Bloomberg Buying Votes

by Kerry Dougherty

Virginia’s House of Delegates is both doctrinaire and ineffective. Oh, and scared witless of Covid-19. They’re working in their bathrobes, while members of the Senate actually show up every day.

If you’re wondering why these lawmakers turned what was supposed to be a short summer special session to deal with a hole in the budget into a marathon soft-on-crime-screw-the-cops festival, blame Michael Bloomberg.

The meddling billionaire from New York poured millions into Virginia state races in 2019  through two of his PACs. His money helped flip both houses of the General Assembly blue. The Democrats, who were beneficiaries of Bloomberg’s largesse, slurped up his loot and are now busy pushing the former New York mayor’s far-left agenda in Richmond.

You can’t say they aren’t grateful.

It’s all legal. Completely repugnant.

Now Bloomberg has turned his attention to the critical swing state of Florida.

In addition to the $100 million he’s pledged to the Florida Biden campaign, Bloomberg is paying off the fines, fees and restitutions of 32,000 Florida felons so they’ll be eligible to vote in Novermber’s election. Florida state law bars convicts from voting until they’ve repaid the dough they owe their victims and the courts.

And some of us thought the paying of restitution was supposed to teach criminals a lesson. Guess not.

Bloomberg’s move is reminiscent of the chicanery that former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe engaged in back in 2016 when he violated state law by offering a blanket restoration of civil rights to 206,000 felons in time to vote for his pal, Hillary Clinton.

The Virginia Supreme Court slapped down his shenanigans and McAuliffe had to return to restoring rights the old-fashioned way: One at a time.

Bloomberg, too, may have run afoul of the law with his latest money-buys-everything campaign.

Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz has asked his state attorney general to investigate whether Bloomberg is breaking laws that say it is illegal to directly or indirectly influence a vote.

“It’s not every felon. It’s just those which they have specifically identified as the Biden voters,” said Rep. Matt Gaetz said. “That’s offering a bribe, an inducement, for someone to behave a certain way in voting.

Is this a bribe? I’m not a lawyer. Certainly Bloomberg can’t be certain the ex-cons that he bails out of debt will vote for Biden or vote at all.

But Bloomberg’s research must tell him there’s an excellent chance that the newly enfranchised voters will cast ballots for the left-wing candidates in the race.

I can’t help but wonder if it ever bothers Democrats to know that theirs is the preferred party of those who commit serious – sometimes heinous – crimes.

And never bother to pay their fines or restitution.

This column was published with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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15 responses to “Bloomberg Buying Votes”

  1. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    For more GOP votes we need to spring them from Club Fed….

    Bloomberg. A billionaire business guy with lots of profit motive. But his money is righteous while other business interests are evil….

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Glad you finally are able to make moral judgements between similar objects. Perhaps by November, you can do the same with people, well, persons.

      1. Steve Haner Avatar
        Steve Haner

        Too late, my completed ballot is in the mail….

  2. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Since when is Bloomberg “far left?”

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      On many things, I agree, he is not. But like every other billionaire donor, he isn’t above calling up the electeds to tell them what he’d like to see done, reminding them what he did for them.

      Speaking of the House being inept, House Appropriations cancelled on Monday and has now cancelled today’s meeting. Waaa?

  3. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Ever work for him? It’s a trip!

  4. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    Thanks for reminding me of this:

    “Terry McAuliffe engaged in back in 2016 when he violated state law by offering a blanket restoration of civil rights to 206,000 felons in time to vote for his pal, Hillary Clinton.”

    And for reminding me of this:

    “The Virginia Supreme Court slapped down his shenanigans and McAuliffe had to return to restoring rights the old-fashioned way: One at a time.”

    And reminding me of this:

    “Bloomberg, too, may have run afoul of the law with his latest money-buys-everything campaign.

    Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz has asked his state attorney general to investigate whether Bloomberg is breaking laws that say it is illegal to directly or indirectly influence a vote.

