Barack Hussein Obama and the GOP’s Future

Congratulations to President-elect Barack Hussein Obama for his symbolic victory. However ill gotten the gains, a black man was elected President of the United States of America. There is no racial barrier to the most powerful position in the world. That’s good news for anyone who imagined there was such a barrier in 2008.

It may be catharsis for some Americans who suffer from white guilt. But, it won’t satisfy Liberals who see the world in their trinity of race, class and gender(s) identity politics. It won’t be enough for the Liberal human secularists who seek socialism, multi-culturalism, national subservience to the U.N. and rule by elites – elected and appointed.

This election was the second spanking of the Republican Party in two years. Establishment Republicans lost. Republican Conservatives have an opportunity to save the United States of America from socialism and liberalism – by leading the Republican Party from 2010 on.

Establishment Republicans governed without courage of convictions and with remarkable incompetence. They lost accordingly. Yet, the conflict of ideas remains.

Where the Conservative ideas were manifested, they were victorious. Traditional, Judeo-Christian – a.k.a. American – marriage of one man and one woman won – even in California. Even Obama emphasized the tax cuts promised to 95% of the people, not the class warfare tax hike. But, it’s only a few election cycles until identity politics can triumph and create the irreversible slide to destroy our American Republic.

Currently, the Nation is 40% Liberal and 40% Conservative (Virginia used to be 35:45 but that is changing fast). The 20% in the middle vote the bread and butter or war and peace issues of the day. That break down by ideas translates into different and rapidly changing demographics. When Whites become an absolute minority by 2042, if the politics of identity keep their currency, the combination of former minorities will always win. Even though a majority of Blacks, Hispanics, Asians and Africans hold Conservative ideas. Ideas lose to identity and character to color and language if the Democrats win many more elections.

If the Democrats pass an amnesty bill to give the right to vote to 20 million illegal aliens – and more that follow – then the fundamental shift in America happens much sooner. It could happen as soon as 2012 in the key swing states – Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, North Carolina, Georgia, Missouri, Iowa, Colorado, New Mexico and Nevada. There will be no return – unless there is some watershed event of war – international, civil or cultural – faith or economic collapse to bring a unity of ideas held by individuals over group identity. Our American Republic will go the way of all former Republics to end in ruins.

So, the time is now for Republican Conservatives and Libertarians to use the Republican Party to lead all Americans a better future. Now. America has a Munificent Destiny – if we choose to create it. We have a purpose that will carry us through another century of freedom, opportunity, prosperity and as much peace as possible. The rule of law, individual rights and responsibilities, economic freedom and choices, charity and investment at home and abroad – from the human heart of families and communities can triumph.

Conservative ideas of freedom, family, faith, energy and economics are superior to the politics of race, class and gender(s) – and all as subjects to international socialism. But, we have a short window to protect, preserve and forward America as an ascending idea. If future American Presidents are Conservative – without any regard to race or ethnicity – America wins. In 2000 I voted in the primary for a much better qualified Black candidate for President – Alan Keyes. I look forward to voting for the better man and best ideas again.

This weekend national Conservative leaders will meet in Virginia to chart a course forward. I, too, will meet in Virginia with people – peasants not pachyderms – to try to chart a course for Virginia. We will see what ‘The Virginia Way’ can do in the elections of 2010 for federal office and across our Commonwealth in 2011.

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75 responses to “Barack Hussein Obama and the GOP’s Future”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    While I, of course, do not agree with you, I must say your take is circumspect and thoughtful.
    With an exception, and a big one. You raise the prospect that the Democrats will allow 20 million (20 million?) illegal immigrants to vote. Should that happen, there could be civil war.

    A few points:

    Since many of the recent immigrants, documented or otherwise, are Hispanic, and as such have ideal GOP qualities such as respect for family, religion, hard work, etc., why do Republicans such as yourself continue to alienate them? Luckily, immigration was diminished as a campaign issue and for good reason. As it was, McCain lost North Carolina possibly because of the constant insults the GOP has tossed against Hispanics. Latino workers there have been getting death threats. I had a luncheon partner at a meeting in Richmond last week who is a VCU professor of Spanish descent. She told me she had trouble getting registered to vote in Richmond becuase of her background, even though she was a U.S. citizen born in the U.S.A. She was told that Richmond didn’t want illegal immigrants.
    When you and your fellow pacyderms meet and regroup I hope you consider this. You might be more successful
    And, if you want more sound advice like this from me, you can always buy me a Bombay Sapphire martini.

    Peter Galuszka

  2. James Atticus Bowden Avatar
    James Atticus Bowden

    PG: I don’t know who ‘we’ is when you write about Republicans.

    The conversion of second and third generation Hispanics to evangelical Protestantism – over a third I believe – leads their thinking to the GOP. The Roman Catholic Hispanics are a natural constituency too, I believe. – once they divorce themselves from subservience to a patron and gain an American mentality.

    The primary failure, which I will write in an op ed later, is the pandering the Republican party does instead of marketing. Pandering, and using the language of PC liberalsims, is tokenism. Marketing means respect – and can show lovinkindness.

    And, the burden is how to speak about illegal aliens and not alienate legal immigrants when so many folks are family with both category of people – or identify culturally, racially, linguistically with both. How do you make the distinction without being disrespectful? I haven’t seen it done yet – well enough.

    I’d buy you one of those martinis, whatever they are, to hear about your time in Russia.

  3. I think the pachyderms are at a crossroads.

    do they want to govern from the middle of the demographics that actually exist or do they want to attempt to govern from their base by using “marketing” and “messages”?

    I don’t think they can hide from this any longer.

  4. Anonymous Avatar

    Sure, I’d be happy to talk about Russia and give you all the political advice you could ever want. Week after next is best.

    Why not email me at


  5. James Atticus Bowden Avatar
    James Atticus Bowden

    Larry G: Even if you are a Dem, please communicate in plain English.

    What is the middle between cutting taxes and raising taxes?

    What is the middle between cutting spending and more spending?

    What is the middle between aborting babies and not aborting babies?

    What is the middle between marriage for one man and one woman and making it up as anything?

    The ideas are in conflict. There are no middle ground ideas – except, of course, support for the Redskins and antipathy to the Cowboys.

    The issue is which ideas – and competent governance – attracts mushy people in the middle with few ideas of their own.

  6. Anonymous Avatar

    R’s need to start governing with ideas and stop governing out of fear.

    All we usually get is, “No!” to any plan that is proposed and very few, if any, counter proposals….particularly at the state level.

    It’s no taxes, no new roads, no schools, no health care, no new hospitals, etc…..unless of course it makes money for members of the Country Club….either directly or indirectly.

    And stop governing out of fear, i.e., fear of gays, fear that someone is going to take your guns away, fear that if you don’t legislate the scripture then it’s somehow wrong or bad.

