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Blog Spottings

The Virginia blogosphere has suffered grievous losses with the departure of veteran bloggers Norm Leahy and Conaway Haskins, but there is no lack of young pretenders to replace them. Here are some of the new blogs that I have come across:

Gray’s Commonwealth Gazette, a Virginia-focused blog maintained by Rick Gray, a Chesterfield County Democrat-turned-Republican-turned-independent.

Bored Young Professionals, maintained by two young, Democratic bloggers, with an emphasis on state politics and policy.

The Richmond Democrat, blog maintained by — surprise — a Richmond Democrat, with emphasis on state politics and policy.

The Ward View, a Republican blog maintained by the pseudonymous Ward Smythe, bills itself as “less partisan, more snark.”

(If any of these bloggers don’t like my thumb-nail descriptions, please let me know.)

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