Blue Ridge Pregnancy Center Targeted in June Attack

by Scott Dreyer

According to the Catholic New Agency’s “Tracker: Pro-abortion attacks in the U.S. continue,” there have been over 90 attacks on crisis pregnancy centers, churches, and other pro-life targets since May 2022. That was when the draft opinion in the U.S. Supreme Court’s Mississippi Dobbs case was leaked to the public. To date, not one attacker or vandal involved in these hate crimes has been sent to jail for these acts.

The first attack after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and returned the abortion issue to the states as had been the case until 1973 came on June 25, 2022, less than one day after the high court has issued its landmark decision. That first target was the Blue Ridge Pregnancy Center in Lynchburg.

A band of four hooded, masked vandals descended upon the pregnancy center at 3701 Old Forest Road under cover of darkness, broke ten windows, and spray-painted messages on sidewalks and walls. The graffiti included images of coat hangers, the words “Jane’s Revenge” and “vote blue,” as well as an open threat of violence: “If abortions ain’t safe, you ain’t safe (sic).”

On July 13, Virginia’s Attorney General Jason Miyares (R) stopped by the pregnancy center and had this to say about the raid:

“Anybody who thinks that it’s OK to vandalize a center that’s aimed at helping women [in] their most desperate needs are cowards by every definition.… They hide behind a mask and they think they’re making a political statement. They’re absolutely victimizing the very women they claim that they’re standing up for.”

To date, no one has been arrested in connection with the hate crime, and law enforcement is asking the community for help or leads to find the perpetrators.

In the wake of the attack and Attorney General Miyares’ visit, the news website The Daily Signal produced a video about the spate of attacks nationwide, with a focus on the Blue Ridge Pregnancy Center and how the staff and community have come together to overcome the hate crime and continue their mission of helping women in unplanned pregnancies.

In an August 8 email to supporters, the Blue Ridge Pregnancy Center unveiled the five-minute video. You can see it above.

Roanoke resident Scott Dreyer leads a team of educators teaching English and ESL to a global audience. This column has been republished with permission from The Roanoke Star.

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15 responses to “Blue Ridge Pregnancy Center Targeted in June Attack”

  1. I’m sure it was a mostly peaceful attack…

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      George Tiller would be appalled.

      1. What? He didn’t appreciate sarcasm?

  2. Bob X from Texas Avatar
    Bob X from Texas

    The Left “Feels” that anyone that helps a mother bring her baby to full term is committing violence. The baby never asked to be born!

  3. DJRippert Avatar

    Attacks on pregnancy centers and abortion clinics should both be condemned … by everybody.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Totally agree.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Yeah, and there are good people on both sides. C’mon Larry, let’s not fall for the dodge.

        Because I demand clean water, I am an activist. But corporations that willfully pollute are never labeled terrorists.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Yeah, and there are good people on both sides. C’mon Larry, let’s not fall for the dodge.

        Because I demand clean water, I am an activist. But corporations that willfully pollute are never labeled terrorists.

        1. I do not think that is a fair comparison. Corporations which intentionally pollute our environment are committing illegal acts. Only the most radical abortion activists commit crimes.

          The abortion issue centers around the very nature of what it is to be a human being. Some people believe that from conception, a fetus is a human being with a fundamental right to life which, unless the pregnancy puts the mother’s life is in danger, trumps the mother’s right to do what she wants with her body. Others believe that the right to life does not become inherent until birth, or even later. I suspect the majority of people think the right to life occurs some time in between.

          There are irrational fanatics on both sides of the abortion issue, but they are only a noisy minority. There is plenty of room along the spectrum of beliefs for good people to philosophically disagree about abortion without the need for them to judge each other as ‘evil’ or accuse each other of being murderers or terrorists. So, yes, there are good people on both sides of the abortion issue.

          Not everyone who disagrees with you on an issue is a bad person. I am, of course, but not everyone. 😉

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            The so-called “pregnancy crisis centers” are completely unregulated. The assumption that the vandals were pro-choice is therefore unwarranted and without proof. Maybe it was someone to whom they lied?

          2. Right. And Jan 6 was a false flag operation sponsored by the FBI…

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Oh, the tangled webs we weave, when first we practice to deceive.

    1. Who, exactly, is practicing to deceive? Are you saying pregnancy centers have not been attacked and vandalized in the days following the supreme court’s abortion decision?

  5. Cassie Gentry Avatar
    Cassie Gentry

    Jussie Smollet would be proud. False flag events are a common dodge for garnering support

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