Boomergeddon Update: Back on Track to Self-Destruction!

by James A. Bacon

It’s been ten years since I published my book, “Boomergeddon,” in which I advanced the argument that the fiscal/monetary system of the United States would collapse into chaos by the late 2020s or so. The nation has continued down the path to perdition, but not at the rate I had expected. I did not anticipate private-sector innovations like fracking, which put an end to fears of “peak oil,” nor did I foresee policy innovations such as Quantitative Easing, which repressed interest rates and bilked lenders and investors (retirees, pension funds) but eased the burden of paying interest on the national debt. And I never imagined that the nation could last a decade without a recession.

Our national leaders did a brilliant job of fighting the last financially-led recession through regulations that strengthened the finances of our biggest banks. But a true “black swan” — a rare and unanticipated event, the COVID-19 epidemic — and the governmental response of shutting down large swaths of the economy are plunging us into a severe downturn that no one saw coming. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that Gross Domestic Product for the 2nd Quarter of 2020 will “decline by at least 7 percent or at least 28 percent at the annualized rate.” Unemployment is spiking, and will likely linger. The CBO expects joblessness to linger around 9 percent through the end of 2021.

Needless to say, a recession of this severity will have devastating impact on federal, state, and local finances. The federal government was already running a $1 trillion-a-year deficit. To that, we can add another $1 trillion or so (the CBO offers no official forecasts) from lost tax revenue, and another $2.3 trillion from the congressional rescue package, and that doesn’t include a second-round package. This year alone, the U.S. will likely add $4 trillion or more to the national debt, which is already approaching $24 trillion. That compares to a $21.4 trillion GDP. By the end of this year, the debt as a ratio of GDP could well stand at 140% — totally uncharted waters.

Congress, President Trump, and the Federal Reserve Bank are going to do whatever they’re going to do, and there is precious little that we, as citizens of Virginia, have to say about it. But we can have some influence over policy decisions in our home state. And the time to begin thinking about the implications of the COVID-19 recession on the fiscal sustainability of state and local governments is now.

There are short-term, intermediate-term, and long-term considerations.

Short-term considerations include:

  • How severe will the recession be in Virginia, and how sharply will it cut into state and local government revenues in the final four months of the 2020 fiscal year? What mid-term corrections must we make in order to balance budgets?
  • What will be the lingering effects of the recession into the next fiscal year (for localities) and on the next biennial budget (for the state)?
  • To what extent will the helicoptering of federal money and massive monetary stimulus counteract the recessionary impact of shutting down much of the economy?

The situation is dynamic, meaning it changes from day to day. Uncertainty reigns. There is no preparing for a disaster of this nature (although Secretary of Finance Aubrey Layne did model a stress test a year-and-a-half ago and concluded that a repeat of a 2008-style recession would result in multi-billion-dollar declines in state revenue for three years running). We must err on the side of caution.

Yesterday, Governor Northam prudently announced that the state would suspend all new spending in the upcoming two-year budget and divert planned deposits into the states’ reserves to pay for essential services in the public-health/economic crisis.

According to the Richmond Times-Dispatch, “the budget strategy will give Northam and the General Assembly time to reassess the economic damage and outlook for future state revenues, as determine how much money the federal government will send to Virginia in emergency stimulus funding, and how the state can spend the money.” The Governor’s Chief of Staff Clark Mercer likened the action to “a great timeout until we get a better idea of what the economy looks like.”

Only time will tell if the response is aggressive enough.