    The R’s have no choice but to become a more moderate, middle of the road party…..demographics are changing and unless they change they will cease to exist.

  7. Larry Hicks Avatar
    Larry Hicks

    You really sound like an asshole in the first two paragraphs of this post. It rings loud with the very worst kind of pathetic, impotent rage.

  8. James Atticus Bowden Avatar
    James Atticus Bowden

    Larry Hicks: Beauty,among other things, is in the eye of the beholder. You are misreading my emotions, but you are welcomed to attribute with whatever name calling you like – instead of engaging in ideas all you like.

  9. Anonymous Avatar

    Lary is probably right on this.

    In the last electon the white electorte was 70%. In this one it was 63%. The brown votes may be lost to the GOP for a long time to come, and there will be more of them every cycle.

    For the GOP it may come down to “Do you want to be right, or do you want to govern?”.


  10. Anonymous Avatar

    What is the middle between cutting taxes and raising taxes?

    Depends on how much money is in flow. You can raise taxes without raising the tax burden, for example.

    What is the middle between cutting spending and more spending?

    Spending more money when there is a real benffit to be gained, spending when you need to, vs not spending no matter what as a mattter of dogma.

    What is the middle between aborting babies and not aborting babies?

    Keeping the government’s nose and anyone elses out of where it doesn’t belong. Government has never solved a moral issue.

    What is the middle between marriage for one man and one woman and making it up as anything?

    Why do I care if someone wants to think they are married? Where is the threat to my happiness, unless I make it up?

    It is not the ideas that are in conflict. It is the conflict that is created by such ideas.

    Gov. pawlenty was right when he said GOP needs to drop the divisiveness and become more pragmantic.


  11. James Atticus Bowden Avatar
    James Atticus Bowden

    RH: We agree.

    If people vote identity politics then they vote Dem = Liberal. If people vote ideas then they split Cons:Dem 40:40 nationally – roughly. Then, the victory goes to ideas and governance that wins 11 out 20% of the middle.

    So, if the majority of Americans vote identity politics as the racial demographics shift – then the GOP becomes a permanent minority. IF…

  12. James Atticus Bowden Avatar
    James Atticus Bowden

    RH: oops. I didn’t see your second post. Of course, I don’t agree with what you propose. Your middle ground is a mushy swamp – doesn’t make sense.

    Please explain how you raise taxes without raising the tax burden. Use numbers.

  13. Atticus – FYI – the “middle” is where the electorate is on the issues…

    it’s not hard to find.

    you might think the middle consists of uneducated and unprincipled nitwits – and you might be right sometimes on some issues – but to actually – Govern – you have to want to represent their interests.

    If you are not willing to represent their interests but you think you can still “market” and “message” your way to gaining their vote anyhow…

    I would suggest.. that at some point in time., reach the part about trying to fool all the people all of the time..

    and the jig is up at that point.

    and right now – the Republican party is at this juncture IMHO.

    Half of the Republicans know this.. and realize it is imperative to change if they really want to govern – and the other half seems bound and determined to RULE…rather than GOVERN.

    Luckily for us – our fore-fathers set up a system that made it danged difficult to RULE and forced leader wannabies to GOVERN.

    Now the ball is in the Republicans court – do you want to Govern or do you want to Rule?

    batter up…..

  14. RVA Foodie Avatar
    RVA Foodie

    JAB: This election seems to have been more about racial identity for YOU than it was for the millions of Obama voters. The contrast between the candidates was stark on many levels. You seem to pigeon hole Obama’s campaign as a one dimensional affirmative action power grab, and in doing so, you come across as bigoted. I don’t mean that as a personal attack. It’s clear that in the defining moment of this election, the Republican party has staked out an antiquated position that reeks of prejudice. Keep writing more drivel like this and your party will continue to diminish trust and relevance.

  15. James Atticus Bowden Avatar
    James Atticus Bowden

    Larry G: We will agree to disagree as usual. When two candidates from two parties offer two tax plans, then one (the GOP) isn’t making a decision to rule or govern or whatever your false dichotomy is. The mushy middle choses as they please.

    rva foodie: Sorry, if I didn’t explain the context of identity politics with better numbers.

    From the cuff: Roughly 20% of the national vote for Obama from Blacks and Hispanics was based on identity politics more than ideas. The same folks are more Conservative on issues – in line with the GOP, but refuse to vote so. If you confuse that with bigotry, you are indeed confused.

    Another 25% of the national vote was ideologial, issue based left of center for Obama. And the 10% or so that wins was winning folks in the middle to vote for Obama or against the GOP or whatever.

    There is absolutely nothing in any Republican position that smacks of prejudice. Nice try to paint with the tar brush.

  16. Anonymous Avatar

    It’s something akin to coming out of a heavy mortar attack. I’m nonplussed all the more by Virginia helping to elect a neo-Socialist. Virginia!

    And not to mention that you allowed some minor, faceless bureaucrat–voter Registrar Suleman–to brazenly throw out military-absentee ballots from Virginia boys. Is he still on the job?

    Jeez. Where the hell is the Army of Northern Virginia?


  17. Loudoun Insider Avatar
    Loudoun Insider

    The biggest problem I see with the GOP lately is that they come off as a bunch of obnoxious a-holes. Sure, there are plenty of that breed on the Dem side as well, but Obama infused the Dem party with hope this last go round. McCain did not run a good campaign, and it seemed to be based more on fear. I think voters will increasingly go towards hope rather than fear. Conservative principles still hold sway in this country, it’s just that the GOP has betrayed these too much and when they do promote such values most tend to come off as in your face obnoxious idealogues. The GOP needs a kinder gentler face with a bit more libertarianism to succeed in my opinion.

  18. I love Atticus’s high sounding words about Conservatism and values and all that rot… like we haven’t had 8 years of a clear track record on how those words get converted into action.

    It was almost like McCain was saying… “yeah.. I know we sound a lot like what those guys in office the last 8 years said they were going to do – but believe me… we’re not like them”.

    and the man is really, really good… he makes that case with a totally straight face…

    No wonder Palin went “rogue” on them…

    Here’s what I want to see.

    I want to see the Republican party… in Congress… take McCains current platform and advocate for it as legislation.

    At least.. get it on the record – as what they actually believe in…

    my guess – McCains platform will end up like the WaPo on the floor of a bird cage…

    but who knows…

    Who will become the leader of the Republican party – Atticus?

  19. “Who will become the leader of the Republican party – Atticus?”

    Sure…but to paraphrase Speaker Thomas Reed, “We can do worse, and probably will.”

  20. Jim Bacon Avatar

    Larry Hicks and Loudoun Insider, We have a rule on this blog: No profanity or vulgarity — and no ad hominem attacks. You are welcome to attack Jim Bowden’s ideas with all the enthusiasm you can muster. Go get him! But keep it civil.

