Boomergeddon Update

In case you are one of those who pre-ordered a copy of Boomergeddon, here’s a status update. A small volume of books was delivered to late last week but they were insufficient to cover the number of preorders, so in the blink of an eye, the book status went from “preorder” to “out of stock.” As a consequence, many people are still waiting for their copy.

We have made another shipment of books to, but the number ordered by the computer is ludicrously small, so it still may be “out of stock” when the books arrive in’s warehouse and are distributed to buyers. Just be patient. This trial by ordeal is common to unknown authors and small publishers. You will get your book.

To keep you amused, I link to a brief profile that Rick Sincere wrote about Boomergeddon and yours truly in the Charlottesville Libertarian Examiner. (Note to self: Make sure you comb your hair before a journalist snaps your photo. Otherwise, your wife may not allow you out in public ever again.)

And here’s a link to an interview by Scott Lee on the Freedom & Prosperity Radio Network. (Note to self: Learn to banish the word “uh” from your radio-interview vocabulary.)

And, of course, there is always the Boomergeddon blog, where I post more regularly than I do on Bacon’s Rebellion. Since setting up the blog on, I managed to purchase the .com domain from a cyber squatter. So, we are officially now!

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19 responses to “Boomergeddon Update”

  1. Groveton Avatar

    Let me beat Peter and LarryG to the punch …

    Your trials and tribulations with the publishing, sale and distribution of your book are being brought about entirely by the free enterprise system.

    While I certainly wouldn't want to see government involved in book publishing I have to wonder if "free enterprise" would really solve as many problems as some believe.

    Fundamentally, I think a health care system more based on free enterprise would be better than the plan known as Obamacare. However, there are no "magic bullets".

    You are presently a small fish in the publishing world. Maybe that will chance. I hope so. However, until you are a big fish you will be treated as a small fish. It is what it is in publishing. Is the same philosophy really the right approach in health care?

  2. By the time it comes out it may be obsolete. Many economic indicators are up at the same time conservation indicators are rising.

    We may actually grow / save our way out of this mess.

  3. Anonymous Avatar

    Two interesting posts:

    Groveton deserves credit for beating Larry and Peter to the punch and he is SO right.

    There is another issue here Amazon makes money selling lots of stuff. A book that suggest that what Dr. Risse calls Mass OverConsumption has driven the economy to the brink will not prompt the sale of other stuff.

    Small IS Beautiful.

    Big is killing us.

    Look at eggs for example.

    Or big oil.

    Or big Autos.

    Or big homebuilders.

    Or big drug makers.

    Or big clinics.

    Or Fanny and Freddie.

    Or Wall Street.


    I was going to ask Multi-Headed Snake to produce on his promise to keep the Dow above 10,000 but his post indicates he is deep into hallucinatory controlled substances and has rendered himself a useless even for laughs.

    The US $ is at a 15 year low vis a vis the YEN.

    Was not the 90s a lost decade for the Japanese?

    Whistling past the graveyard will be a new Country Music Awards category next year.


  4. letLook at eggs for example.


    You actually think that your neighbors who keep a few chickens for eggs keep them any cleaner than the commercial operations?

    Have you looked in their henhouse lately?

    Of course, if Hillandale has a problem, it affects millions of eggs, if you rneighbors have a problem it affectsa few dozen.

  5. Gooze Views Avatar
    Gooze Views

    Hey Larry G!

    Does it make you feel really GREAT that all these people are so influenced by us and so afraid of us that they want to rush posts in to beat us to the punch?

    I'd say we have them all on the run. What do you think and congratulations!

    Peter Galuszka

  6. I did not promise to keep it above 10,000, I simply said it was not below 10,000 last time you brought this up. Unless you are speculating, I'm not sure why you would care. On the other hand, if you think EVERYTHING is going to hell in a handbasket, then no amount of diversification does any good. The problem with the boomergeddon thesis is that if you buy it, there are no good answers, except hide under your desk with your head between your knees.

    If the stock market is down, it isn;t the end of the worrld, it is time to buy. At the rate it is going, it might drop below $10,000 again today. If the $ is low compared to the yen, then it is time to send your salesmen to Japan.

    I'm not sure I understand the problem, here. Except, we used to have some small builders in Fauquier county: the anti-building rules made sure that only the big builders can comply. If you want to build one house, how do you comply with a zoning application that costs $150,000 to fill out, unless you plan on building either a really BIG house or a really BIG subdivision?

    I'm a big believer in appropriate technology, and small is beautiful. Look what Ghandi did with a few spinning bobbins.

    But, most of what he did with spinning bobbins was symbolic. If you really want to make cloth you need big machines.

    Here is the interesting thing to me. Consider the current egg problem. If you think that big, consolidated, densely populated chicken houses are a problem, then why don't you see the same problem in big, consolidated, densely populated people housing?

    If you think that small is beautiful, and diversified, smaller, egg production facilities are agood thing, then isn;t this pretty much the same as calling for "More Places" ?

