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Big Tax-Hike Push Coming

by Chris Saxman

Earlier today I was asked by Virginia Business Magazine what the business community could expect in the 2021 General Assembly Regular Session. I talked about the construct of the short session with a gubernatorial election, House of Delegates staving off primary challenges, bills that were not passed last session, and the prospects of the changing political dynamic should Joe Biden win the presidency armed with a majority in the U.S House and Senate.

That interview will be out in January.

Not a half an hour after that call ended, a job was posted on line that will actually define the 2021 Session “and potentially beyond.”

Ohhh….what’s that you ask?

A tax increase campaign driven by The Commonwealth Institute for Fiscal Analysis

Here is the job posting cut and pasted from the ad linked above:

Position Overview:

The Revenue Campaign Manager oversees the successful execution of TCI and partner’s multi-pronged campaign to secure expanded progressive revenue options over the 2021 and 2022 legislative sessions and potentially beyond.

Great timing for a well funded campaign to raise tax rates while the world is mired in massive recession.

This part of the ad also informs as to the likely themes to be associated with increasing revenue to the General Fund:

TCI further recognizes that we live and work in a society that is structured by racism and white privilege, both of which adversely impact communities of color. It is one of TCI’s core values that its organizational culture, staff, partners, strategies, and investments advance racial justice within and beyond the organization.

What are “progressive tax rates” you ask?

Here’s what The Tax Foundation says you can expect to be the focus of progressive tax policy

Did someone say something about swing suburban voters, redistricting, and how turnout from 2008 to 2009 went from 74% to 40%?

One of the primary reasons why turnout dropped so dramatically? Leading candidates being asked in press gaggles about raising taxes which led to brutal campaign ads.

Happy Monday, y’all!

We got a tax fight coming for the next two “legislative sessions and potentially beyond.”

Chris Saxman is executive director of Virginia FREE. This commentary is republished with permission from an email distribution by Virginia FREE.

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