Bad News for Governor Youngkin

Glenn Youngkin addressing the Nebraska Republican Party convention. Photo credit: Nebraska Republican Party by way of the Nebraska Examiner.

by James C. Sherlock

The New York Post has a story by Dana Kennedy that has put Governor Youngkin in a tough spot.

It recounts nasty business transactions by Carlyle Group Co-Founder and Co-Executive Chairman David Rubenstein.

The story links Mr. Rubenstein to the trashing of two founding fathers by tour guides at Monticello and Montpelier, the Virginia homes of presidents Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.

The Governor’s service at Carlyle was not mentioned in the article, but that won’t help.

It is a story linked to Virginia monuments that will need to be dealt with.

The Carlyle Group news release on Gov. Youngkin’s retirement:

Carlyle Co-Founder and Co-Executive Chairman David Rubenstein said, “I recruited Glenn to Carlyle a quarter century ago, and have been pleased to see him grow into an exceptional private equity professional. He did an outstanding job as co-CEO, but I certainly understand the pull of the kind of public service activities to which Glenn is committed.

As for Mr. Rubenstein, the David M Rubenstein Visitor Center at Monticello. proudly produces “dynamic content presenting fresh perspectives on Monticello and the enduring significance of Jefferson’s life and ideas”.

Mr. Rubenstein, by reputation, is unlikely to have his name on very controversial “fresh perspectives” of which he does not approve.

I met Gov. Youngkin when he was a kid. I have never known anyone who knows him well to speak badly of him. He quit a multi-million-dollar-a-year job to spend his time and fortune in public service.

But Democrats will pile on. So would Republicans if the Governor had a (D) after his name. Opposition research is published as news pretty much every day.

All of us have worked with people with whom we did not agree.

I expect the Governor is no exception.

Updated July 30 at 5:54 PM.

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38 responses to “Bad News for Governor Youngkin”

  1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Tour Gunston Hall. You get the life and times of George Mason without the culture wars. Not many places like this left.

    1. YellowstoneBound1948 Avatar

      Thank you for the recommendation.

  2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    In saying that Youngkin “quit a multi-million dollar a year job to spend his time and fortune in public service”, you are engaging in some revisionist history.

    It is well known that he lost out in a power struggle at Carlyle and retired soon after. As Bloomberg reports, he “retired after a power struggle that left him in charge of more modest businesses.” Furthermore, “When announcing his departure, he told employees that he wasn’t sure what he would do next.”

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      Modest business in VC is still multi-million dollars, Dick.

      You sure are a political hack.

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        But not an apologist.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          “James McCarthy a few seconds ago
          But not an apologist.”

          Dick is a big boy, he doesn’t need a octogenarian brown noser to fight his battles.

          Don’t you have a blog to return to that has zero traffic?

      2. YellowstoneBound1948 Avatar

        Youngkin had massive responsibility. Carlyle is “high stakes,” and in a company like that, there is constant movement of senior management, in and out.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          Correct, which discounts the statement made by the venerable and I assume at this point envious DHS.

    2. YellowstoneBound1948 Avatar

      Mr. Hall-Sizemore: How do you know that Youngkin “retired after a power struggle”? Did Mr. Bloomberg tell you that? Or was reading Bloomberg’s magazine article all the proof you needed?

      I do like the measured tone in (most of) your posts, but I wonder how a man who spent his entire career in government, or working with government, would know enough about Carlyle’s business to render an opinion on the reason or reasons Youngkin left.

  3. Someone associated with the Governor spoke poorly of two founding fathers.

    Unless you think of Madison and Jefferson as immaculate God-Kings, this is a nothing story.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      That’s just it. Here at BR they do. They worship the legends, not the truth, about these (wealthy, white, slave trading) men.

      1. YellowstoneBound1948 Avatar

        Refer to “The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance.”

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          More than once — when the legend becomes the truth, print the legend. Or words to that effect.

    1. YellowstoneBound1948 Avatar

      C’mon. Bloomberg’s article is little better than something you would find in People Magazine. All it does is demonstrate that news “journalists” two years out of college can make their deadlines if their spineless, nameless sources would only return their calls.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Well, you could google “carlyle group” and “settlement”, gather all of the stories, and given Youngkin’s resume, see exactly what mayhem he caused.

  4. Lefty665 Avatar

    You wrote: “The story exposes that Mr. Rubenstein is personally responsible for the scripted trashing of two founding fathers by tour guides at Monticello and Montpelier”

    It is rather a grand leap from the story that noted that Rubenstein made charitable donations to Monticello and Montpelier to your accusation that he is “personally responsible”. But then that is your specialty.

    The story is about the Rubensteins and as you noted “The Governor’s service at Carlyle was not mentioned in the article,” Nor was there any inkling that Youngkin embraced the “trashing of two founding fathers”. By your standards you are also tarred by serving in the same navy as spy John Walker.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      You must be talking about the David M Rubenstein Visitor Center at Monticello. you know, the one that proudly produces “dynamic content” offering “fresh perspectives” of Monticello and Mr. Jefferson.

      I draw the supportable conclusion that he would not have his name on something that provided “fresh perspectives” that he did not approve. Otherwise, that would make him a moron, something of which absolutely no one accuses him. How about you?

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        It is pretty simple. What I am talking about is what you wrote about Rubenstein, Monticello and Montpelier that I directly quoted.

        None of what you asserted was in the article you linked to. Perhaps if you had provided documentation to support your conclusions rather than just pronouncing them you would actually be doing “reporting” as you fancy it rather than just vacuous blathering.

