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By Peter Galuszka

The Lord of the Flies is upon us! We have been plunged into the darkness by a tsunami of moderate to progressive Democrats who have taken both the House of Delegates and the state Senate for the first time since 1993.

This means that Democrats now control everything from the offices of the Governor, Lt. Governor and Attorney General. All three had been tainted by scandal but it turned out that Virginia voters thought that President Donald Trump was a much dirtier, ruder and offensive customer, hence their sweep.

A view big wins: Ghazala Hashmi, a Democrat, a retired school administrator and the first elected Muslim ever in the state legislature, beat Republican pretty boy Glen Sturtevant. In Suffolk, Democrat Clinton Jenkins took down powerful GOPer Chris Jones. House Speaker and Republican Kirk Cox kept his seat but will have to leave the coveted House Majority Speaker slot to most likely Eileen Filler Corn, now Democrat House Minority Leader. Some old standbys like Tommy Norment and the ever-amusing Amanda Chase stay in power.

What’s likely? A short list:

As for me, I’ll probably become more of a Social Justice Warrior and more strident in my liberalism. This day has been a-waiting for many years. It is a sign that Virginia voters are becoming more diverse, better educated, younger and far more worldly. Going but not gone is a world dominated by white good old boys. In 1982, I left the state, sickened by the constant, nauseating conservatism of the place, only made worse by working for the Richmond Times Dispatch. Now I think I’ll stick around.

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