By Peter Galuszka

There must be considerable gnashing of teeth in the Governor’s Mansion. Robert F. McDonnell had been working so hard to distance himself from his social conservative past, notably that nettlesome and Neanderthal anti-gay and anti-female graduate thesis.

He had worked hard to remake himself as a reasonable moderate, thus setting himself up for the Big Time, namely a vice presidential slot. Up to now, things had been looking good. True, his plans to privatize state liquor stores and erect offshore oil platforms have gone nowhere, but McDonnell has enjoyed strong popularity ratings and has received a fair number of invites on national TV talk shows.

This Republican-dominated General Assembly, however, is helping destroy a lot of his hard work. Virginia is getting negative national attention for such mindless, hard right policies such as lifting sales restrictions on handguns and forcing women seeking a legal abortion to pay for a trans-vaginal ultrasound test. Legislators have slapped gay couples across their cheeks by making it harder for them to adopt children. ”Foreign” looking people must go through citizenship checks if they are stopped by police who don’t who don’t have the time, money or will to do so.

Virginia has already made the “Really” segment of Saturday Night Live and now Jon Stewart is sniffing around. But there’s more to Mickey D’s woes. Wild man Atty. Gen. Kenneth Cuccinelli has bucked the state GOP establishment and is running for governor when Republican power brokers had already hand-picked affable Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling. An even bigger-time wingnut, Bob Marshall, is running for Senate, challenging GOP favorite George Allen. Neither move helps McDonnell.

The blogosphere is rife with rumors that Mickey D is considering some serious backpedalling. Norman Leahy, always a reliable source, reports that some Republican legislators and McDonnell are brainstorming schemes to weaken or delay the ultrasound fiasco, that has brought more than 1,000 protestors to Capitol Hill, not an ordinary event in genteel Richmond. Leahy quotes political insider Paul Goldman as saying, “You don’t get selected the VEEP on a winning political ticket when Saturday Night Live skits are part of the package put together by a Presidential nominee’s team vetting running mates.”

That raises another question. Which candidate would McDonnell serve as VP candidate? The easy answer had been Mitt Romney. But things aren’t going so well for Romney right now. As for Rick Santorum, the last thing they’d need is a VP with as much social conservative baggage as McDonnell has.

McDonnell might be able to finesse the problems by unplugging the transvaginal business and moving forward with his budget. He had planned one of his smoke and mirrors specials to boost transportation funding by cheating education out of a part of the sales tax. Now it looks like we might get a hike in the gasoline tax, at least to mesh with inflation. And that, dear children, would make Mickey D. look worse than Tim Kaine ever could have.

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4 responses to “Bad Days for Mickey D.”

  1. Statement from the Governor’s Office as of 2:40 this afternoon:

    “Over the past days I have discussed the specific language of the proposed legislation with other governors, physicians, attorneys, legislators, advocacy groups, and citizens. It is apparent that several amendments to the proposed legislation are needed to address various medical and legal issues which have arisen. It is clear that in the majority of cases, a routine external, transabdominal ultrasound is sufficient to meet the bills stated purpose, that is, to determine gestational age. I have come to understand that the medical practice and standard of care currently guide physicians to use other procedures to find the gestational age of the child, when abdominal ultrasounds cannot do so. Determining gestational age is essential for legal reasons, to know the trimester of the pregnancy in order to comply with the law, and for medical reasons as well.

    Thus, having looked at the current proposal, I believe there is no need to direct by statute that further invasive ultrasound procedures be done. Mandating an invasive procedure in order to give informed consent is not a proper role for the state. No person should be directed to undergo an invasive procedure by the state, without their consent, as a precondition to another medical procedure.

    For this reason, I have recommended to the General Assembly a series of amendments to this bill. I am requesting that the General Assembly amend this bill to explicitly state that no woman in Virginia will have to undergo a transvaginal ultrasound involuntarily. I am asking the General Assembly to state in this legislation that only a transabdominal, or external, ultrasound will be required to satisfy the requirements to determine gestational age. Should a doctor determine that another form of ultrasound may be necessary to provide the necessary images and information that will be an issue for the doctor and the patient. The government will have no role in that medical decision.

    I have requested other amendments that help clarify the purposes of the bill and reflect a better understanding of prevailing medical practices. It is my hope that the members of the General Assembly will act favorably upon these recommendations from our office. We will await their action prior to making any further comments on this matter.”

  2. well .. this is like getting hit with a ball peen hammer but you’re glad because it looked originally looked you were going to get hit with a sledge hammer!

    so now, we’re supposed to be THANKFUL that they “ONLY” require an external ultra-sound rather than a vaginal one.

    well…whoop de do.

    so we get whacked up side the head with more right wing social crap and we’re supposed to be “thankful”.

    sorry. If I were a women, I’d remember this at next election.

    I cannot believe that you guys vote for these jerks who talk the talk about fiscal conservatism and when they get elected – they forget all about everything by the right wing social idiocy.

  3. DJRippert Avatar

    What is required now to establish gestational age? Is McDonnell proposing something new or a continuation of the existing process?

  4. so much for the idea that big govt should not intrude in our lives nor get between us and our doctor, eh?

    over and over social conservatives prove what a bunch of hypocrites they are and over and over conservatives in general claim that fiscal conservatism is all they really want,.

    but when they get into those legislative chambers – they revert back to “you must live our way” despots.

    this is what Richmond does instead of building an education and transportation system for the 21st century.

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