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Barack Hussein Obama and the GOP’s Future

Congratulations to President-elect Barack Hussein Obama for his symbolic victory. However ill gotten the gains, a black man was elected President of the United States of America. There is no racial barrier to the most powerful position in the world. That’s good news for anyone who imagined there was such a barrier in 2008.

It may be catharsis for some Americans who suffer from white guilt. But, it won’t satisfy Liberals who see the world in their trinity of race, class and gender(s) identity politics. It won’t be enough for the Liberal human secularists who seek socialism, multi-culturalism, national subservience to the U.N. and rule by elites – elected and appointed.

This election was the second spanking of the Republican Party in two years. Establishment Republicans lost. Republican Conservatives have an opportunity to save the United States of America from socialism and liberalism – by leading the Republican Party from 2010 on.

Establishment Republicans governed without courage of convictions and with remarkable incompetence. They lost accordingly. Yet, the conflict of ideas remains.

Where the Conservative ideas were manifested, they were victorious. Traditional, Judeo-Christian – a.k.a. American – marriage of one man and one woman won – even in California. Even Obama emphasized the tax cuts promised to 95% of the people, not the class warfare tax hike. But, it’s only a few election cycles until identity politics can triumph and create the irreversible slide to destroy our American Republic.

Currently, the Nation is 40% Liberal and 40% Conservative (Virginia used to be 35:45 but that is changing fast). The 20% in the middle vote the bread and butter or war and peace issues of the day. That break down by ideas translates into different and rapidly changing demographics. When Whites become an absolute minority by 2042, if the politics of identity keep their currency, the combination of former minorities will always win. Even though a majority of Blacks, Hispanics, Asians and Africans hold Conservative ideas. Ideas lose to identity and character to color and language if the Democrats win many more elections.

If the Democrats pass an amnesty bill to give the right to vote to 20 million illegal aliens – and more that follow – then the fundamental shift in America happens much sooner. It could happen as soon as 2012 in the key swing states – Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, North Carolina, Georgia, Missouri, Iowa, Colorado, New Mexico and Nevada. There will be no return – unless there is some watershed event of war – international, civil or cultural – faith or economic collapse to bring a unity of ideas held by individuals over group identity. Our American Republic will go the way of all former Republics to end in ruins.

So, the time is now for Republican Conservatives and Libertarians to use the Republican Party to lead all Americans a better future. Now. America has a Munificent Destiny – if we choose to create it. We have a purpose that will carry us through another century of freedom, opportunity, prosperity and as much peace as possible. The rule of law, individual rights and responsibilities, economic freedom and choices, charity and investment at home and abroad – from the human heart of families and communities can triumph.

Conservative ideas of freedom, family, faith, energy and economics are superior to the politics of race, class and gender(s) – and all as subjects to international socialism. But, we have a short window to protect, preserve and forward America as an ascending idea. If future American Presidents are Conservative – without any regard to race or ethnicity – America wins. In 2000 I voted in the primary for a much better qualified Black candidate for President – Alan Keyes. I look forward to voting for the better man and best ideas again.

This weekend national Conservative leaders will meet in Virginia to chart a course forward. I, too, will meet in Virginia with people – peasants not pachyderms – to try to chart a course for Virginia. We will see what ‘The Virginia Way’ can do in the elections of 2010 for federal office and across our Commonwealth in 2011.

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