Blue Crabs Smiling

by Jim McCarthy

The image of Nero fiddling while Rome was ablaze may be apocryphal, but the moral is clear: pay attention to your surroundings. It’s been nearly four weeks since the announcement that the sperm capacity of Chesapeake blue crabs has been found to be in decline, threatening the viability (motility?) of the crustacean’s population. However, not a word has been reported in the interim on BR while its diverse contributors and commenters bloviate about favored topics and clever names to call those who dare to offer their versions of bloggery wisdom. Lesser such crises have been sufficient to call a special session of the General Assembly.

Fourteen years ago, JAB wistfully mourned childhood memories about blue crab fishing as two state governors – Tim Kaine and Martin O’Malley – announced that the Chesapeake crab population had sustained a significant decline. The BR appeal drew not a single comment from readers although the platform was already six years old at the time.

Thirty years ago, Maryland officially adopted Callinectes sapidus (Greek for beautiful swimmer) as the state crustacean and honors that nomination by providing license plates with a crab image. Over time, Virginia’s neighbor has developed a well-orchestrated campaign to ensure its imprimatur upon the blue crab, at times relegating the Old Dominion to the status of a lesser attractive jurisdiction.

Some Virginia crabbers attribute the blue crab sperm decline (BCSD) to a sinister plot by Marylanders who still smart from the attempt by former Governor Terry McAuliffe’s to malign the view that the Old Line State’s appetite and promotion of its crabs are due to the profligacy of the Commonwealth’s macho male and beautiful female blue crabs. During a radio interview in 2015, TMac threw down the gauntlet in this statement:

You know, Maryland talks about its crabs. All the crabs are born here in Virginia, and they end up, because of the current, being taken [to Maryland]. So really, they should be Virginia crabs.

Marine biologists confirmed the statement following political fact-checking which concluded that, indeed, Chesapeake Bay crabs are conceived and born in the lower (Virginia) section of the bay, where the water is saltier, and conditions are right for crab baby-making. The crab larvae drift to the salty Atlantic Ocean for a bit and then waft back up the Bay towards Maryland.

The Commonwealth has an obligation to its crustacean resources as well as its citizens to face directly current economic and environmental challenges. State funding to support a crab fertility laboratory is an obvious first step investment. A tourism initiative should be undertaken to promote the state’s blue crab attractiveness along with a broad campaign to compete with “Virginia is for Lovers,” such as “Virginia is for ABCD,” or “American Blue Crab Destination.” An aggressive public relations campaign would mitigate fear of crabs, or kavouriphobia, improving and increasing restaurant traffic. A group of crabs is called a “cast,’ an appellation that the state might seek to have adopted by professional or collegiate sports organizations. Thoroughfare re-naming would add a touch of finesse.

One translation of Virginia’s motto – Sic Semper Tyrannis – is that bad things will happen to tyrants. Maryland’s oppressive and monopolistic domination of the blue crab in symbolic, and political terms ought to motivate state and local leadership in the Commonwealth into action. The crisis is not a culture war matter nor a gender-bender one. Both male and female blue crabs are threatened and there are no contraceptive or privacy concerns involved.

Conquer the BCSD phenomenon without masks, vaccines, or quarantine!! Encourage counties to adopt policies for crab sanctuaries. Issue crab license plates with the slogans Virginia is ABCD and for American Blue Crab Lovers!!
BR’s clout with the state’s economic and political leadership can add the intellectual power to this necessity and overcome the extant force majeure to set the wheels in motion. Onward BR soldiers. Make a crab smile!

Jim McCarthy is a former New York attorney who now lives in Virginia.

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53 responses to “Blue Crabs Smiling”

  1. DJRippert Avatar

    ” … Chesapeake Bay crabs are conceived and born in the lower, Virginia section of the bay …”

    A bit more detail. Chesapeake blue crabs mate in both Maryland and Virginia. However, once mating has occurred, the female can store the sperm for a very long time without conception. It’s at this time that females will migrate to areas of higher salinity where conception and birth occur. The higher salinities are found closer to the mouth of the bay in Virginia waters.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      Correct, the only commonality for mating is that it’s brackish water.

