Balladeer of the New Class War

Oliver Anthony, a Farmville musician, has racked up 1.8 million views on YouTube for his song, “Rich Men North of Richmond.” He lives with his three dogs on a plot of land he hopes to turn into a small livestock farm. If you want to understand the “deplorables” and “bitter clingers,” don’t listen to the affluent, credentialed talking heads on MSNBC. They don’t have the faintest clue. Spend three minutes listening to Anthony — an authentic voice of the working people.

“These rich men north of Richmond / Lord knows they all just want to have total control / Wanna know what you think / Wanna know what you do / And they don’t think you know, but I know that you do/ Cause your dollar ain’t s***, and it’s taxed to no end / ‘Cause of rich men north of Richmond.”


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82 responses to “Balladeer of the New Class War”

  1. David Wojick Avatar
    David Wojick

    Nice guitar.

    It’s a damn thing!

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      The Gretsch resos are inexpensive instruments, mostly around 500 bucks. They’re OK, but nothing special. Sheerhorn resos commonly go for 10x those prices.

      Good tune!

      1. David Wojick Avatar
        David Wojick

        Good to know, thanks. I am no longer familiar with guitar models.

      2. David Wojick Avatar
        David Wojick

        Good to know, thanks. I am no longer familiar with guitar models.

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          Musical instruments have been a funny industry in the last 15-20 years.

          Inexpensive manufacture in the far east has greatly upped the quality of entry level instruments. They’re no longer the plywood with painted trim of the Stella guitars of yore. $500 will buy a competent instrument. That improvement in quality has pushed the high end domestic manufacturers to up their game, and they have. CNC machinery and modern mfg techniques have changed the factories too. Consistency and quality are way up. The consequence being some really nice instruments and sometimes eye popping price tags (some of them made right here in Virginia). It is easy to drop $5k-$10k in a new guitar plus $1k in a case today. Vintage instrument prices are stratospheric. It is a strange new, but in many ways wonderful, musical instrument world.

          1. David Wojick Avatar
            David Wojick

            Best news I have heard in a long time. Low priced guitars used to be almost unplayable. Mind you the guitar had too many strings for me so I played the 5 string: claw hammer plus a 2 finger melodic style I created.

          2. Lefty665 Avatar

            Neat, banjo prices have not gotten quite as crazy as guitars. but they’re working on it. With a few exceptions many of the vintage banjos are still affordable (insert banjo joke here). Most of my banjos have scooped fretboards. Old time rules and clawhammer is sweet. I’d like to hear some 2 finger melodic. Be fun to pick a tune or two with you.

          3. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Nothing like the price of a precorp buyout Fender though. Whoowee like $20k.

          4. Lefty665 Avatar

            Yeah, amazing isn’t it? ’30s flat head Mastertones, like Scruggs played, are going for $50k-$150k. Pre war Martin D-28s in good original condition are around $250k and worked over players $50k-$75k. Martin will sell you a new Authentic reproduction, complete with hide glue for around $9k and wait a year for it. Gibsons, ’59-’60 Les Pauls and 100 year old Loar F-5 mandolins have cooled considerably, but they’re still well into 6 figures. Prices on vintage Martins have about doubled in the last several years.

            It is eye popping. Some people clearly have too much money, and others are willing to relieve them of it.

            new authentic today–martin-d-28-authentic-1937-vts-acoustic-guitar-aged-vintage-gloss

            here’s a D-28 that went for $281k over 2 years ago.

          5. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            It is certainly something else, it’s sad as it places such a thing out of most people’s reach. I even recall my saxophone being 4 figures, which thank goodness for a payment plan.

            We had hand-me-down panios because those too are out of sight and have been for awhile now.

  2. Matt Adams Avatar
    Matt Adams

    Mr. Anthony is very talented and that is a beautiful resonator.

  3. Kevin Brown Avatar
    Kevin Brown

    I think he means it.

  4. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    If the so-called elites really wanted to know “why Trump,” I think he pretty much nails it.
    And I love the resonator guitar!

