Bad Memories: 15 Days to Slow the Spread

by Kerry Dougherty

Happy anniversary, America. It was two years ago today that we surrendered our civil liberties due to hysteria over a virus.

Yep, it was March 16, 2020 that we were told to stay home for 15 days to slow the spread of the new coronavirus.

Health officials demonstrated how this would work using an illustration of a series of matches igniting until one match went missing and the fires went out. By staying home we could “flatten the curve” they assured us.

We believed them. We did our part. What worked for burning matches didn’t work for a virus.

But once government officials and bureaucratic health officials realized that Americans would merrily give up their rights if they were terrified enough, the goalposts moved and a COVID-hysteria industry was born.

Next it was 30 days to slow the spread. You know the rest of this sordid story.

Early on, governors and mayors became intoxicated with power they hadn’t known they had. They declared indefinite states of emergency and hastily closed schools, “non-essential” businesses (even though they were essential to the folks who owned them), beaches, parks, benches, fitness centers, pools and finally, churches. Gatherings were limited to an ever-changing and capricious number of people, curfews were imposed. Hospitals and nursing homes put patients in solitary confinement where patients suffered and died alone and were buried without funerals.

Some of us were horrified from the start. Where was the virus exception to the U.S. Constitution, we asked?

What happens to kids who are alone all day? What about the children who depend on free and reduced lunches at school?

Shouldn’t people be outside, exercising and getting fresh air, we timidly suggested.

How dare our governors tell us we don’t need to go to church to worship God, we cried.

In response, we were shouted down and called selfish grandma killers. The laptop lockdowners said we wanted to get our nails done so badly we were willing to deal death to our neighbors. They mocked us for being worried about civil liberties.

When The Washington Post published a piece from a cruise ship passenger recovering from COVID-19 who said it was really just a mild flu, readers revolted and threatened to cancel their subscriptions.

How dare a news outlet suggest that not everyone suffered and died from COVID! How dare a newspaper print anything that didn’t gin up the hysteria.

That was just the beginning of the culture of censorship. Anyone who tried to calm the national hysterics by pointing out that most of those seriously ill from COVID were fat or had multiple co-morbidities was ridiculed. When it was noted that kids were at little risk of serious illness, Team COVID declared them virus vectors. Two-year-olds were forced to wear masks.

Those who asked if the virus had escaped from a Wuhan laboratory were banned from social media. Those who questioned the efficacy of the vaccines were kicked off, too. So were commentators who pointed out that cloth masks were never designed to stop a virus.

On the flip side, Anthony Fauci became an overnight celebrity, hitting the Sunday news shows week after week and posing for magazine covers.

Even though his advice seemed to change daily, Fauci was regarded as a COVID god.

Still is, in some circles.

Many of us waited in vain for the courts to strike down the tyrannical government mandates. But the cases never materialized. The ACLU hibernated. Lawyers chased ambulances instead of civil rights.

What we didn’t realize then was that the most important election in recent years had happened in Florida in 2018 when Ron DeSantis beat Andrew Gillum by about 30,000 votes to become governor. When Gillum was later discovered, naked and inebriated in a hotel room littered with drugs, he claimed the defeat sent him into a spiral of drugs and other bad behavior.


Fact was, the voters of Florida gave us DeSantis who boldly stood apart from most other quaking governors. In the summer of 2020 he declared that youth sports would be open in the Sunshine State. Keep your kids home if you’re worried, he said, but children need exercise and socialization.

I nearly wept when I read that. DeSantis gets it, I thought. Why didn’t Virginia’s governor, who at the time had banned sunbathing and all sports, even beach volleyball.

There were other pockets of sanity around the country. Charts now show that on the whole these areas did no better or worse than the lockdown states and counties.

This week — finally — The Washington Post published a story, “These Schools Did Less to Contain Covid. Their Students Flourished,” focusing on Colorado school districts that reopened quickly after the initial lockdowns without masks or other mitigations. They had few cases of COVID.

Best of all, their students remain on track academically.

This story may be a sign that America is finally waking up.

We seem to be reaching a national consensus that closing schools did more harm than good. Many American students are hopelessly behind in reading, math and science. They may never catch up. Worse, there seems to be an epidemic of depression and suicide among the young who were isolated.

Humans are social animals. Common sense told some of us that ordering folks — young or old — to stay in their homes for months on end was never going to end well.

A multitude of grave mistakes was made during the pandemic. Yet there still are no mea culpas from governors, CDC officials and others whose hasty, heavy-handed decisions harmed our kids and our nation.

Frankly, it’s not enough to simply shelve the mandates, burn the masks and move on.

We need safeguards to guarantee nothing like this virus-driven despotism ever happens here again. Apparently a Constitution isn’t enough.

And there needs to be a reckoning for the officials who did this to America.

