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Bringing Light to a World in Darkness

The July 16, 2007, edition of Bacon’s Rebellion is now online, once again inflicting reason upon the irrational, logic upon the illogical, and facts upon the uninformed. To view the edition, click here. To make get a free subscription and ensure you never miss a future issue, click here.

This week’s commentary includes:

The Next Transportation Crisis
The federal highway trust fund has blown through its cash balance, and gasoline tax receipts are down. In the years ahead Virginia will be hard pressed to make up the difference.
by James A. Bacon

All in a Night’s Work
The Northern Virginia Transportation Authority is gaining respect with its business-like approach.
by Doug Koelemay

How About Sustainable Logic?
In the community of people who think seriously about economic development and the natural environment, “sustainable” has a specific meaning. In Virginia, that meaning has been corrupted by loose usage.
by EM Risse

Recreo Lectio!
The Harry Potter books have done what a nation of parents backed by an army of educators could not do: Inspire a revival of reading among young children.
by Chris Braunlich

A String of Fish
An assortment of political observations as varied as catfish and trout, bass and shad…
by James Atticus Bowden

The Politician Surplus
George Allen, Mark Warner and possibly even Jim Gilmore could be eyeing a race for governor in 2009. Virginians would be better off with fresh faces and fresh ideas.
By Norman Leahy

FOIA Fiddle-Faddle
Not all publicly funded organizations are public bodies. Student governments should not be subject to the Freedom of Information Act — but they should practice good government.
by Becky Dale

The Tax Increase That Dares Not Speak Its Name
Abuser fees are needlessly harsh and will be applied inequitably — all because the General Assembly wanted to raise revenue without calling it a tax increase.
by Publius II

The Commonwealth is Flat
Northern Virginia has more work than it can handle, and it makes sense to “outsource” jobs to downstate communities. But someone has to build the broadband connections first.
by Groveton

The Unfair Service Fund
Proposed changes to the federal Universal Service Fund would limit wireless investment in rural Virginia, slowing the deployment of critical broadband access.
by John E. Rooney

Halfway to Healthy
The condition of the James River has improved in recent years, but polluted runoff from farms and asphalt threaten the historic waterway’s continued recovery.
by Bill Street

Nice & Curious Questions
Crossing State Lines: Virginia’s Neighbors
by Edwin S. Clay III and Patricia Bangs

Road to Ruin: Coming to an Interstate Near You
Congestion pricing is coming to Northern Virginia, promising to help with otherwise intractable traffic problems.
by Lyle Solla-Yates

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