Bacon's Rebellion

Boomergeddon Blog Launched

At long last, the Boomergeddon blog has gone live at its permanent URL address, I would have preferred to have nailed down the .com address, but some slimeball snaked it before I could register it, and I refuse to pay money to buy the name. Fortunately, the “.us” domain works in this case — kind of like Boomergeddon USA!

Now, time for a quick little Q&A.

You: Gee, what is “Boomergeddon” anyway?

JAB: To quote from the blog: “Boomergeddon is the day investors stop buying U.S. Treasuries — the day the U.S. government goes into default, the global economy is thrown into turmoil, the American empire begins to crumble, and the social safety net starts to unravel.”

You: You’ve already written a book, scheduled for publication in August. What’s the point of the blog? Do you have anything new to say?

JAB: The blog is where I can update developments described in the book and brag about my prescience. For example: When I was writing back in February and March, the general consensus was that the U.S. was entering a solid economic recovery. I stuck to my guns and said it would be a weak recovery. Increasingly, the facts are supporting my position. When people read the book this fall, they won’t appreciate how brilliant I was. The blog will allow me to thump my chest.

You: What’ll you do when you get stuff wrong?

JAB: I’ll fess up. But the blog posts will be a lot shorter.

You: Your thesis sounds so dreary. Why would anybody want to read how the world is going all to hell and there’s nothing we can do to stop it?

JAB: Because I’ll my best to make it entertaining and funny. I’ll edge my commentary with mordant wit and black humor. Reading Boomergeddon will be like standing on the edge of the Grand Canyon and staring into the abyss and thinking, “I really need to take a step back,” but something in your brain says, “I wonder what it would be like if I jumped….”

You: Will you make public appearances? I’d really like to buy an autographed copy of your book. I think I could sell it on E-Bay for a lot of money.

JAB: Yes, I will make public appearances. I’ll keep B.R. readers posted about Virginia events. I hope to see you.
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