Cao Sweeps the GOP Primary… Almost

by James A. Bacon

Hung Cao won the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate yesterday by an overwhelming margin, collecting nearly 62% of the votes in a five-man race. Scott Parkinson trailed in the No. 2 position at 11%.

Cao could almost claim a sweep. He reaped a majority of votes in every locality but one. In the small Southside city of Emporia, Eddie Garcia squeaked out a plurality of 33% (see map above).

The media made much of Cao’s comment about it not being worth the trouble to travel to Abingdon for a debate, but the remark didn’t appear to hurt him. He carried Washington County where Abingdon is the county seat with 54% of the vote. Admittedly, that was lower than his statewide average but, then, so was his showing throughout much of rural Virginia. He racked up his biggest margins in Northern Virginia and the big metro suburbs.

And therein lies an interesting angle as we handicap Hung’s odds of success against popular incumbent Tim Kaine.

Speaking on the John Reid Show (WRVA radio) this morning, Cao said he is confident he can win a majority of votes south of the Rappahannock. Any successful Republican candidate would have to do the same. Kaine will carry the Democratic stronghold of Northern Virginia, that is a given. The key to Republican success is limiting the losses there while maximizing downstate votes. Cao is under no illusion that he can win Northern Virginia, but he thinks he can perform well.

A Vietnamese refugee who settled with his family in Northern Virginia, Cao attended the Thomas Jefferson High School of Science and Technology before going on to the Naval Academy and serving in the special forces in Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia. He lives in the town of Purcellville in Loudoun County. Running in 2022 against Jennifer Wexton, he tallied a respectable 47% of the vote in the Democratic-leaning 10th congressional district.

This time around Cao ran exceptionally well in Northern Virginia. In Loudoun County, he carried almost 80% of the GOP primary vote. Loudoun is his hometown, to be sure. But in neighboring Prince William County, he nailed down 77% of the vote, and 67% in Fairfax County. He was relatively weaker (or his opponents were stronger) downstate.

But so what? Cao consistently tallied 60% to 70% of the primary ballots in vote-rich Virginia Beach, Chesterfield and Henrico. And where else are GOP voters in deep-red districts going to go? Is any MAGA voter going to spurn Cao, whom former President Trump endorsed, because he was too busy to drive to Abingdon to debate an opponent and referred to the Staunton News Leader as a “podunk” newspaper?

Apparently Kaine thinks so. In an ad released after Cao’s victory was announced, Kaine said, “Staunton isn’t podunk! We spent our honeymoon here.”

Cao didn’t call Staunton podunk. He used the pejorative to describe the local newspaper…. which is a fair characterization.

Referring to Cao’s statement that it was “ridonkulous” to drive five hours from Purcellville to Abingdon for a debate, Kaine said, “Abingdon isn’t ridonkulous! My wife’s aunt lived there.”

Of course, Cao didn’t call Abingdon ridonkulous. He called driving five hours to a debate there a ridonkulous use of his time.

The misrepresentations in the ad do not reflect well on Kaine. The Senator would do better tying Cao to Trump, who is widely unpopular in Virginia despite polls showing him running neck-and-neck with President Biden (who happens to be equally unpopular). Given the fact that Trump and Biden are widely disliked in the Old Dominion, we can expect both Cao and Kaine to attack the other through their presidential proxies.

We can also expect the media to lap up the name-calling like thirsty dogs.

That would be a travesty, given the fact the massive threats the U.S. faces: mob rule, elite lawfare, persistent inflation, spreading social disorder, disintegrating borders, massive structural deficits and a metastasizing national debt, and aggression of autocrats abroad. Maybe, just maybe, the Senate race will provide a forum for Cao and Kaine to talk about issues that matter. We can always hope.

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32 responses to “Cao Sweeps the GOP Primary… Almost”

  1. DJRippert Avatar

    What if the Virginia Republican Party offers a trade with the Maryland Republican Party? Larry Hogan for Hung Cao.

    I like Hung Cao but he's too far to the right to beat Kaine statewide.

    1. Teddy007 Avatar

      Cao has zero political instincts whereas Hogan does.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Hogan ran for office twice, losing twice before becoming the Secretary of Appointments in Maryland's Erlich Administration. He then ran and won two terms as Maryland's governor.

        I'd say Hogan has considerable political instincts.

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          He has demonstrated a pretty good learning curve.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      No question that Cao is trying to do what Youngkin did. Can he win swing votes in the suburban areas, including women?

      I'm thinking if Youngkin ran again, he may have trouble winning the same suburban women he won the first go around.

