Can We Call This a Statistical Sex Change Operation?

The number of Virginians who have changed the sex listed on their birth certificate increased from 166 during fiscal year 2020 to 275 in fiscal year 2021 and 384 in fiscal year 2022, according to Virginia Department of Health Director of Communications Maria Reppas.

By my count, that’s 825 so far.

The registrations follow a 2020 law that streamlined the process for people to change their birth certificates with the state registrar.

“When many LGBTQ folks are looking to move from less restricted states to states that offer more protections and safety, Virginia is one of the states that people are looking at,” Narissa Rahaman, executive director of Equality Virginia, told the Virginia Mercury.  “We are a beacon of hope for many around the country, but especially in the South, and we should do our part to remain that way.”

Hmmm…. If the law allows trans people to change their Virginia birth certificates, how does that make Virginia more inviting to people moving here from other states? Just asking.

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8 responses to “Can We Call This a Statistical Sex Change Operation?”

  1. Nathan Avatar

    “Hmmm…. If the law allows trans people to change their Virginia birth certificates, how does that make Virginia more inviting to people moving here from other states? Just asking.”

    If birth certificates are malleable, then maybe people will want to change their place of birth too.

    1. And their age…… biology is now editable

    2. And their age…… biology is now editable

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        I am filling out the paperwork now. Changing my age to ageless.

  2. Lefty665 Avatar

    Perhaps if people identify as Virginians they should be entitled to birth certificates identified as Virginia birth certificates?

  3. Nathan Avatar

    So what happens if DNA found at a crime scene indicates the perpetrator was a male for example? Should law enforcement disregard that when looking at potential suspects, since someone male at birth may now be a female?

    Do government records show that a change was made to the birth certificate, and when? Is this information readily available to law enforcement?

    As mentioned before, what gender will be used in FBI crime statistics for transgender perpetrators and victims? Should those who have transitioned get an asterisk?

    If Virginians can change their birth certificate when they transition, will Virginia also permit de-tranitioners to change their birth certificate back? If that hasn’t come up yet, it surely will. We should be prepared.

    1. WayneS Avatar

      You make an excellent point. Somewhere, somehow, accurate records need to be kept of the biological sex of individuals who undergo ‘gender transition’ and/or change the ‘gender’ on their birth certificates.

  4. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

    While the event occurred in Minnesota many years ago, could my brother, who, as a young child, truly wanted to be a dog, change his genus and species to Canus lupis, had he kept this desire as he grew up?

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