        Rubenstein’s name on the visitor center at Monticello is recognition of his donation to Monticello, not a representation that he endorses all of its contents. You have made an inference and leapt from that to what you wishfully call a “supportable conclusion” with no evidence. As noted elsewhere, Sherlock you are no Holmes.

        You still provide nothing that links Youngkin to Rubenstein’s donations or documents Rubensteins possible woke advocacy. It is guilt by association, just like with you and Walker.

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Flipping channels last night I saw Tucker Carlson railing at Rubenstein over the tours at the presidential homesites. So the NY Post piece either dialed him up, too, or there is a talking point memo somewhere….I think plenty of people were behind that change in perspective, and the existing boards were happy to oblige. He didn’t try to tie Youngkin into it while I lingered…

    3. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Flipping channels last night I saw Tucker Carlson railing at Rubenstein over the tours at the presidential homesites. So the NY Post piece either dialed him up, too, or there is a talking point memo somewhere….I think plenty of people were behind that change in perspective, and the existing boards were happy to oblige. He didn’t try to tie Youngkin into it while I lingered…The plantation did run on slavery so can’t expect them to ignore it.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Yep. You can tell who watches FOX “news”.

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          Would you believe I spend just as much time on CNN because I want to see what both are up to, reporting? No, you wouldn’t…About equal in how much I trust either. CNN has had more people on the ground in Ukraine.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Yeah I would. In fact, I’d believe you don’t watch FOX news near as much as some others here and you pretty much explained what is going on with the current thread. No?

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            How dare you get perspectives from both sides sir, how dare you! s/

      2. Lefty665 Avatar

        Seems reasonable that Rubenstein could be comfortable with the change in perspective.

        At most, and there is no indication that it is relevant, that may shed a little light on political differences between Rubenstein and Youngkin that contributed to Youngkin’s departure from Carlyle.

        There has not been even a whiff that Youngkin conspired with Rubenstein to wokeify Monticello and Montpelier.

        Sherlock’s confabulation of hypothetical attacks on Youngkin by Democrats using guilt by association with Rubenstein based on unsubstantiated claims about Rubenstein are pipe dreams, faith not fact. They are judgemental attacks of the type that have been an unattractive hallmark of Jesuits since Galileo.

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Carlyle didn’t trust him alone behind the wheel. Or, maybe he just couldn’t reach the pedals.

    1. Back in 2012/13, Mr. LaRock was arrested for trespassing and destruction of private property for destroying sign on a different neighbor’s property.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Learned, under penalized, behavior. Somebody needs negative reinforcement.

  6. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    With friends like you, Sherlock, Youngkin doesn’t need enemies. What the hell has that Post piece got to do with him? It is not news that Rubenstein is a liberal Democrat. I went to Monticello last more than ten years ago and got the full “Jefferson Sucks, and We Think He Raped Sally Here” version from the tour guide. Not new. I see nothing in the Post story that indicates Rubenstein had a hand in the scripts or the change in tone.

    It may be news to many (outside Alaska) that he has treated that tiny (in people) state like a robber baron, but there is no indication that Youngkin was more than a bystander. I guess you can try to taint all the partners and investors, but did I miss the part in the Post where anybody has filed criminal charges or sued?

    You’re on Blue Virginia’s level. That is not a compliment.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      To believe that, you’d have to believe that Democrats would never bring it up. He is a man full grown. He will deal with it. This is a reporting site. This is a report.

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        Except of course for your unfounded accusations: “The story exposes that Mr. Rubenstein is personally responsible for the scripted trashing of two founding fathers by tour guides at Monticello and Montpelier”

        That is baseless supposition and jumping to conclusions. You do a disservice to honest reporting by claiming association with it.

      2. Lefty665 Avatar

        Except of course for your unfounded accusations: “The story exposes that Mr. Rubenstein is personally responsible for the scripted trashing of two founding fathers by tour guides at Monticello and Montpelier”

        That is baseless supposition unsupported by the linked article. You do a disservice to honest reporting by claiming association with it.

    2. YellowstoneBound1948 Avatar

      Sherlock’s article was a surprise. If Youngkin made a mistake, it was the mistake he made thinking that a business organization could have two CEOs. That business model has never worked with one exception: Lewis & Clark.

  7. William O'Keefe Avatar
    William O’Keefe

    I don’t give a wit about Rubenstien. I have visited Monticello for over 50 years and had no problems when the issue of Sally Hemings, slavery, and paternity was first raised. Since then, the guiding narrative has gone beyond balanced and accurate history to full woke and demonization of Jefferson.
    He was no saint and never claimed to be. But his life and accomplishments deserve a lot better than they are getting from the Monticello leadership.
    It is likely more than a coincidence that Jon Meachan, a pre-eminent historian and Jefferson scholar, is no longer listed as a past chairman of the Board of trustees.

  8. Lefty665 Avatar

    What a steaming load of crap Sherlock has piled on BR.

    He starts from a story that is mostly about the sketchy actions in Alaska by the ex-wife of someone the Gov used to work with. Youngkin is never even hinted at in the story.

    From that he spins a hypothetical attack on Youngkin because he is now the governor of a state where the guy he used to work with in the past made charitable donations to historic sites.

    Sherlock then hides behind a dodge that it is not his attack but one that the evil Democrats will surely make sometime.

    Sherlock further has the gall to attribute it all to his reporting skills.


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