  7. Re: supply and demand.

    "Petroleum-eating bacteria – which had dined for eons on oil seeping naturally through the sea floor – proliferated in the cloud of oil that drifted underwater for months after the April 20 accident. They not only outcompeted fellow microbes, they each ramped up their own internal metabolic machinery to digest the oil as efficiently as possible. "

    Who knew that bacteria were supply side economists?

  8. Darrell -- Chesapeake Avatar
    Darrell — Chesapeake

    "We may actually grow / save our way out of this mess."

    Death Crosses, Hindenburg Omens. Pension fund managers squirming in their seats. The bets were made, doubled down with borrowed money, on a single roll of the dice. Please, hit the hard way. Praying that their Golden Buddah bingo idols are more lucky than a mathematician's mythology.

  9. Darrell -- Chesapeake Avatar
    Darrell — Chesapeake

    "We may actually grow / save our way out of this mess."

    Death Crosses, Hindenburg Omens. Pension fund managers squirming in their seats. The bets were made, doubled down with borrowed money, on a single roll of the dice. Please, hit the hard way. Praying that their Golden Buddah bingo idols are more lucky than a mathematician's mythology.

  10. Gooze Views Avatar
    Gooze Views still says the book is unavailable.
    Is the federal government somehow involved?

    All hail free market campitalism, Net -driven, right Jimbo?

    Peter Galuszka

  11. James A. Bacon Avatar
    James A. Bacon

    Perhaps I should hire a lobbyist to compel to change its business practices and order more books from unknown authors published by small, home-town publishers!

    What a great idea. That's how the American economy works these days. Become a rent seeker and prosper.

    Of course, would get stuck with millions of books in its warehouse that, in most cases (not mine, of course) they cannot sell. The company probably would compensate by imposing a charge on authors like me, or taking a higher commission on the sale of each book. Alas, there is no free lunch.

  12. Groveton Avatar

    At 8/24/10 8:02 AM …

    "Let me beat Peter and LarryG to the punch …".

    At 8/25/10 4:36 AM (from Peter) …

    " still says the book is unavailable.
    Is the federal government somehow involved?

    All hail free market campitalism, Net -driven, right Jimbo?".

    Liberals are so predictable.

    Any comments on how "recovery summer" is going?

  13. Larry G Avatar

    wow… free enterprise is the same CF as government, Obamacare and egg regulation?


    Hey Bacon.. why don't you take your business to the "competition"?

    get it? haw haw

    the news today?

    " New-home sales were at their lowest level in July since the government began keeping track in 1963. This follows a comparably terrible report on Tuesday on existing home sales."

    do we need a housing "stimulus"?

    Amazon may not have Bacon's book but they have this nifty number:

    " Create Wealth With Homeownership: Lessons on Buying and Owning a Home & Improving Net Worth"

    wait… hold the phone:

    "Era Of Homes As Piggy Banks May Be Over" (NPR)

    or this:

    " Small Investors Continue to Flee Stock Market and Rush into Bonds"

    this one is for Darrell:

    " More Government Won't Fix The Mortgage Mess"

    " Feds rethink policies that encourage home ownership"

    This should be Bacon's next book:

    "How the housing meltdown proved that Ed Risse was right about location costs".

  14. Larry G Avatar


  15. Gooze Views Avatar
    Gooze Views

    larry is right,
    The conservative myth is that private enterprise always makes it right. But when you have a monopoly such as Amazon, or Google or Microsoft, you end up with lousy, lackadaisacal service or medicore products like Windows that the right wingers like Mr Groveton always say in the Modus Operandi of the federal government.
    Same is true with managed care. Ain't too much choice out there and if are hunting for a new policy and have what they grandly call a "pre-existing condition" lots of luck! Might merss with their actuarial tables and hurt the bototm line,

    Say, what Groveton? Can you throw some "magic of the market" my way?


  16. Groveton Avatar


    "Say, what Groveton? Can you throw some "magic of the market" my way?".

    Assumption #1:

    Remember this mnemonic –


    Oh Big A** Mistake, America

    Assumption #2:

    Liberals cause inflation not deflation.

    Short Obama by shorting US Treasuries.

    Here's how …

    Note: MY going rate is 1% of funds invested + 20% of the profit.

  17. Larry G Avatar

    re: "shorting treasuries"

    ha ha ha .. big talk…

    given the current economic circumstances…

    you might be better off putting it in Gold, eh?

  18. Groveton Avatar

    Well LarryG …

    You would have made 2.4% on your investment in Treasury 3X shorts TODAY.

    You would have had a very good week.

    Of course, with these derivatives and the daily rebalancing … timing is everything.

    However, there are much less exotic ways to short the Obama Administration … um … uh … I mean US Treasuries.

    Damn these 3X ETFs are radioactive! I can gamble without having to fly to Vegas.

  19. Larry G Avatar

    talk about betting on the economy going belly-up… that can't be a good longer term strategy eh?

    Its pretty complicated…

    tell me what happens if everyone starts doing this…

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