  5. Mr. Anthony has an introduction on YouTube talking about his music and how he started writing his own music in 2021 when he was in a bad place. After he posted some songs from his cell phone, he started getting messages from people saying his music helped them with the struggles in their lives. Rich Men is his first song recorded using a real microphone. There’s a lot more to the song than the refrain. A friend and I listened to several of his songs together on Skype tonight, and we wish him every success.

    Take a listen yourself to learn more about him and his music.

  6. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Henrico slurbs are north of Richmond, ain’t they? Don’t three of BR’s contributors live there?

    Well, sounds like Mr. Anthony is lamenting his lack of upward mobility afforded those with a proper education. I would wonder about his parents’ involvement in that area..

    Sounds an awful lot like a Democrat; blaming someone else.

    1. You ought to listen to his intro and some other songs before you come to such mistaken ideas. He’s talking about the state of the world…not just his own life.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        What is the state of the world, Carol? Really, what is it?

        Try not to include your own life in the answer.

  7. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “Cause your dollar ain’t s***, and it’s taxed to no end / ‘Cause of rich men north of Richmond…”

    Ummm… I think taxes flow the other way in Virginia… no…?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Facts ruin fairytale…

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Dust in a Baggy is more “real”…

    2. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      The State money may flow south, but that is because NoVa sucks off of the federal teat, so it is still the Rich Men North of Richmond that are the problem.

      Don’t you Lefties love to misquote “Money is the root of all evil?”
      Oh…except when YOU have it.
      Sorta like you hate censorship when McCarthy was pointing out Communists, but it’s OK to arrest/shoot MAGA supporters/Christian nationalists/parents as terrorists when you do it.

      But that is the way of all Leftism – Man as God to create their version of Utopia (them in charge – SAVE OUR DEMOCRACY!)

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “…is because NoVa sucks off of the federal teat, so it is still the Rich Men North of Richmond that are the problem….”

        Defense contractors must go along with income taxes? You believe Oliver’s community would improve then…🤷‍♂️

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          You surely aren’t as obtuse as you are pretending.
          Money isn’t the problem. The evil, unAmerican ideology is.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Personal attack aside…

            “Money isn’t the problem”

            “Overtime hours for bullshit pay…”
            “Lord, we got folks in the street, ain’t got nothin’ to eat…”
            “Cause your dollar ain’t shit and it’s taxed to no end”

            Seems to me money is pretty central to his beef…. Again, if the goal is to stop taxing our dollars, his community will suffer the most and the so-called “rich men North of Richmond” will see a net benefit.

          2. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Trying hard not to see, aren’t you?
            Maybe, just maybe, your beloved government taking all the money to create the Utopia promised doesn’t work?
            Maybe freedom? Maybe religious liberty? Maybe free speech? Maybe nuclear family?
            How did your beloved government do during Covid? I mean, besides funding gain of function research? And lockdowns? And censorship? And safe and effective when it was neither?

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Seems like this guy is actually living in a utopia to me. Cost of living in Farmville is below the median wage. Housing is affordable. The dude lives on 90 acres in a beautiful part of the state and the local economy is subsidized with my tax dollars. Sometimes “you Righties” just like to hear yourselves complain is all whether your beef has any validity or not. Case in point☝️

          4. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Wow. Your generous tax dollars subsidize him?
            All Hail the Great and Good Troll, the Munificent, Benevolent One!

          5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Trust me, I am not being generous. The “rich men in Richmond” demand it of me to feed the “rich men in Farmville”.

          6. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Uh huh. So, why does his success bother you?
            Why do you know he has 90 acres?
            90 acres that you likely consider dog(feces)?
            And Mr. Anthony is a “rich man?” His song with…let me check…12M views might not even be monetized.
            I’m gonna bet he isn’t “rich.”

          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            Well he has to have SOME money to pay the taxes on 90 acres, no?

            We have 5 acres… and I can tell you, it’s MORE than a few bucks a year!

            We bought it from money earned from working…. did not inherit it.

          8. LarrytheG Avatar

            Well he has to have SOME money to pay the taxes on 90 acres, no?

            We have 5 acres… and I can tell you, it’s MORE than a few bucks a year!

            We bought it from money earned from working…. did not inherit it.