    Ordinarily, I delete such posts. But you’re both new to the blog (as commenters at least), and I want to encourage your participation. But let everyone hereby be notified, any more posts with vulgarity/obscenity or ad hominem attacks will be deleted.

  21. Anonymous Avatar

    J.A. Bowden,
    Just trying to enrich the analysis here.

    Here’s a quote from Phyllis in a blog I read:

    Schlafly laid the blame for Obama’s victory squarely in the lap of President Bush. “The disarray of the conservative movement is the fault of George W. Bush and his advisor Karl Rove,” Schlafly told “I guess it turned out that he was not a conservative after all. He was a big government, big spending, globalist, ‘New World Order’-type of Republican”

    Hope this helps.


  22. Jim Bacon Avatar

    More grist for the mill: According to the CNN exit polls, Hispanics voted for Obama over McCain by a two-for-one margin. That’s pretty lopsided, but nothing like the 95-96 percent of African-Americans who voted for Obama.

    While Hispanics clearly favor the Ds, the Ds can’t take their votes forgranted. As JAB points out, they tend to be socially conservative. That may explain the success or near success of some of the anti-gay marriage referenda out west. If the illegal immigration controversy dies down, so might the tendency of Hispanics to align so strongly with the Ds.

    Personally, I’m less concerned about the culture war issues than I am about fiscal sanity, free markets, economic competitiveness and environmental sustainability. Where do Hispanics stand on those issues? I don’t know.

  23. James Atticus Bowden Avatar
    James Atticus Bowden

    PG: I think Bush is part of the loss for reasons specified by Schafly and other reasons too. There are many reasons McCain lost.

    The other JAB: I agree that the culture war issues are background this year.

    It only matters what individual Hispanics think on the issues you listed if that person votes the issues instead of identity politics. Clearly, a third of Hispanics don’t vote Dem as an identity issue. I have no idea what per cent of the 66% DO vote through cognitive dissonance – holding positions like GOP on issues and voting Dem based on identity.

    I’ve seen the numbers for Blacks on some issues – nationally and in Virginia – but didn’t memorize them – on the significant number that vote in cognitive dissonance (one of my favorite terms from PL 201: General Pyschology).

  24. cognitive dissonance … that’s a good one.. it probably describes most of the social righties… donja think?

    do I dare ask what your point is in ascribing this kind of thing to an entire social group?

    careful now… there’s already oil on the floor…

  25. James Atticus Bowden Avatar
    James Atticus Bowden

    LG: Your question pegs a difference between Liberals and Conservatives.

    I DON’T ascribe cognitive dissonance to a ‘whole social group’.

    I ascribe cognitive dissonance to a number of individuals with common demographics.

    I don’t know the precise numbers for the individuals who vote through their cognitive dissonance to vote identity politics and Dem. I’ve seen numbers, but I can’t recall them well enough.

  26. Anonymous Avatar

    James Atticus Bowden,
    Thanks. And when you have your meeting with the other GOP typs, please try to get them to stop calling Republicans “reds.” The Bolsheviks chose red to describe themsevles because the Russian word “kracnee” means both “Red” and “Wonderful.”
    It makes you all sound like a bunch of damnned Commies!

    Peter Galuszka

    Other JAB: You make your observation about Hispanic voting
    as if you are Columbus discovering America. This is the whole point. Let’s try again. Hispanics tend to have values of hard-work, religion and family that Republicans claim to also admire. But the Republicans alienate them with all of this obnoxious immigration crap. Therefore, Hispanics vote Democratic. Want me to draw you a picture on a cocktail napkin when we get together next week?

  27. James Atticus Bowden Avatar
    James Atticus Bowden

    PG: We may agree but are separated by what we call the cause and effect.

    I agree that many Hispanics may vote Dem because the anti-illegal rhetoric is interpreted as being anti-Hispanic, anti-legal immigrant, etc.

    So, they vote Dem. I call that identity politics. Because they see their cause as their identity. I can see how you could call that dumb issue politics.

  28. Atticus – you mean folks with particular… specific common demographics suffer as a group from this disorder but they’re not also recognizable as “social” groups?

    what would be the difference?

    Can you give an example?

  29. Anonymous Avatar

    Alas, Jim, would that the coming Obama monolith heed your proscriptions on commentary and cease its relentless ad feminam attack on Governor Palin.


  30. Anonymous Avatar

    Suppose we accept the Laffer Idea that at some point taxes become a burden on the economy and higher rates lead to lower revenue.

    It doesn’t follow that lower rates always lead to higher revenue. That’s why it is a curve.

    But the economy can expand and shift the tax burden because the rates are fixed in dollar brackets, just as we have seen with the alternative minimum tax.

    So, just as it is possible to increase the tax burden as a percentage of GNP without raising the tax rates, the reverse must also be possible.

    The question is what do you mean by raising taxes? Does that mean collect more revenue? Or does it mean raising the rates? Or does it mean adding new fees and other costs? Or does it only mean increasing the bite?

    If my taxes go up a dollar and my income goes up a hundred, is that really a tax increase?

    The Pubs are entirely too dogmatic about this as if no tax and no expenditure was EVER justified.

    The Dems are just the opposite. They think any and every new tax is “only a few cents per household to stop global warming”, or some such. They are equally dogmatic about every expense being justified by some perceived need.

    They are both wrong.

    The general accounting office has it right when they say that no government expenditure is justified that does not result in a net social benefit.

    Pubs seem to think no government expenditure is justified, no matter what the net social benefit.

    Dems think every government is expenditure is automatically a social benefit, in and of itself.

    Admittedly, the accounitng for net social benefit is complicated, but I’m pretty sure that neither the Pub dogma nor the Dem dogma gets us there.

    At the end of the day, it isn’t a matter of whether taxes go up or down, it is a matter of whether you (and everybody else) is better off as a result.

    Some things simply cannot be done individually, they require everyone to contribute in order to be accomplished efficiently, or at all.

    As a result, I have to reject the resolute Republican antipathy to taxes and spending. When I stop seeing them act like fiscal morons, they will get more of my support.

    As for the Dems, they are prone to false advertising about the benefits they say spending will achieve. For example, I don’t believe for a second that we will get any kind of huge economic benefit out of the 5 million new green jobs for alternative energy they claim.

    When they stop telling me obvious lies, they will get more of my support.


  31. Ray Hyde Avatar

    “Your middle ground is a mushy swamp – doesn’t make sense.”

    I understand why people feel that way. It is far easier to adopt a single position at all costs than to constantly have to evaluate and re-evaluate the best middle ground and best compromise.

    But, once you understand how that evaluation MUST be done, then it is the only way that makes sense, even if it gives you a different answer every time.

    In my experience everything involves a trade off, and staking out a single position simply gurantees you will be wrong as often as right.