Intermediate-term issues. Once Virginia has dealt with the short-term issues, many will be tempted to stick to the same tax-and-spend course charted by the General Assembly in the 2020 session. But we cannot lose sight of the intermediate-term issues:

  • Virginia Retirement System. First and foremost is the impact on the VRS. Administrators of the system count on generating a 7% annual rate of return over the long run (acknowledging that year-to-year results will fluctuate widely). With the stock market down 25%, and bond prices repressed by Federal Reserve action, and returns on other investment categories jeopardized, it’s safe to say that VRS investments (like those of other government pension funds) will be drastically sub-par this year. Will prudence dictate that state and local governments increase their yearly contributions, and, if so, by how much?
  • Quasi-Government authorities. The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) has suffered a massive loss of ridership and revenue from the stay-at-home orders. The authority is asking for a $50 million bail-out. What are the repercussions on Virginia’s other mass transit agencies? How about the airports authorities and port authority? Housing authorities? Economic development agencies? Will they be asking for bail-outs?
  • State hospitals and higher-ed institutions. Hospitals are hemorrhaging revenues as they turn away elective procedures in order to dedicate themselves to COVID-19 patients. Colleges and universities are refunding students some or all of their tuition. How many of these critical institutions will need bail-outs?

Longer-term issues.

I have posted repeatedly on this blog — much to readers’ boredom, as I gather from the low readership metrics — that Virginia needs to insulate itself from the fiscal and monetary irresponsibility of the federal government. Maybe now that we are collectively experiencing the unthinkable — or what seemed unthinkable two months ago — we may be receptive to the idea that even more unthinkable things could occur in the future.

The thesis of “Boomergeddon” is that the U.S. is headed for a fiscal meltdown due to a structural mismatch between spending and tax revenues. Republicans love cutting taxes and spending money on defense. Democrats dream up a never-ending list of new “needs” that can be addressed only through increased domestic spending. In a nation with divided government and no governing consensus, the pragmatic way for everyone to get what they want is to jack up domestic spending, crank up defense spending, and cut (or refuse to raise) taxes. That political dynamic has not changed one iota in the past ten years. Fiscal responsibility gets lip service, but we’re not at the fiscal precipice yet, so no one is taking the fiscal imbalance seriously.

Back in 2010, I suggested that the U.S. had the wherewithal to survive one more recession like the previous one. The COVID-19 recession is it. We’ll survive this. We’ll muddle through. But we’ll have exhausted our fiscal and monetary ammunition. The U.S. national debt will be so humongous that at some point lenders will stop seeing it as a safe haven, interest rates will rise, and borrowing will become punishingly expensive… Unless the Fed continues to suppress interest rates with unforeseen but massive consequences. One possibility is that the political class, in its desperation, will turn to inflation as a way of whittling down the massive debt… a recipe for stagflation like we experienced in the 1970s. Whatever path is chosen, in the next recession, whether it comes four, five, or ten years from now, the U.S. will have no effective counter-measures. We could very well enter a deleterious spiral that ends in a crash giving new meaning to the phrase “Great Depression.”

When the federal government fails, Virginians will turn to their state government to hold it all together. The question then will be: What condition will our state government be in? Will we be a fiscal basket case like Illinois or Puerto Rico? Or will we have demonstrated the foresight to shore up our fiscal strength and engineer more resilient K-12, higher-ed, healthcare, and transportation institutions?

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10 responses to “Boomergeddon Update: Back on Track to Self-Destruction!”

  1. LarrytheG Avatar

    Dang! not a single pejorative! 😉

    So do you or do you not approve of the Federal helicopter money response?

    It’s nice to talk about what Virginia should do – but how about right now?

    If the goal of the Feds is to shower money and preserve jobs – what should Virginia’s response be? Should it also try to preserve jobs or lower taxes?

    What is NOT inconceivable – is a time when the Federal budget can no longer borrow money cheap. That’s what Conservatives have been warning about for years… that the debt would overwhelm the budget.

    Is that still possible in the near term? or is that just a fiscal boogeyman?

  2. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    LarrytheG. I am shocked, SHOCKED i tell you that there sre no snide, snarky put downs here. Maybe Bacon is trying to set an example!

  3. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    You probably did not count on a tax cut package that would add $2 trillion to the deficit over ten years, either.
    There are a couple of major issues that Congress is going to have to deal with in the near future: Medicare and Social Security.

    At some point, Republicans are going to have to drop their die hard resistance to higher taxes and the ultra-progressive wing of the Democratic party will need to realize they can’t have all the pie-in-the-sky they want. I am not optimistic.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      It’ll be interesting to see if any minds are changed….

