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Blade Axes Craddock

Recently, some Virginia bloggers have been busy commenting on a story about Chris Craddock, the Republican candidate for the 67th Delegate District who recently defeated in last June’s primarry the former RINO incumbent, Gary Reese.

The story, entitled “Republican Candidate Defends Anti-Gay Primary” quotes Craddock as saying “Christian and gays despise each other.”

I’m not surprised that a publication like the Washington Blade would go out of its way to libel and misquote a conservative candidate. After all, they are on a mission: Promoting an extreme gay agenda, tearing down family units, and the moral fiber on which this country was founded.

What is surprising, however, is that professed serious Virginia bloggers would give any credence to the propaganda coming from the extremists at the

Folks, here is Craddock’s entire quote, which the utterly misquoted by taking it entirely out of context:

“Many people say that Christians and gays hate each other, but I think we need to treat each other with respect.”

Obviously, the is only interested in promoting their agenda and will go to great lengths to distort a conservative candidate’s record. Candidates shouldn’t waste their time talking to so-called reporters from organizations like the who are only interested in promoting their biased, extremist agenda.

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