    It goes right down to the Heisenburg uncertanty principle and the laws of thermodynamics. At the end of the day, every thing is built on them and depends on them, even the economy as a whole.

    There is no free lunch. If you want to apply Republican Dogma you will have to give up some things, If you want to apply Democratic dogma, you will give up some other things. Neither one can possibly give the best answer, so why bother to argue the point?

    Spend the energy instead, looking for a better answer, and ignore the label hung on it.


  32. Ray Hyde Avatar

    I think Hispanics voted differently in New Mexico than Texas. Anyone want to check?

    My point was only that now the deed is done, it may be impossible for the Republicans to turn it around. They may have lost an opportunity forever. Blacks and colored people have learned that their votes count. Even one of my educated black friends told me this is the first time he has ever voted.

    Sure, hispanics favor hard work and family. Who doesn’t favor family? But that doesn’t mean hispanics LIKE hard work, it is just a necessary part of their condition.

    And they recognize what that condition is. As my friend Jesus said “What good all that money it no go round and round?” Hardly sounds like identifying with the GOP to me.

    JAB sounds to me like the hot blooded young southerners in “Gone with the wind”, saying southern honor will whip those Yankees, in a week. Meanwhile the voice of reason in the part of Rett Butler is saying, Are you out of your mind?


  33. Groveton Avatar


    Why wait until 2010? Isn't there a governor's race in 2009? I offered you a bet of a martini (it's a drink) on Virginia and Obama. I'll make the same offer right now on the 2009 race. The next governor of Virginia will be a Democrat. Don't like martinis? OK – make it dinner. Or money. Whatever.

    The Republicans are incompetent.

    Gilmore didn't even try.
    McCain was a terrible candidate even if he is a great guy.
    Palin? Need I say more?

    You can't even get to a debate on the issues when you run terrible candidates.

    And alienating Hispanics? That may be the Republicans most stupid move. And it is about the stance on immigration – whether the Republicans want to admit it or not. In fact, failure to admit the obvious truth is a hallmark of the modern Republican Party.

    Who is the best Republican politician in America? Arnold! And he had to get to office in a recall. Oh yeah – he was born in Austria. A real bummer on the presidential front.

    Republican success recipe:

    1. Abortion – give up, you've lost.
    2. Guns – shut up, you've won.
    3. Taxes – admit that the Bush tax cuts went too far. They did. Argue that Obama's promised tax increase is too drastic. It is.
    4. Energy – Drill. And tax carbon. Use half of the carbon tax to fund alternate R&D. Use the other half in rebates to poor people who get hit with the tax.
    5. Defense – declare that you'll end the war in Iraq quickly. It is going to end quickly anyway. Try not to talk about Afghanistan. It is the real quagmire. Build the missle defense shield. Blame Iran. Spending has to be reduced … but slowly.
    6. Bailouts. Stop doing them. The banking system is not the same as the automotive industry.
    7. Education. Standard national curriculae. All textbooks come with online tutorials. All teachers read and respond to parent e-mails. Keep No Child Left Behind. Teachers may be teaching to a test but at least they are teaching to something.
    8. Candidates. Try to find people under 70. Maybe look for people who can put two sentences together in a cogent manner. No beauty queen moose hunters. She might end up being a great politician but now was not the time to put her on the national ticket. Nominate her to Ted Steven's seat when that guy is locked up.
    9. Immigration. Grant the amnesty and secure the border. Build a fence. Fly drones. Make English the official language.

  34. well.. the R's don't buy taxing even for a social benefit – if in the process – you create a society that expects entitlements … and takes less and less personal responsibility for their own well being… and lets government do ..what they ought to be doing… for a heck of a lot more money and overhead than if you did it yourself in the first place.

    and in doing so.. you take money from those that are responsible and actually do look after themselves and give it to those who don't deserve it.

    The see taxes for some social benefits as a necessary evil and only when it is clearly demonstrated that really bad stuff happens if you don't do it.

    really bad stuff..characterized by things like a child with a heart defect dying because his parents could not afford a known simple procedure.

    However.. the same R's are not at all put off by subsidies and tax breaks for those that they believe will ..create jobs…

    thus their view that the lower taxes are ..the more folks will be able to keep more of what they earn – and use it to create jobs or to buy stuff that creates jobs…

    … as opposed to the government getting it and instead of buying stuff with it or creating jobs.. it ..obviously disappears down a black hole

    thus my question why.. government money spent on humvees and homeland security doo dads is money "well-spent" but money spent on green infrastructure or national parks or flu shots for the elderly.. classic "waste".

    it's money.. it spends the same whether it is for a military doodad or a sidewalk…in my view.

    but somehow.. I don't think the R's see money spent on humvees as a "social benefit" … but rather a necessary expenditure to preserve the republic from all enemies real or imagined.

    we can afford taxes for that.

    but heaven forbid.. taxes to pay for an artificial hip is …"welfare"…

    but I'm not a defender of the tax&spend folks either.

    they appear to have never met a good cause that wasn't worth taxing everyone for..

    and ROADs are a good example.

    Mobility is "good" the same way that Humvee's are "good" and having more "mobility" is worth it no matter how much it costs…

    at least give the R's credit.. they do reach a point when at least one or two of them will ask "Don't we have enough Humvees yet"?

    but then.. as soon as someone says yes.. they say " a good thing.. because we've got this UAV death ray deal that needs funding".

  35. James Atticus Bowden Avatar
    James Atticus Bowden

    Larry G: Here is an example for you. Please read it slowly and carefully. The sample is 10. So each person would count for 10% notional Hispanic population.

    The people are real. Names are phoney. Their voting attitude is fictional and not. It illustrates for your benefit how cognitive dissonance in individuals isn’t a blanket whatever about some group blah blah.

    1. COL Ret Joe Valdez. Mexican Family in Texas for over 300 years. Votes GOP. Works for Evangelical Christian ministry.
    2. MSG AF Ret. Jack Valdez. Puerto Rican from NY. Strong GOP activist.
    3. Cousin Jane Valdez. Argentian naturalized US. Lives in deep South. Devout Roman Catholic so she votes GOP.

    4. LT General Ret Jose Valdez. Never heard an English word until he went to public school near Brownsville. Mexican Family on both sides of border that they cross like we do VA to WVA. Neighbor and friend in Germany -his wife and kids buds with mine. Hates how Rumsfeld screwed up war and blamed him. Votes Dem

    5. Nephew Jared Valdez. Mexican family. Born in Mexico. US. Product of California schools and public sector employee. Liberal by enviroment. Votes Dem.

    6. Grad School classmate. Richard Valdez. Mexican immigrants about 4 generations ago. Married to Cesar Chavez’s daughter. True believer Lib. Votes Dem.

    7. Colleague. Lulu Valdez. PhD from Brazil, now US with high security clearance. Considers herself Californian and Brazilian,not Hispanic. Votes Dem to keep up with neighbors – could be cognitive dissonance.

