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Blogflogging ‘not larry sabato’

There’s a column in the WaPo about blogflogging with ‘not larry sabato’ … I’ve enjoyed the NLS blog and the primary election predictions, but the web post have been politically adrift and personal in nature for several weeks.

The WaPo column notes Bacon’s Rebellion, the 800lb gorilla of blogs in the Commonwealth, as an honorable mention in the column’s side bar.

Q. But where’s “One’s Man’s Trash,” “Raising Kaine” and “The Jaded JD” web logs???

Obviously, the WaPo is no longer the high quality ‘Kate and Meg Show’ of the ’80s and ’90s.

File this under, ‘hacks, handlers and hustlers’…

Politicians Deal With Newcomer, The Blog / Va. Candidates Find Help, Lies on Web
David and Shayna Englin are all too familiar with the power of bloggers. Courting these off-the-cuff Internet columnists helped David Englin, a relative unknown, win a Democratic primary for a Northern Virginia House seat last month. “You can imagine how much fun it is when [state delegates] have a closed meeting . . . and all of a sudden, the secret meeting . . . is now out on the Internet.” Organizers of the Not Larry Sabato blog contend that postings about candidates are fair, especially because they are public figures. Speaking only on condition of anonymity, one of them said the blog criticizes politicians on both sides of the aisle. “We are equal opportunity bashers here.”

The Blog Spots
At least 20 blogs are discussing various aspects of the 2005 election campaign and Virginia politics in general. Here is a sample.

~ the blue dog

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