Blue on Blue: Richmond Progressive Attacks White Feminist Privilege

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by James A. Bacon

There’s big money in telling White people how racist they are. Ibram X. Kendi and Robin DiAngelo have made millions of dollars doing it. Now Saira Rao, an Indian-American Richmond resident, has figured out how to cash in on the action.

Rao has written a book with Colorado co-author Regina Jackson, “White Women: Everything You Already Know About Your Own Racism and How to Do Better,” that berates White feminists. The title has been picked up by big-time publisher Penguin Random House. Peter Galuszka interviewed Rao for a friendly piece in Style Weekly

While the book is sure to rake in royalties, the author’s shtick generates loads of ancillary revenue. In a program called “Race2Dinner” Rao and Jackson direct two-hour cocktail-and-dinner sessions in which six to eight White women confront their racism. Based on one of those dinner conversations, Director Patty Ivins Specht produced a documentary, “Deconstructing Karen,” which highlights “the unwitting ways” in which White women uphold “everyday white supremacy.” A ticket to a Race2Lunch event in Toronto this summer set back attendees $495 each; a Race2Dinner event in Denver cost $625.

Rao takes no prisoners. As she and Jackson write in the book, “Privilege is power. By ignoring your white privilege, you ignore your white power. When you ignore your white power, you uphold white supremacy. This is white feminism. White feminism. Is. White Supremacy.”

Right-wing media such as Fox News and the New York Post were quick to put down the documentary, Galuszka wrotes. Fox commentator Jesse Watters described the movie this way: “It’s about two American race hucksters named Regina Jackson and Saira Rao who charge self-hating white women thousands of dollars for the privilege of being called a racist over dinner.”

Rao spoke vaguely to Galuszka about her personal experiences as a person of color. “Speak about race and see what happens,” she said. She and Jackson have been inundated by negative comments on social media, she added. After she ran unsuccessfully for Congress in 2018 against an establishment member of the Democratic Party, according to her Wikipedia biography, she received threats that made her move her family out of Colorado.

Was Rao the victim of racism… or of a worldview, perhaps honed in the universities she attended and the “progressive” circles she moves in, that views every unpleasant encounter through the prism of race?

Her parents emigrated from India, and she was born and raised in Richmond. She graduated from the University of Virginia with a B.A. degree and from New York University with a law degree. Indian CEOs have been spectacularly successful in business, especially the remunerative tech sector. Ethnic Indians run Alphabet (parent of Google), Microsoft, IBM, Micron, Adobe, and until a couple of days ago, Twitter, among others. The household income of Indian families in the U.S. averages $120,000, which surpasses that of all other U.S. ethnic groups, including White Americans, according to The Economic Times

A working-class White person living in, say, Grundy or Mechanicsville might understandably think that Rao enjoys a privileged position in society.

One might speculate that the origin of Rao’s antipathy toward White feminists began with her clerkship for Third Circuit Court Judge Dolores Sloviter, who was renowned for her advocacy of equal treatment for women. The protagonist of Rao’s 2007 novel, Chambermaid, is Sheila Raj, a law clerk working for Third Circuit Judge Helga Friedman. According to Wikipedia, the novel describes Friedman as a “sociopathic, homicidal, bipolar jurist” and a “toxic bitch.”

“White feminists,” Rao has written, are “the most powerful subset of liberal white supremacy,” and they scare her more than all other enemies combined. In an article framed as a letter to white American women generally, she called White women “pawns of the patriarchy, diligent foot soldiers of white supremacy” and accused them of xenophobia, hate and violence. American schools, she has written “are white supremacy factories. White supremacy is behind all violence,” she has said. “Whiteness is literally killing us all.”

White feminists may or may not be racist — the White feminists I know certainly are not — but there’s no doubting the privileged position in society of anyone who can fork out $500 to subject themselves to that kind of invective over cocktails and dinner.

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18 responses to “Blue on Blue: Richmond Progressive Attacks White Feminist Privilege”

  1. sbostian Avatar

    “Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket.”

