Well, it’s not like Joe Biden had that many brain cells to begin with, but that is a rational explanation.

        3. CJBova Avatar

          NN: “When adult brain cells are injured, they revert to an embryonic state, according to new findings published in the April 15, 2020 issue of Nature by researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine, with colleagues elsewhere. The scientists report that in their newly adopted immature state, the cells become capable of re-growing new connections that, under the right conditions, can help to restore lost function.”

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Injured, not dead.

          2. Lefty665 Avatar

            Precisely, and demented old Joe's are dead and more dying by the day. Show some empathy, let him retire to the beach and nominate a real candidate.

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            It’s a fair contest. Either way, you’re going to put an 81-year old man in office, and to date, Trump has not demonstrated an iota more mental acuity.

    3. Lefty665 Avatar

      Make some of those voters candidates if you don't want Trump as president again. Going after him instead of fielding a real candidate to oppose him is barking up the wrong tree. There's still time, don't waste it.

  5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Every convicted felon, D or R or I: “Why is he not in jail…?”

  6. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    I miss Reed. His long rants were far more entertaining. Wonder what happened to Mr. Reed?

  7. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    No logic to suspend the Right to Vote in the first place. It’s an anathema to our raison d’etre, representation, taxes and all that rot. Even a Death Row prisoner would pay taxes on gedunks.

    Denying the right to a firearm, after discharging their sentences, makes no sense either. As G. Gordon Liddy famously quipped, “It’s not mine. It belongs to the wife. I’m just carrying it because it’s heavy.”

  8. Please name for me one Black person who was convicted of 34 felonies yet who remains free to play golf, travel around the country, and daily attack the judge and jury who convicted him.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Every accusation is a confession with the Trump Republicans.

  9. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Whose voters?

    uh yep, and Trump says he’s their people now.

    “I got indicted for nothing, for something that is nothing,” Trump told a black-tie event for Black conservatives in South Carolina ahead of Saturday’s Republican primary. “And a lot of people said that’s why the Black people like me, because they have been hurt so badly and discriminated against, and they actually viewed me as I’m being discriminated against. It’s been pretty amazing but possibly, maybe, there’s something there.”

    Courting the mugshot vote…

  10. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Whose voters?

    uh yep, and Trump says he’s their people now.

    “I got indicted for nothing, for something that is nothing,” Trump told a black-tie event for Black conservatives in South Carolina ahead of Saturday’s Republican primary. “And a lot of people said that’s why the Black people like me, because they have been hurt so badly and discriminated against, and they actually viewed me as I’m being discriminated against. It’s been pretty amazing but possibly, maybe, there’s something there.”

    Courting the mugshot vote…

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