          9. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Why do you and Troll care he has 90 acres? Is it mortgaged? Is it inherited? Is it unproductive and he can’t pay taxes on it?
            What is wrong with you people? Can some nobody write a song that you disagree with (wrongly) and not be happy for his success? For the way he expressed his feelings? Or is redneck “poetry” not acceptable because he doesn’t have a degree?
            It looks like the tax in Prince Edward County is $0.51 per $100.
            Maybe his land can’t be developed because of the rich men, North of Richmond. Who knows, AND what does it matter to you?
            He wrote a song that touched a nerve. It touched a nerve because many people not named Troll et al agreed with the sentiment.

          10. LarrytheG Avatar

            I don’t begrudge him his land at all.. He’s way better off than a lot of folks who have far less. There are lots of folks that don’t have much in the urban areas also, not just rural… but there are also a bunch of folks who took advantaged of the opportunity this country offers (like a free K-12 education) and had good success. He’s got a good “gig” right now, but he’ll need more than “the man is squashing me” to be a success – IMO. You Conservatives types say this all the time… how “opportunity” is all around us in the US and lots of folks bettering themselves through hard work and self initiative… people dying to get into the US for that opportunity… .. we make our own way in this world – free will – right?

          11. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            So why are you and Troll trying to bring him down? Just because you disagree with his song?
            And he doesn’t have a “good gig” right now. He wrote a song and performed a song that went viral. That may be it. He might not have had the song monetized on YouTube.
            My son is a YouTube vlogger. They get 35% of the ad revenue. If monetized. And if music copyright vultures don’t try to take you down. Besides the costs and time in putting up quality product. And getting the eyeballs. And worrying about the censorship from the ever so woke Google…
            Because he has 90 acres (according to Troll), he doesn’t have the right to complain? Can only sufficiently poor people complain in your book? Can people who pay a lot complain? Or should they be glad the benevolent rich men North of Richmond let us keep anything? Maybe they can sic the DOJ on me for my latest thought crime…
            Banana republics deserve to be called banana republics.

          12. LarrytheG Avatar

            I wish him well.. but you can sure tell the echo chamber like him! I just don’t believe “blaming” the man has “legs” beyond the love of him from the right. We had guys like him way back when on the left… folks songs…. anthems… “occupy wall street”, etc… comes and goes…

          13. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Oliver’s success doesn’t bother me one iota. I just think the message you Righties are so excited about in his song is not based in reality…. of course, that is par for the course with Trumpsters’ cultural heroes so no surprise there..

            I never said Oliver is a rich man but I guarantee you there are “rich men in Farmville” to be sure making bang off the tax subsidies they receive from the “rich men North of Richmond”.

            He is very up front about his 90 acre farm and his plans to farm it and live “off the grid”. As I said, sounds like utopia to me.

          14. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            So what is your beef?
            Just reflexive? He sings about things you don’t agree with?
            OK…and rich men in Farmville are making bank because of the rich men north of Richmond? Please explain the non sequitur.
            How come 8 of the 10 richest counties are around the imperial, corrupt, too powerful capital? Do you blindly trust the government in everything? Safe and effective? Neutral FBI and DOJ? You know the FDA just admitted ivermectin is OK to use? Can Dr. Marik have his position restored? Dr. Kory? McCullogh? How come all the people who raised their hands against the Covid narrative and offered solutions – solutions proved right – had their lives ruined? Why were we funding gain of function research? How come Dr. St. Fau(x)ci lied about it? We really don’t know where the cocaine came from in the White House? Almost as big a mystery as who was that blackfaced man in the VMI yearbook (or med school)…a total mystery! Geofencing works for J6, but not for Antifa rioters and ballot mules? How come the J6 Committee (illegally formed) “lost” about half of its evidence? How come 37 FISA errors occurred in the Trump fake Russia probe, all 37 against Trump? When you flip a coin 37 times and get the same thing, let me know. (The answer is 2 to the 36th, cuz you match the first outcome. To be heads specifically or tails specifically, it would be 2 to the 37th…) The number is 68,719,476,736
            Seems like the time period for conspiracy theories becoming reality is about 6 months to a year…and that maybe Mr. Anthony was describing that disconnect. It shouldn’t be a “Righty” thing to hate dishonesty, but since the Dems are Marxists now, they approve of dishonesty – BAMN – by any means necessary…