      Trump and the Va GOP think Virginia is "in play" and might ask will Cao help Trump or the other way around?

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Youngkin ran for governor which means there was no sitting incumbent running against him. Cao is running against a long time incumbent.

        Would Youngkin win if he ran again? Ran for what and against whom?

        Youngkin is still very popular in Virginia.

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          And T-Mac still not all that popular. 🙂 Yep, it would depend as DJ says…

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            I mostly concur but I wonder if the abortion issue is a reasonable proxy this go around. If T-Mac ran against Youngkin with the abortion issue in play?

          2. Lefty665 Avatar

            "And T-Mac still not all that popular. :)"

            and as Doug Wilder observed about Ollie North "and with good cause".

  2. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Yes, he called the Staunton News-Leader "podunk," not the lovely small city. He did it to distract from the apparently quite true story in that paper that Cao solicited money to help 2023 GOP candidates, then spent it all on himself instead and nothing went to legislative races. Eventually Kaine will be more focused on that. Whatever. Cao will trail Trump's totals in the state, and Kaine will exceed Biden's. If Trump does win the state, he might pull Cao across, but only if he wins comfortably. It is not that Trump is doing so well in Virginia but that Biden is so weak, which will not translate to Kaine.

    All seem to forget the nuclear power of the abortion issue which is still front and center for huge numbers of voters, and is now going to be supplemented by the Democrat posturing on "contraception," by which they really mean chemical abortion of course. The bill Youngkin vetoed was about the post-conception means of ending a fetus, the abortion drugs, not rubbers or the pill.

    The GOP turnout for the Senate primary was beyond embarrassing, and it would be a compliment to call it anemic. It was a symptom of near death. In my precinct of 2500+, only 110 voted in person.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      The problem with this year's election for me is simple. This time I do not have a lesser of two evils to choose from. Obiden and company have already won.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      re: " The bill Youngkin vetoed was about the post-conception means of ending a fetus, not rubbers or the pill."

      is that "pill" for all trimesters ?

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        As I recall we are talking about a pill for the first 10 weeks, not just the morning after. The Virginia Democratic bill was also a trial lawyer's dream (new cause of action) and could have allowed a minor to get the medical abortion drugs without parental involvement, but the Republicans are not really trying to defend their reasons for opposing it. Silence is the wrong tactic….

      2. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        As I recall we are talking about a pill for the first 10 weeks, not just the morning after. The Virginia Democratic bill was also a trial lawyer's dream (new cause of action) and could have allowed a minor to get the medical abortion drugs without parental involvement, but the Republicans are not really trying to defend their reasons for opposing it. Silence is the wrong tactic….

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Well… "messaging" is a mistaken idea also unless they are going to be explicit and even then there is a trust issue… especially with suburban women…

    3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      The problem with this year's election for me is simple. This time I do not have a lesser of two evils to choose from. Obiden and company have already won.

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        What do you mean you don't want to debate the relative demerits of senile dementia and pathological narcissism?

      2. Lefty665 Avatar

        What do you mean you don't want to fall into the trap of debating the relative demerits of senile dementia and pathological narcissism?

        ps: nice rogues gallery!

        1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          This must be how voters felt in 1856 when you only had 3 bums to pick from.

  3. Randy Huffman Avatar
    Randy Huffman

    I have no idea why Kaine would be viewed as that popular. So he ran for VP with Hillary, what else has he done in his 12 years of office that noteworthy? Some say Cao is too conservative, but Kaine votes liberal, he is no moderate (I have seen articles claiming it both ways).

    So yes, lets focus on the issues. For one, Kaine was elected Senator and took office in January 2013, the National Debt was $17 Trillion. Now its double that, and exponentially exploding, all while he was in office, all the time he had a vote to put a check on spending, or increase taxes if that was what he wanted to do. For four years he was a Senator under a Republican President (Trump), and eight years under a Democrat, the whole time deficits were massive and kept growing. What has Kaine done to keep our deficits and growing debt in check, other then blame Republican at convenient opportunities?

      1. Randy Huffman Avatar
        Randy Huffman

        You and I can bicker all day long, and I am happy to engage at times, but your off point.

        My question, what has Kaine done to keep deficits in check? What legislation has he introduced, what votes has he made other then to say no to tax cuts when Trump was President . Did he ever say no when Obama and Biden called on him for massive spending? Did he introduce a bill to raise taxes when Biden took office, why not? Kaine is a person who actually could have done something, yet the debt doubled under his watch.

