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Bacon Stymied in Insincere Attempt to Enroll in Obamacare

Just for yucks, I tried signing up for Obamacare. Not that I wanted the insurance — I just wanted to see what happened. Or didn’t happen.

As it turns out, I didn’t get past the account sign-up stage. Here was my message:

Anybody remember Hurricane Katrina? According to liberals like Bill Maher, that fiasco was Exhibit One in the indictment of the Bush administration on the charge that Republicans are too stupid and incompetent to make government work. (Never mind the role played by corrupt state and local governments.)

Now, here it is, several days past the opening of Obamacare’s state health exchanges, and people still can’t even create an account, much less get price quotes… much less actually get insurance. And there is no one else to blame!

Of course, the Obama-ites can always say things would have been worse if the Republicans had been in charge. Our computers probably would have gotten infected with malware!


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