          15. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Wow, Walter… you got that all from Oliver’s song…? You really need to stop drinking from the Rightwing media firehouse, Sport. For instance, your FDA approved ivermectin for Covid claim. Here is the list of drugs approved by the FDA to treat Covid:


            Note, no ivermectin. What an FDA lawyer actually said during a lawsuit hearing is that the FDA has never told doctors what they could or couldn’t prescribe to treat COVID-19, but instead has offered guidance and recommendations. As part of that guidance, the FDA advised ivermectin should not be used to treat COVID-19 and doctors shouldn’t prescribe it – nothing said they couldn’t, though.

            “None of the cited statements [website, social media posts, etc.] asked or instructed doctors not to prescribe ivermectin products to prevent or treat COVID-19,” the motion to dismiss said.

            The FDA’s lawyers never said it is approved for use, nor did they say doctors should be prescribing it. Ivermectin is not FDA-approved for use to treat COVID-19, and the FDA still recommends it should not be used to treat COVID-19. That lawsuit was dismissed.

            Every point of your screed is off the farm but I simply don’t have the energy to save every conspiracy theorist. You are on your own – good luck.

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “Sorta like you hate censorship when McCarthy was pointing out Communists, but it’s OK to arrest/shoot MAGA supporters/Christian nationalists/parents as terrorists when you do it.”

        There is that libel again. I have never even implied that it’s ok to shoot anybody…. Also, the only people who should be arrested are those that break the law – and only for that reason. Such has always been my position.

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          You need to learn to read. “You” referred to Lefties immediately preceding. The weaponization of government in every facet and trying to force rednecks who just want to be left alone to accept things they hate or despise or know aren’t true as true (like the 80 million sexes). The forcing electric vehicles that cost too much and aren’t as good as gas and will be used to control (like his lyric says). The rednecks pay the price of all the false Utopia, and have the extra benefit of being looked down upon by the so-called elites.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            So you are explicitly stating that you were not actually referring to me in any way when you wrote “you”. Strange way of communicating.

          2. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Strange way you have of reading.

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            So as long as I write a precursor sentence of “you Righties are really strange” I can then say anything I want about “you” using the direct “you” and dropping the “Righties” generalization. I’ll try that sometime and see if I get censored. Want to place some bets?

            But honestly, first you clearly identify me as a Leftie. Then you claim that you are actually saying “you Lefties” in the next sentence where you claim “you” support shooting MAGAs. Even if we accept your backpedaling claim, you are still saying I support shooting people because you identified me as one (note you did not say “some of you…” either). I don’t and it is still a false claim either way you read it.

            Do you at least concede that I personally (even though I am a Leftie) don’t actually supporting shooting anybody so your supposed generalization is false?

          4. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Since I never said that, I don’t have to retract it.
            And you can say “you Righties are really strange.”
            One, you are speaking about a group, that I may even be part of. Two, I don’t care. Three, it’s your opinion. I can handle it. All “Righties” can – we get called Nazis, “phobes”, racists all the time by the people losing the argument (or unable to carry on an intelligent one). Now you can take offense at that and say I am calling YOU stupid. I’m not. I don’t know you. But my opinion of people wedded to the Left is they are either evil or stupid, and I can’t put my finger on it. Maybe both. Maybe truly neither and are just misguided. I wish I knew.

          5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “All “Righties” can – we get called Nazis, “phobes”, racists all the time by the people losing the argument (or unable to carry on an intelligent one).”

            I suppose this is a concession on your part that you were losing the argument (or are unable to carry on an intelligent one) when you claimed us “Lefties” support shooting MAGAs and Christians. That is something then, I suppose.

          6. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “All “Righties” can – we get called Nazis, “phobes”, racists all the time by the people losing the argument (or unable to carry on an intelligent one).”

            I suppose this is a concession on your part that you were losing the argument (or are unable to carry on an intelligent one) when you claimed us “Lefties” support shooting MAGAs and Christians. That is something then, I suppose.

