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Bwana Books

In case you missed it, Bwana over at Renaissance Ruminations has launched his “Fall 2006 Virginia Blogosphere Book Fair.” It’s fun — go visit. See what other bloggers are reading.

I was astounded to see that the person whose reading list most closely replicates my own is Lowell Feld at Raising Kaine. Of all people! If I’d listed more than my current reading list, I would have added several of the same books, including: “The World Is Flat,” “Freakonomics,” “Guns, Germs and Steel,” “Collapse” and “Blink.” Who needs to see what people like me are reading. I’ll just start reading Lowell’s recommendations!

To see what other bloggers are reading, click here.

To see Bwana’s Virginia history and politics list, click here.

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