  2. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Plus…Maryland stole the Potomac River! Who gave them to the high tide line on the Virginia side?

    1. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

      I believe Geo Washington was plenty pissed about that

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        It does create certain anomalies…
        I was forbidden as a youngster from going to Coles Point Tavern by my lawyer father. It was built on a pier past the high tide line, so it was technically controlled by Maryland, and the Potomac is about 7 miles wide there…

        1. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

          Not to mention Maryland’s historic attempts to limit bridge crossings over the Potomac. It is huge rail and and car bottleneck due to Maryland control deliberate attempt to thwart free travel for centuries. I think that short-sited era is over now. but we are stuck with the problem.

        2. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

          Not to mention Maryland’s historic attempts to limit bridge crossings over the Potomac. It is huge rail and and car bottleneck due to Maryland control deliberate attempt to thwart free travel for centuries. I think that short-sighted era is over now. but now we are stuck with the problem.

  3. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

    Valid Virginia topic.
    In NoVA we hear about Bay issues mostly on WTOP radio, and on occasion I have drafted a BR blog article to convey the info told on WTOP (that may not have not made the cut). I heard the crabs and striped bass were down. Of course for US liberals, whatever the problem is, the solution is to terminate U.S. use of fossil fuels. I’d be concerned persistent and/or powerful chemicals pesticides/herbicides/etc. are taking a toll, and of course much of the Bay pollution problem is Pennsylvania’s big Ag industry. We drove to Pittsburgh recently and only killed one bug on the front bumper. Remember the mega-bug days? I see indiscriminate wide-scale use of herbicides in my area near the streams going to the Potomac, I believe it is contractors for (Dominion?) trying to wipe out the woods near the high (tall) power lines.

  4. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    Thanks for this article. I had not heard about the continuing decline of the blue crab. I am not a fan of eating soft shell crab, but I adore a good crab cake or, even better, plain crab meat sauteed in butter.

    One article I consulted after reading this piece was an op ed piece in the Washington Post, which does not blame the lowered sperm counts of male crabs, but he non-enforcement of the catch limits by the Hogan administration in Maryland. (The author is a former member of the Maryland legislature.)

  5. Why would the crabs be smiling?

    Wouldn’t “Blue Crabs Crying in the Bay” be more appropriate?

    Or would that infringe on Willie Nelson’s copyright?

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Blue Skies Smiling at Me was in the background. Pure fantasy allusion. Additionally, were the blue crab to know rescue efforts were undertaken, smiles might appear. Childless crabs may be depressed.

      1. With apologies to Mr. Nelson:

        ‘Blue Crabs Crying in the Bay’

        In the murky depths I see
        Blue crabs cryin’ in the Bay
        They’ll be missed when they have parted
        And we’ll never see them again.

        With no more egg sacs colored amber
        Only memories will remain

        Through the ages We’ll remember
        Blue crabs cryin’ in the Bay
        Blue crabs cryin’ in the Bay

        (Don’t worry, I won’t be giving up my day job any time soon)

        1. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          Instructive!!! Thanx.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Blue on blue
      Crab dip on crackers

  6. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Comments from old, archived posts disappeared in a tech meltdown, and never came back. Do not assume there were no comments on older posts that now show none….

    The only element of the essay that bears comment. An actual waterman or biologist might weigh in with some actual facts, please. They are tasty critters and I’d hate to see them disappear.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      I’ve been crabbing in Maryland waters every year for the past 12 years. This year has been particularly bad for blue crabs in Maryland. The 2010s were good years for Maryland blue crabs. The last three years have been weak.