          7. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            No, just reciting the actual news. The J6 people rotting in jail. Lawfare. Using the FBI and DOJ to attack people who disagree. Full banana republic. And you “Lefties” fall in line – the Party, only the Party, nothing above the Party. There once was a time you could at least have some respect for people of the Left, like the old ACLU. Now you are just Marxists under all of the various acronyms…

          8. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Please show me the news story where “we Lefties” (certainly hope that means more than one, btw – the Party after all) support shooting MAGAs and Christians.

            The J6 insurrectionists attacked the US Congress. Jail is where they belong. The FBI and DOJ are arresting and charging an ex-President that broke the very law he himself signed which changed the act he is charged with from a misdemeanor to a felony. It was important enough to warrant this change in 2018… certainly important enough to charge him now.

          9. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            No Feds in the crowd? Why noNational Guard? Why did Nancy Pelosi refuse the Guard? Why was her filmmaker daughter there? What took so long to authorize the Guard? How come the J6 Committee just lost/destroyed its “evidence?” How come 1000 J6 prisoners who did no rioting in jail without bail while Summer of Love Antifa thugs escape prosecution? How come Ashli Babbitt shooter not charged? Cop who beat Roseanne Boylan to death? Hunter all set to skate? Cocaine in the Wh is a total mystery! Can go on and on.

          10. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Ah… the old J6 was actually a false flag operation conspiracy theory… this conversation has wandered a little bit too deep into lala-land for me… I’m out… but you certainly “can go on and on”, that much is clear.

          11. LarrytheG Avatar


          12. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Yeah…we must not acknowledge what is patently true to anyone without a D posted on his forehead and crammed way up where they can’t see…
            An illegal Committee. That hired an ABC (?) producer to put on a show, including edited tape, didn’t call certain witnesses like Steven Sund, head of Capitol Police, who begged for Nat Guard…
            Yeah…a real conspiracy theory when you recognize the conspiracy.

          13. DJRippert Avatar

            Jan 6 was a riot. Just like the riots around George Floyd.

            The big difference is that Jan 6 slightly threatened the elites in Congress. The other riots only threatened regular people.

            So, the participants in the Jan 6 riot are hunted down relentlessly and prosecuted aggressively while the rioters elsewhere are are rounded up in relatively small numbers and prosecuted for a while.

          14. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Come on, J6 was really orchestrated by Nancy’s filmmaker daughter… everybody can see that! Plain as day…

          15. LarrytheG Avatar

            lord. lord. yassss!

  8. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    I love the reflexive Leftist hate, because their religion is non-falsifiable. They cannot conceive they may be the baddies.
    David Brooks had the beginning of that epiphany, but his superior classism brought him back into the fold.

  9. Ronnie Chappell Avatar
    Ronnie Chappell

    The guy can sing. No doubt about that. And he does a good job of capturing the frustration of Americans with incomes in the 20th to 60th percentiles who work their tails off, pay taxes and buy their own health insurance who are no better off financially than those in the bottom 20 percent whose incomes are augmented by government paid health insurance, housing vouchers, food stamps and generous tax credits deposited in their bank accounts even though they pay no taxes. As one of the authors of “The Myth of American Inequality” it’s amazing anyone in the 20 to 60 percent bracket work at all.

  10. LarrytheG Avatar

    Wouldn’t exactly be the first time that a singer has railed against the “system”, the “govt”, the powerful and rich, etc… no?

    Back during the 60’s, 70’s … many songs were similarly aligned IMO.

    1. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      They were. But from the Left, criticizing the Right. Now reversed.

  11. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Glad I live west of Richmond (Nancy). He certainly would consider Jim and I to be rich. Up around Short Pump they might be considered slightly to the north….He got a nice long plug this morning on Fox, too.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      Perhaps he’d consider you “rich” but I don’t think you and Mr. Bacon impact the value of the dollar or his taxes.

      In the music industry plays are what get you paid, so hopefully that gives him a boost.

  12. Warmac9999 Avatar

    Songs like this were prevalent in the 1930s depression. Thanks Bidenite socialist democrats – you created and own the upcoming depression.

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      But the songs in the ’30s were written about Hoover and the Repubs that caused the Great Depression, not FDR and the Dems that rescued the country from it.

      Today is different, the neo liberal elites and Bidenite tunes are appropriate. The Dems kicked populism to the curb decades ago and have chosen the box they’ve put themselves in.