    8. MSG Ret Alphonse Valdez. Father of son’s best friend in Germany. Dominican, now US, who would be counted as “black” by some. 2nd Amendment guy – who votes Dem because his family expects it – case of cognitive dissonance.

    9. CSM Ret Jesus Valdez. Father of daughter’s best friend in Germany. Panamanian, now US, big on social conservative issues like traditional family. Votes Dem to stay real to the young troops and still does – case of cognitive dissonance.

    10. Manuel Valdez. Mexican immigrant. Boss for yard workers for retired school teacher in CA. Doesn’t speak English. Votes Dem because he is told to do so by everyone around him – devout Catholic – case of cognitive dissonance.

  36. James Atticus Bowden Avatar
    James Atticus Bowden

    Groveton: I owe you the martini. Look forward to paying up someday.

    As to suggestions, if you are a Republican, go to a local unit meeting, join up and start suggesting.

  37. I appreciate the examples but don’t you consider these more along the lines of random rather than systemic?

    Couldn’t you go to a similar group of non-hispanic conservatives and find similar cases of cognitive dissonance.

    How about all those folks who voted for McCain and Mark Warner instead of Gilmore?

  38. Anonymous Avatar

    J.A. Bowden
    I really don’t see what listing all the Hispanics you know with pyseudonyms brings to the party. It’s like an upper middle class white person in a small Southern town back in the civil rights era pontificating about what blacks want by what he or she says the maid says.

    The point is that Republicans need to understand that creating wedge issues about immigration and Hispanics — one based on white fear and racism — has backfired big time.

    What you might consider advocating is an inclusive, wise and far-reaching policy on immigration reform, rather than backing GULAGs such as the one going up in Farmville or county-backled rousting by cops in Prince William. SUch a policy would recognize that non-U.S. citizens should not be here illegally, but osmehow consider the vast complexities of the issue.

    One other point. The GOP is always into free trade (so are the Dems) and globalization. But having more immigrants here is part of that equation. YOu can’t have just the part where the companies get to improve their margins and cut costs by offshoring.

    Peter Galuszka

  39. Claire Voiante Avatar
    Claire Voiante

    I am certainly excited about what an Obama presidency will bring to our beleaguered nation. He is very articulate to be sure, and seemingly has the intellect and composure to be successful in the highest office of the most powerful nation on earth. However, I am a little skeptical about his level of experience, alleged ties to unsavory organizations and religious affiliations. I voted for him, primarily because of bitterness at the incompetence of the Bush administration. I remain disenfranchised with America so far in the 21st Century, and came across a political graphic that does a fairly good job in capturing this sentiment.

  40. Anonymous Avatar

    “if in the process – you create a society that expects entitlements … and takes less and less personal responsibility for their own well being… “

    Point taken.


  41. James Atticus Bowden Avatar
    James Atticus Bowden

    PG: Tut, tut. The example of some (not all) the Hispanics I know wasn’t for you. It was my attempt to be patient and kind in illustrating the idiosyncratic behavior of voting – as opposed to thinking through the trinity of race, class and gender(s).

    I’ve written op eds about immigration for some time. It is fundamentally an issue of will.

    As I said in this thread, I haven’t seen anyone make the case for legal immigration and against illegal immigration that is respectful enough, kind and loving enough to not be interpreted as an attack by a person who hears it all through ethnic identity politics.

    So I’m at a loss for now on how to sell what I see as the solution.

    I’m all for a large legal immigration – say 2 million a year.

    But not one person over whatever the law says. None. Zero.

    I’m for deporting the 800,000 or so criminal illegal aliens.

    I’m ambivalent about the remaining 19 million or so. I don’t think we as a Nation – and especially the Christian community – have the will to deport the illegals who haven’t broken any other laws.

    So, what to do? I think the US should withhold citizenship and voting rights for all that broke the law to be here and stay here. I think there should be a fine.

    The rule of law must be upheld. New laws can show compassion without amnesty for illegals – who have stayed otherwise legal in a country where they have contributed.

    What other complexities need to be considered?

  42. James Atticus Bowden Avatar
    James Atticus Bowden

    CV: If you are disenfranchised, then how did you vote? Maybe you meant you are disenchanted.

  43. re: “…As I said in this thread, I haven’t seen anyone make the case for legal immigration and against illegal immigration that is respectful enough, kind and loving enough to not be interpreted as an attack by a person who hears it all through ethnic identity politics.”

    but seeing as how it is the Republicans that have the complaint and so far the only solutions to be put forth by Republicans are draconian… then WHO would YOU expect to find a better way – the Dems?

    The Dems are not making this an issue so isn’t the ball in YOUR COURT … ESPECIALLY … if it is you that wants to attract Hispanic votes…

    What I get out of your explanation is basically.. “it’s not our fault that we are so dang incompetent about immigration issues”.

    well… DUH…

    this sounds a lot like the folks left over from Massive Resistance who claim they were “out of the loop”….

    comeon – Atticus – I think you can do better than this…

  44. Anonymous Avatar

    McDonnel will win the governorship

    Thanks to Tim Kaine and his poor record as governor and the fact that the Dems are going to nominate Moran and finally the fact that McDonnel actually understands what it takes to win and he will actually be campaigning hard in Northern Virginia and the HR/TW area.


  45. James Atticus Bowden Avatar
    James Atticus Bowden

    LG: “What I get out of your explanation is basically”… wrong. Perhaps it would be better if you just wrote what are your ideas. Let me speak for myself.

  46. Anonymous Avatar

    “I’m all for a large legal immigration – say 2 million a year.

    But not one person over whatever the law says. None. Zero.”

    I’d lke to get 240 volts coming into my house, too, but I have to settle for between 208 and 270 with intermittent values of zero.

    If you can’t manage a physical system any better than that, how can you expect to manage immigration better than that.

    It is unrealistic, and that is how the Republicans are now seen, mostly. Even Goverenor Pawlenty says they need to be more pragmatic, and Republicans should listen up.

    Otherwise, they can be correct, and irrelevant.


  47. Groveton Avatar

    NMM: Unfortunately, it won’t be Jim Moran who is nominated. Jim Moran has no chance of state-wide appeal. He couldn’t win a NoVA-wide election. However, Brian Moran will be on the ballot (maybe? probably?) and he has a much more appealing persona. I don’t think his policies or his politics are worth a rat’s patoot but he will be an effective candidate. This will create another case of what JAB calls “connitive dissonance”. I understand the concept but see it differently. People vote for a combination of a candidate’s positions and the candidate himself. Bad candidates lose votes. And they lose votes because they are perceived as vacillating (Kerry), dishonest (Nixon), confused (GW Bush) or just plain goofy (Dukakis). Tim Kaine has come off as a goober and that’s hurt his image. But Brian Moran will project a different persona. Frankly, so will Terry McCauliffe if he runs. I had the chance to “meet” Obama in a small group very early in his campaign. Before the first primary. Back when Hillary was conventional wisdom. I knew as soon as I met him that he would win the election. Like Reagan and Clinton, he has a certain charisma that’s hard to describe but easy to observe. And that charisma is a big part of JAB’s “cognitive dissonance”. Again – people vote for a combination of the candidate’s positions and the candidate herself. The Republicans have been running terrible candidates. And they’ve been getting the outcome they should expect.