      The blue crab winter dredge survey holds the data. The 2022 survey found 227 million blue crabs in the bay – the lowest count in the 33 year history of the survey. However, juvenile crabs and females spawning in the coming year are both near average.

      The data is here:

      1. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        The male population is down as the overfishing protection really only looked at the female population.

  7. Matt Adams Avatar
    Matt Adams

    Oh look, it’s a Jimmy bloviating about jimmies.

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Thanx for the reveal. Awaiting your next bloviating article

      1. In all seriousness, I think your article would have been just as effective, or perhaps even more effective, if you had excised the insults of BR and its founder from the first two paragraphs.

        With that said, thank you for taking the time to write it. Apart from the aforementioned insults, I found it interesting and informative; and the lighthearted humor made it fun to read as well.

        1. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          Many thanx. There was no intent to be insulting only to highlight the BR reputation for hard hitting commentary and desire of some contributors to be public policy makers. It’s why a somewhat humorous topic was chosen.

          1. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            So saying you didn’t mean to insult while again insulting, disengeous much?

          2. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            No, I meant what I said. Where’s the insult? Noting no comments on a 2008 article? Calling upon BR soldiers? Including myself as a bloviating article writer? Get a grip, man.

          3. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “There was no intent to be insulting only to highlight the BR reputation for hard hitting commentary and desire of some contributors to be public policy makers. ”

            Tongue-in-cheek, also know as a backhanded insult given how you’ve interacted with authors about policy.

            So using your smug insults from your own article is out of bounds? You insulted people and used a non sequitur at the end, which renders all the words in-between, pointless.

            Perhaps you should take a step back before you comment or write and article, because it’s fairly evident that you don’t apply the standards to anyone whom politically agrees with you.

          4. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            No dinner for you. Go to bed.

          5. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Real witty, Jimmie.

            Also, not unironic is that your are who’s responsible for 22% of the comment on his own piece, complaining out someone using the very word he used in his “article” against him. So can you say irrelevant?

          6. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Watching and counting. Flattering. Fan club T shirts forthcoming.

          7. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Thanks for proving my point jimmie. I’ll give you the last word you do desire.

      2. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        “James McCarthy Matt Adams
        a few seconds ago
        Thanx for the reveal. Awaiting your next bloviating article”

        I don’t suffer from the compulsive need to lecture others in their behavior all the while acting in the same manner and defending others whom I politically agree with for doing it.

        Furthermore, I don’t feel the need to spout non sequiturs (as your articles conclusion is).

        Beyond that, perhaps you should go back to your blog that failed and reevaluate why is failed instead of dragging down discourse in other places.

        1. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          Ooohh!! I see. Just compulsions of your own choosing. To each his own. Glad to offer some target of opportunity. Maybe more healthy if you were not to comment and completely disassociate from discourse you opine drags down the rest. Or, express an opinion by voting up or down. It is your call.

          1. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “James McCarthy 4 minutes ago
            Ooohh!! I see. Just compulsions of your own choosing. To each his own. Glad to offer some target of opportunity.”

            You’re low hanging fruit on the hypocrite scale Jimmy, I realize that’s flies in the face of your narcissism.

            Edit: Perhaps you should take your Focus Factor before you comment, because your edit was just atrocious.

          2. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            OMG!!! Who woulda thunk? Flattery will get you no where.

          3. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            If only you were as clever as you believe yourself to be.

            So what’s the point of coming here and violating all the “principles” you established on your own blog?

          4. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            To visit others for their opinions. Is “here” your turf? I do not seek to replace you, only challenge. Thanx for visiting my blog. Every click is encouraging.

          5. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Therein lies the problem, you don’t challenge anyone. You stomp your feet and lecture anyone who dares to disagree with you and culminate it with a down vote, because you’re childish.

            No one visits your blog, it’s a wasteland for your pontificating and coming here where you fail to adhere to your own commenting guidelines.

            You’re again, not nearly as clever as you think you are, middling at best.

