Big Changes for Bacon’s Rebellion

I am pleased to announce that I have joined the Editorial Department of the Richmond Times-Dispatch. Working on a part-time basis, I will contribute signed op-ed pieces and unsigned editorials to the newspaper. I will focus, as I have for Bacon’s Rebellion, mainly on state and local public-policy issues.

I will continue publishing Bacon’s Rebellion independently. Editorial Page Editor Bob Rayner and I are committed to exploring ways in which the Editorial Department and the blog can work together to create a stronger online editorial presence for both. We envision several avenues of collaboration.

First, the RTD has given me permission to re-publish op-eds I write for the newspaper on Bacon’s Rebellion (although unsigned editorials will remain the newspaper’s exclusive property) after a 24-hour delay.

Second, the RTD will link to Bacon’s Rebellion for expanded versions of the newspaper’s editorials and op-eds with additional commentary, tables, graphs and maps that the newspaper does not have space to print.

Third, we have discussed ways to further expand the RTD’s commitment to civic conversations on a wide range of issues affecting the Richmond region and Virginia as a whole. Recently, the RTD Public Square celebrated its 75th program and we’ll be looking to further promote civil dialogue.

In the meantime, I will continue to post commentary to Bacon’s Rebellion as time permits. Fortunately, the blog has two strong contributors in Steve Haner and Don Rippert, so readers can be confident that the blog will be as timely and incisive as ever.

I am hopeful that the new partnership between newspaper and blog will demonstrate one possible way to reinvigorate local journalism – so essential for our democracy – in the digital era.

— Jim Bacon

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16 responses to “Big Changes for Bacon’s Rebellion”

  1. LarrytheG Avatar

    Congratulations and you have definitely earned your success and best wishes for more and better!

    I don’t know if this collaboration is new or unique but it is certainly innovative and interesting and apparently, many the various nooks and crannies of the interests in the relationship have been looked at and accounted for!

    Thanks for all the very substantial effort you have put forth for BR!

  2. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    Anything to get your copy back on VPAP, eh?

    Summer of 1972 I was hired right after high school graduation as a sports writer (man, that was hilarious) by the Petersburg Progress-Index and moved to Colonial Heights to join my dad, who had taken a job there. That was my first introduction to what we heard the rest of the newsroom call the Times-Disgrace, being our competitor and all. I certainly never saw that paper as a high school student in Roanoke, but I’ve been competing with it, feeding it quotes and tips, reading it daily for 46 years. It was and still is the paper of record, making an effort to cover the Capitol and Main Street with a skeleton staff and shrinking news hole. Nobody has any stronger desire to see it succeed than I do.

  3. Congratulations!

  4. DLunsford Avatar

    Godspeed Jim Bacon! You are a brave man to be wading into that cesspool previously known as the Fourth Estate. But no better man than you and no better location, nor topic area.
    Being a big fan of Virginius Dabney, I recently found a first edition of his “semi-” autobiographical; “Across the Years: Memories of a Virginian, 1978”. What a charming glimpse of early life at the RTD and a detailed description of what journalism used to be. It reads almost like Forrest Gump in miniature particularly his pre-WWII sabbatical in Germany and the immediate post-war years. Not to mention the segregation crisis. What an amazing time to be alive. Definitely worth a read if you haven’t already.

  5. Congrats Jim.

  6. djrippert Avatar

    A lot of interesting material. Congrats. I especially liked this idea:

    “Second, the RTD will link to Bacon’s Rebellion for expanded versions of the newspaper’s editorials and op-eds with additional commentary, tables, graphs and maps that the newspaper does not have space to print.”

    Many of the issues historically covered on Bacon’s Rebellion are quite complex. They don’t lend themselves exclusively to short op-ed pieces. However, the op-ed pieces might well encourage the readers to look at the matters in more detail.

    Glad to hear you will again be an income tax paying Virginian. We need that tax money for roads and Metro up here in NoVa. Lol.

  7. Andrew Roesell Avatar
    Andrew Roesell

    Congratulations, Jim!



  8. I’m with Don. I particularly like the “Second,…” idea.

    Looking in the rear view mirror, it now seems like a no-brainer. You were destined to find an outlet for your very substantial coverage. Let’s hope the libs don’t find a way to stifle it.

    Congrats, Jim.

  9. Jane Twitmyer Avatar
    Jane Twitmyer

    Congrats Jim .. I look forward to a new voice at RTD’s editorial dept

  10. Well done, Jim. Your topics of interest need more extensive coverage. I like the idea of linking RTD readers back to BR. I hope it all works out as you have envisioned.

  11. Congratulations. I imagine continuing to move BR forward has required dogged perseverance on your part, so I am glad to see its expanding influence. This must also be evidence of RTD’s shift to digital, which is good to see. (Some of the local papers are so light they are blowing away. . .)

  12. TooManyTaxes Avatar

    Congratulations. And it’s refreshing to see someone in professional journalism who tries to find and use facts. Best wishes.

  13. jpswenson Avatar

    Congratulations, Mr. Bacon
    I enjoy your postings and look forward to your continued journalism.

  14. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    I agree with all the comments above.

    I also suspect every paper in America would benefit from Jim Bacon on their editorial board, writing and contributing there, and also doing op-eds.

    Lets hope this arrangement with the TD benefits both TD and BR, deepening, magnifying, expanding, and enriching the product of both. And hope that this includes here the preservation and expansion of non-conformist, outside the box, non-politically correct, say what you think writing. What is messy, aggravating, and uncomfortable at times, but intelligent and informed too, so it often generates in a flash or over months, years even, new ideas and insights hard to find anywhere else.

  15. Wa Hoo! But I guess we’ll all have to be more polite now if the RTD will be directing readers to read/add-to comments on the BR blog. Maybe we’ll become infamous around Richmond!

  16. […] this week came an announcement that Jim Bacon (lead author/owner of Bacon’s Rebellion, a libertarian website) will become part […]

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