Happy anniversary.

This column has been republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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20 responses to “Bad Memories: 15 Days to Slow the Spread”

  1. Churches bad, Liquor stores good. Locally owned small business bad. Wal*Mart & Amazon good. Ace Hardware bad, Lowes good.

  2. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    Woe!! There’s no virus exception in the US Constitution? Oh, my. No one asked me my permission when I was vaccinated against polio as a child. But, then, I trusted the grown ups. I continue to wear my mask and take comfort in the vaccinations I received. If my precautions helped to contain the spread of the virus, I gladly accept whatever wackadoo intrusion on personal freedom is espoused. Somewhere in the big picture, I helped Kerry stay safe.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      “No one asked me my permission when I was vaccinated against polio as a child.”

      Your parents were engaged when your state enacted legislation, mandating the polio vaccine. It wasn’t done through fiat nor are any other vaccine required for school attendance.

  3. VaNavVet Avatar

    Tell this to the almost one million Americans that died as a consequence of Covid and to their families. Also speak to the millions more that suffered in the hospitals and recovered by the grace of God but so many still face the long term effects of their exposure. What are the consequences for anti-vaxxers and Covid deniers like Kerry? Public health officials were humans doing their best to deal with a novel virus and learning as they went along. They were not constantly looking for someone to blame for their perceived loss of persona choice in a pandemic.

    1. killerhertz Avatar

      With COVID

    2. killerhertz Avatar

      Anyone know why this guy hasn’t changed his avatar to the ukranian flag?

      1. VaNavVet Avatar

        Yes I stand with Ukraine against your Russian buddies.

        1. killerhertz Avatar

          You’re right Putin has me on speed dial. Frankly I never gave a crap about Ukranian or any other shole country that isn’t the US, especially California.

    3. I think her `point is that the restrictions did little good in stopping the virus, and in some ways did more harm than good.

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        Thankfully, we will never know whether the restrictions did little good in stopping or mitigating the virus.

        1. That is true enough, we will never know with absolute certainly.

          However, we can determine whether infection, hospitalization and death-rates in states which implemented many/lengthy restrictions on people’s activities had significantly lower death rates than those which enacted fewer/shorter-term limits on personal freedom.

      2. VaNavVet Avatar

        I think that you are giving her too much credit. Her point is just to attack those who do not agree with her view. Kerry is never interested in dissenting opinions as it is her way or the highway.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          the original “karen”

      3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        That doesn’t explain her single-minded, months long, campaign to undermine the Covid vaccination efforts. This is more of the same… there are several like-minded Conservatives on BR as well…

  4. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    You people on the Left lose all sanity with regard to Covid. A million people died! I believe about 3.5 million die annually. How many actually died FROM covid as opposed to WITH covid? Is it a crime to ask that question?
    Isn’t asking such a question how one does “SCIENCE!
    Or does real SCIENCE! only come from the CDC?
    The lockdowns failed. Can we agree on that? The “cost” of the lockdowns far exceeded the benefits (which don’t exist).
    Why is it wrong to suggest that? And Johns Hopkins has concluded that, even though to anyone with a brain that was the obvious answer.
    There is no Covid exception to the Constitution. That is true. AG Herring’s opinion saying the mandate was OK was wrong as a matter of law and Jim Ryan and Whitt Clement, one a former Supreme Court clerk and the other a partner at a Top 100 law firm, knew that. (The federal EUA statute specifies that the patient has the right to accept or refuse). The mandate violates the Nuremberg Code, which provides that a patient must give informed, willing consent to participate in a medical experiment. Since EVERY SINGLE SHOT has been EUA, EVERY SINGLE SHOT is technically a medical experiment. I’m sorry if that offends you, but the Nuremberg Code was drafted 10 years before I was born. How about testing healthy people? Masking? Social distancing? Firing people for not wanting to participate in a medical experiment? You can participate if you want, but why can you force others? How about the insanity of Vax cards? In America? Do you know, prior to Covidiocy (still infecting large blue swaths – see JAB’s article on the NoVa mental health), that a large number of people went about unvaccinated for real vaccines that everyone accepts…and NO ONE DIED? Oh, the danger! (In the prior sane world, medical and religious exemptions were routinely granted – I don’t know the percentage, but school administrators have some idea, and, of course, our “experts” would know).
    Ultimately, this has been a huge crime against humanity. Now, go run to war with Ukraine and hope everybody forgets…like the good little Demmings you are.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Propaganda attracts propaganda…👆👆

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        it’s nutty…. but it’s real…..

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          It’s the new Conservative gaslight: there never really was a pandemic at all.

        2. VaNavVet Avatar

          You have to wonder what rock they live under and if they ever see the light of day. There could be some valid points to make about learning from experience if they could just forgo the conspiracy theories.

      2. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        Says the propagandist

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