        Does he deserve 6 more years? I say no.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Kaine voted against the Trump tax cuts. He can't do anything about the budget if he votes against it and Trump signs it.

          I think you're on a wrong path if you want to attack

          You need a better/stronger point than the deficit given that Trump and the GOP voted big time for deficits and saying Kaine should have stopped it is pretty lame.

          And we ain't even got to the abortion thing yet!

          But yes, we can "bicker" and stay civil.. kinda novel for at least some conservatives in BR! So Thanks!

        2. LarrytheG Avatar

          Kaine voted against the Trump tax cuts. He can't do anything about the budget if he votes against it and Trump signs it.

          I think you're on a wrong path if you want to attack

          You need a better/stronger point than the deficit given that Trump and the GOP voted big time for deficits and saying Kaine should have stopped it is pretty lame.

          And we ain't even got to the abortion thing yet!

          But yes, we can "bicker" and stay civil.. kinda novel for at least some conservatives in BR! So Thanks!

          1. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            You can blame Trump and GOP for all the deficits, but anybody who is following this knows better, so I will not repeat what I have outlined in prior threads.

            Back to my point. Kaine could have voted no massive spending but instead he embraced them, calling me lame for pointing this out doesn’t change the facts. Kaine represents everything that is wrong in the US Senate, and he is a part of the problem. I have no idea what he has done while in office to make a difference.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            The simple reality is that Trump and the GOP DID blow up the deficit! Kaine was one vote in a sea of GOP votes that did very much vote to do tax cuts and stimulus checks. Kaine is also a war hawk on Ukraine while some of the GOP want to cut and run. You’re looking at this as a conservative and understandably so… but to beat Kaine, you’ll need something “believable” (the deficit thing is not) that will switch a vote for Kaine to one for Cao! Find some things that Kaine has done or not done that will switch votes so Cao wins!

          3. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            So you say Trump and GOP blew up the deficit, that is not the reality. In January 2021 after Biden took office, Kaine and Democrats could have reversed the Trump era tax cuts, they chose not to. Instead, the House introduced Build back Better, a monstrosity that could not pass because of Joe Manchin, not Kaine.


            Finally, the Inflation Reduction Act passed, which still added Billions in spending.


            Republicans said no to all of this, Biden opened up the borders and let millions in which is straining all of our resources. And you say the GOP is responsible for the deficits? Really?

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            This is true. Did it increase the deficit? The GOP has no issue with immigration since they voted against a major bill that even their own fellow elected supported before Trump killed it. Yes,, the GOP IS responsible for creating the deficits, clearly and the Dems did nothing to fix them – also true. But again, you will vote no matter what and so will I – how will you get more votes – enough to beat Kaine? Good Luck but I’m sure some issues will surface.

          5. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            The border mess was created by Biden, you think a new law would have made a difference?

            Even Lankford essentially said that the second time Schumer tired to take a vote. ” But even Republicans who supported the deal last time around — including Lankford — lambasted Senate Democrats for putting the bill on the floor. They dubbed it a blatant campaign messaging tactic and have called on Biden to use his executive powers,”


            You realize the House had passed a border bill in mid 2023 that the Senate never took up?

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            Well, I think the GOP will have some trouble making it an issue beyond their own base- i.e. get votes beyond their base.

            Most folks middle and left do want something done but it’s not Kaine in the way…

            So, you think the deficit and immigration are the issues that Kaine is vulnerable on to swing voters?

          7. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            To be clear, on deficits and immigration, my view is both parties failed us, but I put more blame on Democrats (so we disagree). I am a fiscal conservative, accordingly I wouldn’t vote for Kaine, ever.

            As to swing voters, my point is what has Kaine done for the Country, or Virginians? He is viewed as popular, why? In my view, he is just another politician. Kaine had his 2 terms and never made a difference (except for being a reliable vote with his leadership). Lets go with Cao, a veteran, a Vietnamese refugee from the mid 70’s, thus someone who knows the communism first hand. A fresh face with a good background.

          8. LarrytheG Avatar

            What has Kaine done for Virginia?
            Not what the GOP has done or promises to do!

            I think when they ask Cao what he would do about immigration, his answer will probably be what hard liners want and he’ll lose on that in Virginia.

            Ditto with abortion.

            I suspect if you ask him what to do about the deficit – he’ll handwave or talk about Medicare or Social Security which will kill him if he does.

            I think to beat Kaine, you have to show he voted out of step with Virginians AND that Cao will vote the right way.

            I just don’t see it right now.

            I’m thinking that Cao could blow himself up if not careful with his rhetoric.

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