          6. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Then, why, sir, do you comment? Just vote and let it go. BTW, the only guidelines for commenting are those of BR.

          7. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Because I’m not an octogenarian individual who acts like a spoiled child (i.e. you).

            “BTW, the only guidelines for commenting are those of BR.”

            Lovely retort, it’s nice to see your “principles” ebb and flow to suit your needs. Again, flamming hypocrite.

          8. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Tried anger management???

          9. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “James McCarthy Matt Adams • an hour ago
            Tried anger management???”

            Anger? Methinks the lady doth protest too much. The only person with “anger” issues is the individual looking back at you in the mornings.

            You’re allowed to be a partisan, just drop the pretense of not being such and stop with the lecturing of others when you can’t adhere to those same ideals.

    2. Lefty665 Avatar

      Tsk, tsk, you have offended jimmie, he’s voted your comment down. Maybe we should appreciate his silly crab walk more.:)

      1. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        He down votes anyone who doesn’t agree with him or offend those whom agree with him politically. It’s tiresome and childish.

        1. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          Jamokes of a feather think together. Synchronicity can be beautiful.

          1. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Clearly you were looking in a mirror when you make such “enlightening” comments.

          2. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            You can see that deeply? Super Dude.

          3. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Oh so witty, Chief.

  8. LarrytheG Avatar

    I just finished an awesome lunch of hardshell blue crab. Really, really good. Got them fresh steamed at 11am. Is there a shortage of blue crab? Not in Louisiana apparently. Dunno how they are getting here but the ones coming out of the Bay are short in number and small even though they’re supposed to be #1s.

    So.. for folks who actually DO like hardshell crabs, mess and all, it’s a sorrowful thing that the Bay crabs are in decline… and I hope we figure out why , soon, because we are responsible for keeping it healthy.

    Louisiana seems to be better off , at least on crabs.

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      TMac might claim them as VA natives.

  9. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

    Valid Virginia topic.
    In NoVA we hear about Bay issues mostly on WTOP radio, and on occasion I have drafted a BR blog article to convey the info told on WTOP (that may not have not made the cut). I heard the crabs and striped bass were down. Of course for US liberals, whatever the problem is, the solution is to terminate U.S. use of fossil fuels. I’d be concerned persistent and/or powerful chemicals pesticides/herbicides/etc. are taking a toll, and of course much of the Bay pollution problem is Pennsylvania’s big Ag industry. We drove to Pittsburgh recently and only killed one bug on the front bumper. Remember the mega-bug days? Every year I see indiscriminate use of herbicides in my area near the streams going to the Potomac, I believe it is contractors for (Dominion?) trying to wipe out the woods near the high (tall) power lines. Not to mention lawn chemicals…I can’t grow a decent clover lawn for the life of me just due to encroachment of herbicides from the neighbors doing me a favor.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      “Not to mention lawn chemicals…I can’t grow a decent clover lawn for the life of me just due to encroachment of herbicides from the neighbors doing me a favor.”

      Aside: I have anew neighbor who moved here from Reston. She says her HOA fined here a significant $ amount there because they had too much clover in their lawn. Seriously… I told here fear not, we consider covenants to be sort of guidelines and voluntary at best…. and we don’t care what you lawn looks like…

  10. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    I hope things have changed for the better, but 25 years ago a waterman who kept his boat next to mine, and I were talking about crabbing and I complained about his compadres putting pots in the small boat channels. “That’s because below 20 feet the Bay is dead.”

  11. Issue crab license plates with the slogans Virginia is ABCD and for American Blue Crab Lovers!

    Just make sure these folks haven’t trade-marked the crab…

  12. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

    I once won an exclusive finalist spot in a Baltimore crab eating contest, based on a crab-eating photo. I ceded my spot to the next best photo because I am not really into crab, and I would have spoiled the fun. The young woman I was supposed to compete with was super excited= I would have lost.

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