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Bowden Pondering Run for Congress

If you’ve been wondering why Bacon’s Rebellion contributor James Atticus Bowden has been missing in action on this blog lately, it’s because he’s become intensely actively engaged in Hampton Roads electoral politics — first as First District Committee chairman of the Republican Party, then as an activist in getting Republicans elected to the General Assembly this fall, and now… (drumroll)… because he is “seriously considering” running for Congress.

Jim announced on his blog, Deo Vindice, two days ago that he had resigned from the first district chairmanship in order to avoid any appearance of conflict between his duties as chairman and a candidacy for the seat left vacant by the death of Rep. Jo Ann Davis.

He would join Davis’ widower, Chuck Davis, and fellow Republican Sherwood Bowditch, in seeking the party nomination, according to Chelyen Davis with the Free Lance-Star.

Bacon’s Rebellion doesn’t endorse candidates (or prospective candidates) — even when they’re columnists and contributors. But I would like to see Jim run: I think he would elevate the level of debate. Jim has been a polarizing figure on this blog, vigorously advancing his strongly held views on politics and culture. One reason I valued his contribution is that he made me look moderate! While I didn’t always agree with him — especially his emphasis on culture-war issues — he always expressed his views thoughtfully and without rancor in the face of withering, and often belligerent, criticism. Further, he based his positions on a coherent set of principles, which he stuck to doggedly.

I wish Jim the best of luck in whatever course he decides to follow.

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