The Best Talent that Money Can Buy

Dominion has bolstered its formidable lobbying team with another prize hire: Ann Loomis, chief of staff to U.S. Senator John Warner. Loomis, who had served as Warner’s legislative director for 18 years before taking on her current position, focusing on Warner’s work with the Senate Committee on the Environment and Public Works.

Loomis reached retirement age this year and decided to enter the private sector, reports John H. Arundel with the Rappahannock News.

The Loomis hire comes as Dominion girds for battle to gain permission to build high-voltage electric transmission lines across Virginia’s northern piedmont. If the power company fails to get permission from the State Corporation Commission in the face of intense citizen resistance, its fallback position is to seek federal powers of eminent domain. Crucial to that effort is gaining approval for a National Interest Electric Transmission Corridor across much of the Mid-Atlantic region, including a large chunk of Virginia. Loomis undoubtedly will play a key role in that effort.

The Loomis recruitment follows the hire of William L. “Bill” Murray, legislative director for Gov. Timothy M. Kaine.

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