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Blossom Explosion

Yesterday was gorgeous, so Laura and I walked down to the Tidal Basin in Washington, D.C., to soak up the splendor of the cherry blossoms. I’d guess that 50,000 to 100,000 other people had the same idea. I took this photo mid-morning when the crowds were bearable. By mid-afternoon, this same spot was a near-impenetrable crush of humanity. We brunched with a Washingtonian friend of ours who had never bothered to make the trip from his Northwest D.C. townhouse — he figured he’d get around to seeing the blossoms eventually. Meanwhile, judging by the Babel of languages spoken all around us, people had come from around this world to view the spectacle.

Virginians don’t have to travel half way around the globe. They should make the pilgrimage at least once in their lives. Weather willing, I can promise that it will be worth the effort.

Blossoms as thick as leaves at the FDR memorial.
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