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Blackburn Poses Credible Challenge to Stosch

Sen. Walter A. Stosch, R-Henrico, a certified member of the Axis of Taxes, will face a nomination challenge in June from a seemingly credible opponent — Joseph E. Blackburn Jr., an attorney and former chair of the Henrico Republican Committee.

The article by Jeff Schapiro and Tyler Whitley does little to illluminate Blackburn’s motives in running, offering only one brief quote: “My opponent proposed to place a 5 percent tax on gasoline, even as it was reaching $3 per gallon. He wanted you to pay another 15 cents per gallon.”

Stosch argued that Blackburn’s challenge is a distraction to the larger challenge of beating Democrats: “Our time could be better spent in preparing for the fall general election. Unfortunately, some folks do not see it that way. They want to engage us in an intraparty nomination battle that will drain precious resources.”

Pretty lame. Stosch has done so little to distinguish himself from his Democratic colleagues in the state Senate that many Republicans don’t see much difference. Blackburn will garner some support simply by inveighing against tax hikes. What remains to be seen is whether he offers a positive vision of governance. If he doesn’t want tax hikes, how does he propose addressing the very real challenges in transportation, education, Medicaid, the environment, tax reform, etc. etc.?

Tax hikes are unpopular in Henrico. But “Just say no to taxes” won’t get you elected. I will be most interested to see if Blackburn can develop a platform as strong as his party credentials.

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