Bacon Nation

Another memorable feat in the annals of Bacondom…. From the Lewiston Tribune:

Jolee Bacon really sizzles when it comes to hog-calling.

The northern Idaho woman took first place Saturday in the competition at the Nez Perce County Fair.

She has raised several champion pigs for 4-H contests. Bacon says she calls pigs every morning and night with her 9-year-old daughter, Jacey.

Bacon won the crown over as she started her hog call with a few loud snorts and a long, drawn-out “sooey.”

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5 responses to “Bacon Nation”

  1. JB – is this your way of segwaying into the $700 billion bailout?


  2. Meanwhile, in Richmond, another Bacon is calling as well. Only this one is yelling…”FreeeeeeMarkets”. Some pigs are responding while other animals of all stripes are eyeing the whole matter suspiciously.

  3. Anonymous Avatar

    Is there something Orwellian about this?

    “All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others.”

    Peter Galuszka

  4. Anonymous Avatar

    Yeah, you can put lipstick on a politician, but that don’t make him/her a pig.


  5. a 700 million (probably a trillion dollars) bailout for the vaunted USA “free market”

    Bacon had it right:


    I want to know where I go to get my share of it….

    perhaps I’ll get another “refund” soon…. soooooeeey

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