    But it’s not all the teh candidate. The positions do play a big part …

    Peter is 100% correct about the Republican position (and, more importantly, how it is perceived) regarding immigration. JAB is ambivelent about the 19M illegal aliens in the US. Ambivelent about 7% of the population. That’s the kind of statement that loses elections. JAB – you’re a military man, isn’t winning the hearts and minds part of the battle? How many hearts and minds are won with statements like “I’m ambivelent”. Hearts and minds of Hispanic and Asian citizens who vote. Hearts and minds of people who look at you and me as people whose ancestors immigrated to this country. Hearts and minds of people who see whitey as shutting the door now that he is in the room. You shouldn’t be ambivelent about 19M people living within our borders. You say you wouldn’t deport them because of Christian values (at least that’s what I get out of it). Nice. The illegal immigrants are chartiy cases. Illegal immigrants are like those Americans who dodged the war in Vietnam. Regardless of why they did what they did, it’s time to forgive and forget. As for serious criminals – incarcerate them or deport them. Everybody is fine with that. But the attempt to blur the line between sneaking into the US in search of employment and something like assault and battery is disingenious. I jaywalk all the time. I guess I am a criminal as well. But I am a jaywalker, I am not a murderer. The difference is so extreme that there is no reason to discuss both in the same breath (or even in the same lifetime). The Founding Fathers totally disrespected the “rule of law” of the official authority of the day – the English crown. Yet conservatives revere these men. Because they thought there was a higher authority than even the King. I think so too. And that tells me not to write off 19M people living in my country.

  48. Anonymous Avatar

    I am optimistic that we can drag James Atticus Bowden, kicking and screaming, into the 21st Century. All it takes is humor and forbearance

    Peter Galuszka

  49. James Atticus Bowden Avatar
    James Atticus Bowden

    RH:Is it unrealistic to maintain national sovereignty by enforcing our borders? I realize that someone will sneak in. But the goal for government should be zero.

    G: Please read the Declaration of Independence. Precisely because the King and Parliament violated the rule of law, and rights of Englishmen, the Americans revolted and established a new state.

    Likewise, reconsider if jaywalking is the same level legal offense as illegal immigration.

    Read my op ed on why we don’t speak Pictish.

    PG: I’m aiming for a Conservative 22nd Century with a Manifest Destiny. Men who plant oaks believe in the future. I’m doing what I can with the acorns around me.

  50. James Atticus Bowden Avatar
    James Atticus Bowden

    Oops. Munificent Destiny.

  51. Anonymous Avatar

    Groveton — But doesn’t a second amnesty invite more illegal immigration? If you tell me that we forgave illegal immigrants twice, but will never do it again, why would I believe you? Many illegal immigrants are not educated, but that does not make them stupid people. A second amnesty will be a signal to come across the US border, because there will be a third amnesty someday.

    If you are advocating open borders, just say so. If you are not, what are your standards or rules for enforcing immigration laws? Either we have standards (and reasonable people can disagree over what they are), or we don’t. If we don’t, we don’t draw lines. Everyone can come in at any time, under any conditions.

    Even another amnesty program would need some standards — some cut offs. Everyone here before 1/1/09 or 1/1/2000. Anyone not convicted of a felony.

    Drawing lines is difficult and often unfair. Some people just make it, while some just don’t.

    So what are your standards or rules, if you prefer?


  52. Anonymous Avatar


    McDonnel has much more Charisma than Kilgore had.

    There is no Warner coattail effect this time. McDonnel understands he has to visit and campaign in NoVa and HR/TW

    If Cucinelli is the AG I am predicting a landslide 55%+ Cucinelli is a rockstar amongst conservatives which will drive up turnout.

    Finally there is the old adage of Virginia having a governor from the other party

    Regardless it should be interesting.

    The Herrity Bulova campaign for FFX Chairman should be interesting as well. Thats happening in Marchish? and then depending on the results of that there will be a supervisor race. Busy busy times in Fairfax County.


  53. Anonymous Avatar

    “But the goal for government should be zero.”


    In engineering you set a goal with tolerances areound it. If you set a goal with zero tolerance the cost of achieving it goes to infinity.

    There is no point in setting a goal that raises the costs of achieving it higher than the consequences of dealing with a little bit of latitude.

    It is all about achieving the highest net social value, not absolutism.

    If it is going to cost me a billion to reach zero illegals and 100 million to deal with the ones that slip through, I’ll take the latter.


  54. Groveton Avatar


    As far as the King was concerned, he had the "rule of law" on his side. Colonies were not England and England was not a colony. He'd just spent a "bloody fortune" defending and extending the American colony in the French & Indian War and he needed the tarriffs to replenish the royal treasury. The same colonists who complained about paying taxes after the French & Indian War did not demand representation in Parliment before accepting protection from the British military during the war.

    The Founding Fathers believed in unalienable rights. And they believed the King had violated those unalienable rights. If the colonists really believed in actual "rule of law" they would have pursued their case in England (as the New York, Pennsylvania and South Carolina delegations really wanted). Instead, they ignored a duly constituted Parliment and wrote and act of treason called the Declaration of Independence. Somewhat oddly, this Declaration of Independence was written about one year after the shooting war started.

    However, let's talk about the "rules of law". Under the American "rule of law" what happens if a homeowner willingly lets others pass over his or her land for a prolonged period of time without any serious effort to enforce their property rights through trespass prosecution? They create an easement that cannot be revoked. When the United States ignores its borders and allows people to enter the country then ignores the fact that these illegal aliens are being employed does it not create an easement that invalidates the national trespass (i.e. immigration) laws? Also, consider another example iof another "rule of law". When I was a kid I stole one of my friend's toys. It was a regrettable incident and my friend never found out who stole his toy. If he finds out today (through either "late onset sleuthing" or because I confess) what options does he have for legal action? He has none. The statute of limitations has long passed on this youthful transgression. Is there no statute of limitations on illegal immigration? And please do not quote existing American law back at me. The Founding Fathers saw inalienable rights. They felt that those unalienable rights trumped anything Parliment or the King could say. Isn't there an unalienable right to pass through a willfullly neglected border just as there is a right to use an easement? Isn't there an unalienable right to be protected from lifelong prosecution through a statute of limitations?

    Modern conservative theory is muddled and convoluted. It is bereft of logic in many cases. It is not a philosophy. It is a treatise of special interests. And I am happy to supply more example – by the boatload.

