Bowden Pondering Run for Congress

If you’ve been wondering why Bacon’s Rebellion contributor James Atticus Bowden has been missing in action on this blog lately, it’s because he’s become intensely actively engaged in Hampton Roads electoral politics — first as First District Committee chairman of the Republican Party, then as an activist in getting Republicans elected to the General Assembly this fall, and now… (drumroll)… because he is “seriously considering” running for Congress.

Jim announced on his blog, Deo Vindice, two days ago that he had resigned from the first district chairmanship in order to avoid any appearance of conflict between his duties as chairman and a candidacy for the seat left vacant by the death of Rep. Jo Ann Davis.

He would join Davis’ widower, Chuck Davis, and fellow Republican Sherwood Bowditch, in seeking the party nomination, according to Chelyen Davis with the Free Lance-Star.

Bacon’s Rebellion doesn’t endorse candidates (or prospective candidates) — even when they’re columnists and contributors. But I would like to see Jim run: I think he would elevate the level of debate. Jim has been a polarizing figure on this blog, vigorously advancing his strongly held views on politics and culture. One reason I valued his contribution is that he made me look moderate! While I didn’t always agree with him — especially his emphasis on culture-war issues — he always expressed his views thoughtfully and without rancor in the face of withering, and often belligerent, criticism. Further, he based his positions on a coherent set of principles, which he stuck to doggedly.

I wish Jim the best of luck in whatever course he decides to follow.

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11 responses to “Bowden Pondering Run for Congress”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    From what I’ve read of Bowden and his extreme social conservative views, I can only say that I hope the Dems come up with someone to shut him down.

  2. Anonymous Avatar

    And from what I read, which is every word, I can only say, “let them try.” Bowden is poised to be the best candidate for this position irrespective of party lines.

  3. Anonymous Avatar

    … if you happen to be an extremist Republican who holds rigid, government-by-the-party-for-the-party views and believes wedge issues are of paramount importance.

    It sounds like a really good time in Virginia to be one of those kind of candidates (he said with a smirk).

  4. James Atticus Bowden Avatar
    James Atticus Bowden

    Thanks, Jim. I expect a lot more, harsher criticism to come. The good news is that it will consist merely of words.

    I’ve been getting hate mail, false web/blog entries in my name, etc. since I started writing op eds consistently after 9-11.

    I enjoy being called names to the extent that it shows the weakness of the person’s thinking, writing and the overflow of their heart.

  5. Anonymous Avatar

    I’ll tell a gay Virginia resident in a committed relationship that you said so, Mr. Bowden.

    You aren’t already playing the “victim” card, are you? And/or the 9-11 card? Oh, these poor victimized white males.

    Issues? Absolutely. I’m looking forward to the race and the opportunity to have you explain some of the positions you’ve stated here at Bacon’s on the campaign trail.

    Make sure you run in a safe Republican district now.

  6. Anonymous Avatar

    “While I didn’t always agree with him — especially his emphasis on culture-war issues — he always expressed his views thoughtfully and without rancor in the face of withering, and often belligerent, criticism. Further, he based his positions on a coherent set of principles, which he stuck to doggedly.” — Jim Bacon

    This is hardly an argument to make a wingnut a Congressman. I’d hate see him elected and wake up some morning to find that the U.S.A. had transformed into a fascist theocracy where morality cops round up gays and “secular humanists” and we were at war with Iran, North Korea, the European Union and Papua New Guinea.

    Can’t we just make James Atticus Bowden go away?

  7. Anonymous Avatar

    Did I not read that Loudoun County’s own Richard Black has rented a house in Fredericksburg and plans to run in the Elephant Clan primary?

    The “no crazys to the right” aspect of this race should be a hum dinger.

    Anon Zeus

  8. Rtwng Extrmst Avatar
    Rtwng Extrmst

    I heard the same thing about Dick Black.

    I also have heard that Mr. Jost of VCFG is also running.

    Until I read this post though I didn’t realize that the Chairman Jim Bowden of the 1st District was the same as the J.A.B. from Bacon’s Rebellion. Go for it James! You have my support (and I am in your district).

  9. Given the number of republicans who have run for office FROM their chair positions, it is refreshing (but nothing I wouldn’t expect from him) for JAB to have resigned while he was still considering the run.

    If he runs, because Black is in the race, JAB won’t even be the most right-wing person in the race. (I received an e-mail from Black’s campaign about his candidacy, so I presume he is an announced candidate now).

  10. Larry Gross Avatar
    Larry Gross

    Actually I’m waiting to see if Bowden does what many Conservative Republican won’t do – and that is reveal his true self – and run on what his beliefs are and not masquerade as something different.

  11. Groveton Avatar

    Elections should be about choice and JAB provides one clear choice.

    There are certainly alternatives to JAB’s views.

    That’s why I applaud this decision.

    Give people a choice.

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