    “It’s not every felon. It’s just those which they have specifically identified as the Biden voters,” said Rep. Matt Gaetz said. “That’s offering a bribe, an inducement, for someone to behave a certain way in voting.”

    Is this a bribe? … Certainly Bloomberg can’t be certain the ex-cons that he bails out of debt will vote for Biden or vote at all.

    But Bloomberg’s research must tell him there’s an excellent chance that the newly enfranchised voters will cast ballots for the left-wing candidates in the race.

    I can’t help but wonder if it ever bothers Democrats to know that theirs is the preferred party of those who commit serious – sometimes heinous – crimes.”

    What a remarkable political party, one that nurtures and encourages as its base of political supporters convicted criminals. One that frees criminals and lets them run wild in the streets to gain their votes while they suppress the votes of opponents by their verbal abuse and physical intimidation of them and their families in public places and private spaces, including in their own homes, schools, funerals, churches and other places where they exercise their rights of expression, association, and pursuit of happiness.

    How far the Democrats have come from the founders’ idea that “virtue” was the critical foundation stone to a successful republic. Now the Democrat’s ideal republic is that comprised of rioters and law breakers, who relish the distruction of the property of others, the constitutions and laws of the nation, its history and its memorials, its memories and traditions, its institutions and cultures, and its peace and order and security, all erased to be replaced by what: a lawless society.

    1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      For example, as to above assertions:

      “In a perverse irony, a statue of our Lord was decapitated last week at St. Patrick Cathedral in El Paso, Texas, the diocese whose bishop made headlines in June for a photo op kneeling with a Black Lives Matter sign. Bishop Mark J. Seitz’s public support for a Marxist organization that has fueled a summer of terror, violence, and destruction is shameful. He may have been rewarded by an enthusiastic call from Pope Francis, but the alliance the bishop forged was an unholy one, and he is now witnessing the fruits of that perverse union.

      It is the same bitter lesson that feckless mayors such as Ted Wheeler of Portland must learn: Contrived obsequiousness and self-flagellation don’t heal racial and social tensions and won’t appease the mob. That capitulation simply spurs and emboldens lawless degenerates to the point they descend upon your home. …”

      Quote taken from article titled ” After Bishop Knelt To Black Lives Matter, A Vandal Decapitated A Statue Of Jesus In His Church – Bishops must take a stand, not a knee, and unanimously condemn the attacks against Christianity, and the Marxist, anti-Catholic vitriol that Black Lives Matter has been relying on to foment this seething hatred.”

      For more, see:

  5. djrippert Avatar

    I guess the Democrats put their outrage over the Koch Brothers and dark money in politics in the same lockbox as the Republicans’ fears of deficit spending.

    I’m curious – what does det cord small like once it is lit?

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      The Democrats are now using the same rules that the Republicans have used for years and the Republicans are outraged about it.

      1. Matt Adams Avatar

        “The Democrats are now using the same rules that the Republicans have used for years and the Republicans are outraged about it.”

        Again, both parties have used this technique since the passage of the CPA.

        This idea that one party is more right than the next is complete and utter hogwash.

  6. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    Matt Gaetz? This is Kerry’s source now? The same Matt Gaetz who has flouted House ethics rules?

    And he claims that Bloomberg is paying off the fines for only those ex-felons who would vote for Biden. Why would any news organization let someone make a charge like that without demanding proof? Oh, wait. That’s right, it was Fox News.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar

      Tu quoque

  7. Dick,
    Matt is right. Tu Quoque.

    I’d like to hear more about the ethics violations, which I know nothing about, but you will certainly admit there is no equivalence between these generally shaky ethics violation allegations and the criminal law violations that Gaetz is talking about with Bloomberg. The criminal statute is there for all to see. There’s also the relative impact of Bloomberg’s actions vs. Gaetz, which I don’t believe you have adequately considered. I’m afraid your man Bloomberge could have himself a considerable problem

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