  13. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Good luck to Oliver. Great song. Enjoyed it. A near perfect country song. Needs a few more verses to include mama, trucks, trains, dogs, Jesus, prison, and good whiskey. Someday this fellow might be on the Mt. Rushmore of Outlaw musicians.

  14. Mike Allen Avatar
    Mike Allen

    So they haven’t driven old Dixie down yet after all…

  15. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “And when the sun goes down
    On this little bitty town
    We can light up the bowl
    And pass it around
    Cause I ain’t gotta dollar
    But I don’t need a dime”

    Is this guy living in a commune…?

    1. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      You’re paid to be a troll, aren’t you?
      Or have you become a fan and are listening to his other songs?
      Are you becoming one of us? Gonna drop your unearned belief in the prestige of the elite class and join the people? Democracy!

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “You’re paid to be a troll, aren’t you?”

        Man, I wish I could get paid for having this much fun!!

        You know, I bet this guy is secretly a Root Boy Slim fan…

  16. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    He is at 6.2 million views in 4 days. For an unknown out of Farmville, maybe he has touched some nerve.
    If people of the Left really cared about people not of their (fake, unearned) “class,” maybe they could take themselves out of their worldview bubble for just a bit to try to understand what he is saying…

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        Larry – if you can hear the dog whistle, you’re the dog.
        This “story” is a month old and manufactured outrage from the outrage crowd.
        By the way, my son has been a country music commenter on country music for years, he avoids toxic non-real issues and sticks to … music. What he likes and what he doesn’t.
        The “controversy” is just Lefties, who don’t listen to country music, trying to ruin it for everybody, like they have succeeded in doing with the NFL and the Boy Scouts.
        The “trick” is not to fall for the trick.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          I LIKE Country music….. in general…. even the Dixie Chicks when they were going and Charlie Pride! Loretta, Dollie, I play them all in Sirius! Outlaw Country!

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            My son also liked the Dixie Chicks and even defended their music after they Dylan Mulvaneyed themselves before that was a thing…
            Insulting your base is not a good strategy for long term success.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            I like country music too. Does Little Feat count?

  17. how_it_works Avatar

    I suggest that the rich men in Richmond are a bit of the problem, too.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Are there no rich men in Farmville…?

      1. how_it_works Avatar

        The pain doc whose written enough opioid prescriptions to give a pill to every man, woman, and child in town 3 times a year?

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        There may be but they’re probably mostly carpet-baggers from the North!

      3. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Maybe, maybe not, but their kids are at Hampden-Sydney.

        Tuition $49,754
        Single room with 19 meals $17,730

  18. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Last night as I went to bed, the song was at 8.2 million. Currently at 8.8 million.
    And the people of the Left can’t be happy for this guy?
    Because they hate the message?
    YOU (people of the Left, or maybe you are POCminor (People of Communism)) can’t/won’t hear what he is saying.
    Outside of the so-called “elite” virtue-signaling, credentialed classes, where the real people had to work to deliver your Amazon packages and keep the food shelves stocked, this is how they feel. YOU are the enemy. The oppressor, The bad guys, even though you think you are SOOOO virtuous. You pulled down statues! You re-named buildings! You defunded the police so crime could go up, mostly hurting the poor. You opened the borders to effectuate replacement theory (while of course denying it like a good Communist) which also lowers the real wage rate …for the poor people, but you can get your grass cut and your nanny. You vote in lockstep with the teacher’s unions, which only serve the purpose of separating the kids from the family and certainly not to teach…cuz you care! You think killing a baby is the most important thing. You made billions of people participate in a medical experiment. You want to ban gas cars and gas stoves and gas lawnmowers. You want to take guns away. You prosecute real peaceful protesters (abortion) and let the Summer of Love and Antifa thugs get away with, literally, murder. You have Antifa threatening the jury in Portland in the Andy Ngo lawsuit, where his attackers are on tape, and the jury returns a verdict for Antifa.
    YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. YOU ARE NOT GOOD PEOPLE. Somewhere in the cramped tippy-top of your pointy little brains, acknowledge the possibility that you could be wrong…

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