Buy “Boomergeddon” Now

It’s only 2-3 weeks before the “Boomergeddon” publication date. If you pre-order your copy now, will give you a discounted price — $10.08, or half the list price. (For those who have pre-ordered already, will honor the lower price.)

If you’re not quite ready to make that big $10 investment, you can download and read this free sample, which includes the Table of Contents and the Introduction.
Boomergeddon is coming, baby. The big question is, how unprepared will you be?

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8 responses to “Buy “Boomergeddon” Now”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    When will it be in my local library?

    Fiscal Conservative

  2. James A. Bacon Avatar
    James A. Bacon

    When you ask your librarian to buy it!

    In all seriousness, it's up to individual libraries. The publisher will send out copies to the people who review books for librarians. If they like it, libraries will buy it.

  3. Gooze Views Avatar
    Gooze Views

    But suppose the libraries are having budget cuts as you advocate in your book?

    We don't want to blow out the budget and have deficits, right?


  4. Groveton Avatar


    I read the introduction. Wow! I hope the whole book is as aggressive and engaging as the introduction.

    I will pre-order when I get the chance.

    Meanwhile, the Obamas continue to make me want to barf. The phoney baloneys talk about everybody making sacrifices and then spend weeks on vacation. I guess Barack had to cancel his daily tee times at Andrews AFB while he was vacationing in Maine before his wife, Marie Antionette, went off to Spain to burn money. It seems the Material Girl took Air Force Two over to southern Spain to spend some time in a $2,500 per night hotel with 30 – 40 of her closest friends. Her taxpayer – funded security entourage? Estimated to be 70 Secret Service agents.

    I guess a vacation in the United States would be too much to ask of that spendthrift jack-wagon.

    Note to Clown-bamas: You are a pair of useless, failed community organizers. Your brief (but very painful to Americans) moment in the spotlight will come to an end with the 2012 elections. Then, you can join Blago and the other Chicago pond scum politicians hanging out on Oak Street Beach (or, if we're really lucky, in the state prison system).

    God, they are disgusting!

  5. Anonymous Avatar


    You should really avoid posting comments after you have been drinking.

    Many know who you are and this will come back to haunt you even if you feel you are well set for now.

    A Friend

  6. Groveton:

    Tell us how you really feel.

    I agree 70 people for a security detail seems extravagant, but does she have any choice in that? Wouldn't it be the same cost no matter which party in power takes a trip?

    They are going to be with her no matter what, although some are detailed to guard the airplane, not her.

    Maybe you should write a book: you could call it Oboomergeddon.

  7. Groveton Avatar

    A Friend:

    I'll take my chances. I'll also guarantee that I would have been much more profane if I had been drinking. Check back later tonight for proof. Today I saw a picture of the first dog walking up the steps of Air Force Two.

    I guess a kennel would have been out of the question.

    This is the same couple who said they wanted their children to live normal lives as far from the glamor and spotlight as possible.

    Did you spend a lot of teenage vacations in $2,500 hotel rooms in southern Spain while Mom hung out with 30 – 40 friends?

  8. Groveton Avatar

    Hey "A Friend" –

    I was just reaching for a chilly one when I cam across this …

    A six mile chopper ride to talk about the economy?

    Will the "thought police" come get me if I write that I think that's absurd?

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