  55. Groveton Avatar


    A second amnesty will definitely encourage other to try to cross our borders illegally. When an easement is granted against a landowner’s property because he has ignored tresspassers it encourages more trespass (outside the easement) on the land. The landowner must enforce the tresspass law on his or her land in the future. But the original easement stays. It cannot be enforced in arrears. That option was lost when the property owner decided to ignore the tresspass over time.

    Grant the amnesty and enforce the borders. Life is full of luck. I was lucky to be born an American. The illegals in the US were lucky to get here before we started enforcing the immigration law.

  56. James Atticus Bowden Avatar
    James Atticus Bowden

    RH: Got it. I’m not an engineer. I manage (herd) engineers.

    G: Please invite me to the Glorious 4th celebration where you are the guest speaker and say,” wrote an act of treason called the Declaration of Independence.”

    And, I must presume you’re not a lawyer – based on the logic of law learning – as I read it in your comments. Not a bad thing at all – a good thing to not be a lawyer.

  57. “Munificent Destiny” …

    Does every nation have one or just America?

    If white folks become a minority in America, do we still have a Munificent Destiny?

  58. Groveton Avatar


    Maybe the writings of a fellow conservative will help clear things us.

    “In every American war, our leaders have invoked higher and nobler ends to persuade the people to sacrifice and suffer and to sasnctify the cause. Almost always, it is an ex post facto sanctification. Wars begun for national interests are said to be fought for universal principles.

    The Revolution was fought to rid us of British rule – British soldiers, governors, tax collectors. We wanted them out of our country and off our continent. We wanted to rule ourselves, and to no longer be subject to the British crown.

    To justify what the Parliment and King called treason, Jefferson sought to embed the rebellion, the American war of independence from England, in the larger cause of freedom and equality of all men. Though a slaveholder who thought that a “natural aristocracy” was born to rule, Jefferson wrote: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”.

    From London, Doctor Johnson sneered: (“H)ow is it that we hear the loudest yelps for liberty among the drivers of negroes?”. On Johnson’s death, the chief beneficiary in his will was his Jamaican servant, an ex-slave. Yet Jefferson, from the way he lived his life, did not truly believe the most famous lines he ever wrote. He did not free his slaves on his death in 1826, fifty years after issuance of his famous declaration, as Washington had done. At Monticello, The Jeffersonian principles of ’76 were inoperative.”

    Patrick J. Buchanan
    Day of Reckoning
    PP 60 – 61

    After I call the Declaration of Independence an act of treason Mr. Buchanan can call it a fraud. Now, that should be a 4th of July party. Perhaps we should drink those martinis in advance of the celebration. Of course, the conservatives in attendance will be appalled. But of equal sureness, those same conservatives read history with one eye closed so they can pretend it is on their side in all things.

    As for being a lawyer, your illogic is showing. If the unalienable rights have been endowed by our creator you should be asking whether I am a theologian not whether I am a lawyer. For wasn’t it the law of man (created by lawyers) that the founding fathers opposed?

  59. … ” …Even though a majority of Blacks, Hispanics, Asians and Africans hold Conservative ideas. Ideas lose to identity and character to color and language if the Democrats win many more elections.”

    … geeze… what party in the past has a well-documented history and current practice of making it ALL about race, culture, religion, sexual orientation…national origin, even gender?

    I think the concept of Munificent Destiny says it all because clearly it differentiates who is destined to prevail – and who is not.

  60. James Atticus Bowden Avatar
    James Atticus Bowden

    Groveton: That would be an interesting 4th of July indeed.

    Larry G: Whites will be a minority. A Munificent Destiny for America is for Americans.

    It’s about improving the material wealth of all. It supports the other wealth – spiritual, moral, etc but not through government – through families.

    I’ve written about it – on my archives at my web site.

  61. re: “A Munificent Destiny for America is for Americans.”

    and we’d promote that concept to Hispanics and other immigrants with “family” in countries that will not enjoy “Munificent Destiny”?

    So.. this concept has to do with “family”?

    I’m getting confused here….

    so.. a “family” that exists in several different nations has a “munificent destiny”?

    or .. is it the “family” that allied with a particular government or ideology?

    JAB – you strike me as someone who does think about things… perhaps having bigger mental horsepower than many of us. I certainly find myself trying to understand the apparent contradictions seemingly embedded in some of your philosophies…

    I know EMR does not suffer fools gently… perhaps you are more tolerant…

  62. James Atticus Bowden Avatar
    James Atticus Bowden

    larry G: I’ll do a separate post which I’m sure will confuse everyone.

  63. Groveton Avatar

    Talk is cheap, results are dear.

    The Republican / conservatives keep losing elections and power. Instead of re-thinking their positions and presentation they just keep telling everybody how stupid they are. And everybody just keeps voting against them. Here’s their headstone:

    Modern US Republican Party
    Born 1980 Died 2008, age 28
    “We were too stupid to see our base eroding and too arrogant to change”

  64. re: “Talk is cheap, results are dear.”

    the oft-repeated conventional wisdom among Republicans is that they have failed to properly calibrate their message and that this is what has cost them votes.

    I’m more in Groveton’s camp on this.

    I think you can “message” until the cows come home but if your rhetoric is not backed up by actions …or worse.. your actions are different from the
    “message” you are promoting… you’re done… put the fork in.

    so.. if you talk to the Republicans themselves, many say it’s their message that gone foobar…..

    but if you talk to …say Hispanics… it’s the actions that speak much louder than the words.

    In other words – you gotta walk the walk after you talk the talk.

  65. Anonymous Avatar

    It remains as slippery and murky a word as it was in the 19th Century, “destiny.” Modify the noun with a high-minded adjective and–lo!–you’ve fashioned an emotive word-device whose “aural appeal” makes it sound like a commandment from on High.

    Used as a “concept” in politics, it implies incontrovertible, “factual” findings from the unknown future that insist the political behavior of the day is correct.

    We’ve heard it before. John O’Sullivan, an ordinary journalist, coined the term “Manifest Destiny,” which was used to justify America’s expansion in the Southwest during the 1840s and ‘50s, and later in the century during our territorial dispute with England over Oregon. Creative political stagecraft for its time.

    Destiny, indeed. Call me mean spirited, but reprising in the twenty-first century of our Republic this rococo word, to promote another manipulative political “concept” called “Munificent Destiny,” is just so much pseudo-intellectual blather that falls heavy on this American’s ear.

    Listen, notwithstanding our shortcomings and faults, and our inability to see the future, America has long been the most generous, charitable of nations in history, and will likely go on that way. Through our taxes and the millions of individual acts of charity, our citizens and other nations continue to share mightily in the largesse of America’s material and social wealth: money, manufactured goods, services, and our very lives. Period.

