Bacon Meme of the Week

Photo credit: Washington Post

The Washington Post has redeemed itself (if only ever-so-briefly). Writer Aaron Hutcherson describes the best way to cook crispy bacon. He truly gets what bacon is all about: “For me, the epitome of this cured pork product is audible crispiness. You might be a fan of some chew or tenderness, which is fine by me because that’s your business, but I want there to be a snap and a crunch each time a strip passes my lips.”


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3 responses to “Bacon Meme of the Week”

  1. LarrytheG Avatar

    Don’t want to rain on your parade but mine got rained on several years ago by a paddling friend who worked at NIH during a bacon orgy breakfast. (Yes, Wayne, the grammar police will chastice me again).

    “How does processed and red meat cause cancer and how much matters?

    It’s not new news that processed and red meat are linked to bowel cancer. But in 2019, Cancer Research UK scientists took a closer look at how much meat might be enough to increase bowel cancer risk.

    The study, published in the International Journal of Epidemiology, looked at whether people who eat an average of 76 grams of processed and red meat a day – approximately 3 slices of ham – are still at increased risk of bowel cancer. This is similar to the average amount people in the UK eat each day, and falls in a somewhat grey area within government guidelines – which state anyone who eats more than 90 grams a day should cut this to no more than 70 grams a day..”

    If any consolation, it has been also widely reported in WaPo and other MSM but I’ve not seen much about it in the alternative right media!


    Do I still eat Bacon? Yep. Did my gastroenterologist find polyps? Yep.

    And does that mean I’m at higher risk for colon cancer. yep.

    Life is sometimes a danged cruel thing but way better than the alternative!


  2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    This weeks competitive entry against Bacon: Fried Head Cheese.×381.jpg

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I like it!

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