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Business as Usual in the Virginia Senate – “Dominion Dick” Saslaw Delivers

Sen. Dick Saslaw (D)

by James C. Sherlock

Associate Press headline Feb. 15: 

“Virginia Senate Democrats kill electric rate reform bills.”

Fish gotta swim, Senator Richard L. “Dominion Dick” Saslaw gotta be Senate Majority Leader and Chairman of the Virginia Senate Commerce and Labor Committee.

Saslaw has received nearly a half million dollars in campaign donations from Dominion Energy and its previous CEO, Thomas Farrell. The Chairman literally would be cheap at ten times the price.

From the AP:

“The Senate Commerce and Labor Committee on Monday swiftly killed the last of more than half a dozen bills this session that aimed to reform Virginia’s system of electric utility rate review, which is seen by Wall Street investors as favorable to the utilities and by critics as an example of legislative capture by companies with an outsize influence over the General Assembly.”

Dominion sweeping all before it actually gives some sense of stability to the General Assembly.

Below is a list of campaign donations by Dominion Energy and Tom Farrell to the Senators who voted with Dominion on the closest vote, 8-7 to table Virginia HB1132 Electric utility regulation; initial triennial review, requirements, sponsored by Del. Jay Jones (D).

*Top Donor

No word on the position of Ralph Northam ($316,751 from Dominion Energy, $21,000 from Tom Farrell) on these bills.

Nothing to see here other than the usual auctioning of votes to the highest bidder.

Dominion has narrowly focused interests and deep pockets, so it literally doesn’t ask for much in the way of support to its position in the few bills that arise every session that affect its interests.

But if readers think businesses like Dominion are the highest bidders behind much of the legislation being pushed through the General Assembly, they should check it out at

The progressive left, both organizations and individual donors, has invested massively in General Assembly Democrats.  The top donors (VPAP) to Virginia politicians in 2020-2021:

And they are reaping a bumper harvest.

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