    Eric Hoffer – The Temper of Our Times

  2. DJRippert Avatar

    “The household income of Indian families in the U.S. averages $120,000, which surpasses that of all other U.S. ethnic groups, including White Americans, according to The Economic Times.”

    Reality does not intrude into the LibTwit mind.

  3. Where do I sign up to be this ‘oppressed’?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      You want to be oppressed AND repressed too?

  4. I cheered when Humphrey was chosen
    My faith in the system restored
    I’m glad the commies were thrown out
    Of the AFL CIO board
    I love Puerto Ricans and Negros
    As long as they don’t move next door
    So love me, love me, love me, I’m a liberal

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Here’s to the State of Mississippi
      For underneath her borders, the devil draws no lines
      If you drag her muddy rivers, nameless bodies you will find
      Oh, the fat trees of the forest have hid a thousand crimes
      The calendar is lyin’ when it reads the present time

  5. keydet16 Avatar

    Gotta admire the hustle. Mrs. Rao has successfully identified a business model and is making a killing on it. If she’s able to become a millionaire by making rich white women feel bad, then good for her.

  6. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    One born every minute and two born to take him? Or her…

    Yeah, I’m just riddled with guilt that my wife and I finished college, worked our asses off and saved money, and have stayed married. Put our kids through school. As did my parents. And my grandparents. No felonies. No drug abuse (well, maybe the Irish branch…) I spent all last week in Europe riddled with guilt.

  7. William O'Keefe Avatar
    William O’Keefe

    We’re in an age where guilt sells and grifters abound.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      And that’s just the Republicans

      1. William O'Keefe Avatar
        William O’Keefe


        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          “I am sickened by this despicable act. Let me be as clear as I can be: Violence of any kind is unacceptable in our society and I condemn this action in the strongest possible terms. Real change can only come about through nonviolent action, and anything else runs against our most deeply held American values.” — Bernie Sanders on the shooting of Rep. Scalise

          “There’s no room for violence anywhere. But we’re gonna send her back to be with him in California. That’s what we’re gonna go do.” — Glenn Youngkin on the assault of Paul Pelosi

          Nice culture warrior youse guys got. You sure your “culture” is worth saving? What say ye, JAB?

          1. William O'Keefe Avatar
            William O’Keefe

            You’re blinded by ideology. What about being called racist and climate denier? I agree that we need greater tolerance and greater acceptance of different views as long as they are not falsehoods.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Nonviolence is my ideology. You are correct. I am blinded by it.

  8. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Speaking of Blue-on-Blue, I just watched an “I’ve never seen one of those” military jets in European camouflage overfly my house. Incredibly loud sucker. The wing was a swept back like an old F-86, but it had six rails and pylons. Fat nose, tapering back.

    Looked a bit like this…

    if you could imagine what the bottom view might be.

  9. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

    She’s got a real racket, making lots of money. Guilt is a powerful motivator.

    I would, however, like to know what she’s done in the area of the Caste System in India. Funny, we never hear about that.

  10. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “I am sickened by this despicable act. Let me be as clear as I can be: Violence of any kind is unacceptable in our society and I condemn this action in the strongest possible terms. Real change can only come about through nonviolent action, and anything else runs against our most deeply held American values.” — Bernie Sanders on the shooting of Rep. Scalise

    “There’s no room for violence anywhere. But we’re gonna send her back to be with him in California. That’s what we’re gonna go do.” — Glenn Youngkin on the assault of Paul Pelosi

    Nice culture warrior youse guys got there in Youngkin. Are you sure your “culture” is worth saving?

    What say ye, JAB? Where is your condemnation of Youngkin’s callous and decidedly undemocratic attitude? Are you so blinded by hate that you cannot see the mockery of your precious Southern Chivalry?

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      They will cede all their values if they can just cling to power a little longer…

      Youngkin’s joke, Walker’s abortions, Trump’s documents, exploding deficits, the FBI, the CDC… nothing matters to them anymore… they would rather burn it all down than cede an ounce of power…

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