    For individuals seeking “munificence,” see the power with the longer association with Democrat Kansas. You know, the one who said, “ . . . The Magnificent, Munificent, Beneficent Wizard of Oz will be delighted to grant all your requests. . . .”


  66. Groveton Avatar

    Top 10 list.

    The Republicans need a Top 10 list. Their Top 10 eternal thoughts. Like:

    1. Individuals are accountable for their actions.
    2. America should guarantee equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome.
    3. The government that governs least governs best.
    4. The Constitution itself, directly read, should be the basis for judicial action.
    5. America should avoid entangling alliances.
    6. Walk softly but carry a big stick.
    7. Social safety nets should be pervasive, complete and used only on a temporary basis.
    8. All races and both sexes have exactly equal rights.
    9. Governments should neither a lender nor a borrower be.
    10. Free enterprise is always the first choice for affecting reform.

  67. Jim Bacon Avatar

    Good list, Groveton!

  68. Anonymous Avatar

    Groveton – excellent list. The only thing I’d add are taxes should be broadly based with low rates.

    The Ford Foundation was created in 1947. Why is it still tax exempt? Why would Congress raise taxes on families making a whopping $250 K per year, when the Ford Foundation’s 2007 net income was more than $2.1 billion?

    Real change would mean neutrality of purpose. Those wealthy enough to endow foundations should not have an advantage over those just successful. Give everyone a flat amount of money exempt from an estate tax, regardless of what they do with it, and tax the rest. If the death tax comes back, Warren Buffet should not get a tax deduction for his money put into a foundation.

    Real change — don’t hold your breath.


  69. Groveton – excellent list but you did not say a single word about destiny…


  70. Anonymous Avatar

    Here’s another top 10 list for Republicans:

    (1) Don’t run for “change” when you are part of the problem.
    (2) Don’t be taken in by cute brunette women in metal eyeglasses and beehive hairdos.
    (3) Don’t alienate Hispanics. They are your natural allies.
    (4) Don’t alienate African-Americans — try to be the Party of Lincoln again.
    (5) On defense, think Dwight Eisenhower, not Donald Rumsfeld.
    (6) On the environment, remember Teddy Roosevelt.
    (7) “Republican” doesn’t have to always mean “I’ve got mine and screw the rest of you.”
    (8) If you want little government, fine, but don’t expect big government services.
    (9)Be ethical, but stop tell me how much you love Jesus.
    (10) Stop being so cheesy when it comes to education and research.

    Peter Galuszka

  71. (11) -do a reality check on your strategy of having one message for your base and a separate message for those whose vote you want.

    HINT – People notice it when you use two different messages at the same time.

    You need to promote your core values as a single message to everyone – instead of thinking you can “market” different “brands” of GOP to different voter groups.

    That strategy “worked” with Reagan but the reason it worked is because “media” did not include the internet.

    The internet has changed everything with regard to getting your message out – and if you are putting different messages out to different groups – it’s like pretending you’re not really standing their without pants on…when you really are….

  72. Anonymous Avatar

    “Herding engineers”

    That’s rich. I can appreciate that. Next trick: try to keep them economically resonsible. A better technical answer isn’t always a better answer.


  73. “In Virginia, hardly known for its immigrants, a surge in registrations since 2004 ensured 150,000 Hispanics made a crucial contribution to Mr Obama’s slim victory there.”.,dwp_uuid=729ab242-9cb1-11db-8ec6-0000779e2340.html?nclick_check=1

  74. Anonymous Avatar

    As I said in this thread, I haven’t seen anyone make the case for legal immigration and against illegal immigration that is respectful enough, kind and loving enough to not be interpreted as an attack by a person who hears it all through ethnic identity politics.
    * * *

    Come, now, Mr. Atticus:

    “. . . make the case for legal immigration”? Now that’s a specious argument—an argument you further fog up with language-proscriptions you expect writers must first hurdle before you even entertain their cases at all. I think I get it: you essentially want no ”hate language” on the board, including rejections of immigrants based solely on a pejorative view of their race/national identify—outright nasty language, for example, used to denigrate the African Americans and immigrant groups appearing in Mel Brooks’s incisive satire-comedy Blazing Saddles, where the racism of white, biased westerners is held up to searing criticism and ridicule”: “. . . Oh, all right, we’ll give some land to the niggers and the chinks, but we DON’T WANT THE IRISH. . . .”

    At any rate, the onus is not on America to make a case for something that manifestly needs no “re-legalization.” Our Immigration apparatus knows full well what comprises “legal” immigration because of the definitive laws, rules, regulations, and administrative procedures that have been on the books for all these many years. And therein we’re beset by the problem: The willful hobbling and violations of our immigration system today fuel arguments against the massive, illegal migration of millions of Mexican citizens across our borders.

    Make a case to make immigration itself illegal? Hardly. Make a case to challenge and change an existing immigration law or some regulation? Yes. An immigration law similar to Congress’s National Origins Act of 1924 is a case in point. The NOA was passed to stop all immigration from Asia and attenuate immigration from Eastern and Southern Europe. Opponents and proponents of such laws today would need to make their respective cases, as would proponents of “legalizing” illegal immigration.

    I trust my language here has not been disrespectful, unkind, unloving, or interpreted as an ad hominem attack on immigrant groups in general and Mexicans in particular.


  75. Old Joe Clark Avatar
    Old Joe Clark

    CRFV leadership is inept with no sense of moral rectitude.

    Current Chairman Samantha Bradshaw has a power-hungry tendency to push other people out of her way for her own gain based on irrational fears. She failed to keep the former secretary informed on when the meetings were, he naturally could not show up for meeting of which he was not aware, and the was summarily impeached. This was an obvious setup for failure. It turns out the secretary was a personal friend of Bradshaw’s ex-boyfriend and this petty act is proof positive Miss Bradshaw cannot separate her personal grievances from her professional life.

    As bad as that was, former Treasurer Josh Leggette was falsely accused by the Bitely regime of embellishing federation funds for his personal use during the 2007 CRFV. Mr. Leggette got an apology for the accusations, but where do you go to get your reputation back? Under Adam Bitely’s watch, impulse trumped reason and the inmates ran the asylum. Then Bitely resigned from the C.R.F.V. in order to work for a presidential campaign and left Virginia altogether to campaign in Colorado. This leave of absence was short-lived as Bitely moved back to Virginia after only a few weeks. Worst of all, the CRFV has done NOTHING during the past election cycle. It seems to me if the leadership had devoted all the time and effort in counteracting the highly active Democrats as they did on backstabbing or political infighting, Republicans might have been much more successful in making Virginia’s youth vote more competitive.

    The Democrats could have hardly done a better job sabotaging the youth Republican movement than its own leadership. With that kind of ineptitude and lack of a moral compass, is there any wonder the Democrats won the Virginia youth vote by so much?

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