  4. Jim Loving Avatar
    Jim Loving

    All good and important questions. I have not read your book, but just read the reviews at Amazon, and I am very familiar with the premise, having followed others saying the same thing for over 10 years (David Stockman, Chris Martenson, others). The issue has been around for longer than 10 years – how about 50, but that does not matter, it is just a small point, but important to recognize that both political parties have failed to address these issues.

    The question you pose – will Virginia “have demonstrated the foresight to shore up our fiscal strength and engineer more resilient K-12, higher-ed, healthcare, and transportation institutions?”, is the right question, but what is the likelihood of bi-partisan support for the realities of coming to grips with this fiscal challenge (along with the other two big ones – energy and environment)?

    I’d say it is less than 50%, and only has that high of odds because of the current pandemic and recession underway – with all the social and economic dislocation that is underway and coming to your community very soon.

    Suggestion – what bi-partisan, Virginia-focused “Think Tanks” exist that could begin to look at existing ideas (they are around, many developed post-2008 since we missed the opportunity with that crisis to make some systemic changes) and address the hard questions to develop position papers with ideas for addressing this.

    But, and I think this is necessary at the federal level in addition to the state and local level – the first thing that could be done is to pass reform legislation to eliminate the corruption inherent in the system. We need to change the metrics for the authorizing environment – the legislators, so that their incentives are not solely political power and lining their own financial interests, but the health and welfare of the citizens of the state and localities that they represent.

  5. djrippert Avatar

    I wondered how long it would take for Jim to dust off Boomergeddon.

    Once upon a time Republicans at least paid lip service to the idea that massive deficit spending and astronomical national debt were bad things. Not anymore. Now it’s Katy bar the door when it comes to running the virtual printing presses as fast as can be imagined.

    It seems to me that if the rate of Nominal Gross Domestic Product growth (NGDP) is higher than the interest rate on the debt then there is no limit to the amount of debt that can be incurred. In fact, fast growing companies often issue a steadily rising level of debt (in absolute terms) as they continue to grow. However, they are proscribed from excessive borrowing by a non-linear risk premium. As debt becomes a larger percentage of assets or revenues the market will start to demand an increasing payment above and beyond the so-called riskless rate. At some point the increase in the risk premium forces the cost of capital above the growth rate for the company and all hell breaks loose.

    The challenge for the United States government is that the interest rate for its debt is the world’s riskless rate. By consensus across financial concerns the return of US Treasuries is the riskless rate. There can be no risk premium. There can only be increases and decreases in the riskless rate of capital.

    This unique situation has long afforded America the ability to grow its economy through borrowed money. But what happens if the US is no longer perceived as the lender that defines the riskless rate? Well, we then start to pay a risk premium to whoever does define the riskless rate. And when that happens? All hell breaks loose. The currency loses value and hyper-inflation ruins the economy perhaps for decades.

    How can Virginia hedge against this possibility? It can’t, at least not with US dollars. However, it could if we were willing to issue our own currency tied to something other than the full faith and credit of the national government. Gold, for example. While it is an extreme thought one way for Virginia to be able to hedge against a failed fiat currency is to have its own real currency.

    While I wouldn’t run out and start issuing Dominion Ducats a case could be made for starting a hurricane day fund to go along with our rainy day fund. The hurricane fund would only hold assets convertible into tangible commodities. If all hell breaks loose then our Dominion Ducats would be convertible against the assets of the hurricane fund.

    Crazy? Maybe. But think about your premise. Excessive debt has destroyed the US financial system and currency. What level of response do you think would be needed to save Virginia? Roll back Medicaid expansion? No. We’d need our own financial system to replace the bankrupt federal financial system.

  6. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Reagan was a Boomer?

  7. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Because of Byrd’s “Pay as you go” Virginia was one of the least devastated States in the Great Depression. Sure, it was the same before, during, and after.

    400 years of tradition unhampered by progress

    1. idiocracy Avatar

      Well, you have to have something to devastate in order to be devastated, don’t you?

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