Bacon Bits: Ungovernable Virginia

It’s not just the big stuff we need to worry about — broken borders, riots, crime waves, school shootings — we need to pay attention to the little stuff, too: small things that betray the fraying of the social fabric. Some instances in today’s headlines:

From WAVY-TV: “Video shows man choking county attorney at Gloucester Co. meeting.” Cell phone video taken at a public meeting to discuss a bond referendum shows Gloucester County resident Lawrence Cohen with one hand holding a microphone and the other choking Gloucester County Attorney Edwin N. “Ted” Wilmot. I know nothing about the issues or personalities involved, but that’s just not acceptable. Choking people in public hearings is not the kind of thing that used to happen.

Meanwhile, Arlington County Public Schools is rolling out a new “electronic campus management platform” at several schools, reports ARL Now. The platform will allow schools to regulate the number of students in the halls and going in and out of buildings. Sounds like Orwellian overkill for a school disciplinary problem. What’s next? Artificial Intelligence to decide who gets a hall pass and who doesn’t?

And in the People’s Republic of Charlottesville, reports The Daily Progress: “Weeks after anonymous White supremacists and anti-Semites Zoomed into a Charlottesville City Council meeting — making racist remarks, spreading conspiracy theories and calling for a race war — council has decided to suspend virtual public comment.”

Despicable behavior by members of the public leads to another setback to openness in government.

And don’t get me started on the atrocious antics of transgender activists protesting the Abigail Shrier event co-hosted by The Jefferson Council at the University of Virginia last week. I’ll have a lot more to say about that in due course.

When citizens are incapable of self-regulating their behavior, government steps in with authoritarian measures to regulate their behavior for them. As Virginia continues its slide into social anarchy, we can expect to see more government restrictions on our freedoms. And we’ll deserve it.

— JAB 

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46 responses to “Bacon Bits: Ungovernable Virginia”

  1. how_it_works Avatar

    Let me know when “Virginia Man” has the same reputation as “Florida Man”.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Encino Man…

  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    1) Beats a caning.
    2) Just lacked a proper muting feature. Video attendance is a really, really bad idea.
    3) When you bring up UVa behavior, include TurningPoint on ASU campus.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          What are you seeing in that video? I see the professor initiate a physical attack on the cameraman only to be pushed to the ground by the cameraman’s colleague. It sure looks like the professor started the physical attack.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            I see the prof reach at the camera. I see no contact. I see the cameraman pull the camera back.

          2. So is it okay to assault a reporter or camera man? It used to be a crime.


            BTW – Nancy should be very happy as the ASU assault has become a topic of discussion.

        2. I don’t have a dog in this fight.

          You wanted to talk about what happened at ASU, so I posted a video. You posted another. Great.

          Everyone can watch both videos, and come to their own conclusion.

        3. Did he trip over his skirt?

    1. “When you bring up UVa behavior, include TurningPoint on ASU campus.”

      Is ASU in Virginia? When did that happen?

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Wasn’t aware free speech was only a Va issue. If national behavior isn’t allowed, then Ms. Shrier should have to be a Va citizen.

        1. We discuss free speech all the time, and nothing prevents you or any other commenter from talking about ASU. Has your post about ASU been deleted?

          UVA is more of a focus for articles because it is in Virginia and funded with Virginia tax dollars. The next time an article comes up about UVA behavior, I’m sure you will bring up ASU. Why would anyone want to steel your thunder?

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            “Is ASU in Virginia? When did that happen?”

            Is Ms. Shrier a Virginian?

            Articles on BR compare UVa to other schools in other states quite often.

          2. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Yeah, but it was still a bogus attempt to deflect with whataboutism, and a false one at that.
            I have a novel idea – apply the same rules to all people. That used to be the concept behind justice until the Save Our Democracy crowd decided we had to destroy all democratic norms to save it…which really means save our oligarchic power and hefty, unmerited compensation and make the plebeians shut up!

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Well, we could elect a Speaker of the House…

          4. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Another whataboutism! Way to go NN! Or the loser RINOs, who don’t intend to do anything they promised their voters, can just go ahead and let Hakeem Jeffries be speaker and we’ll continue to “spend” $7 trillion while taking in $5 trillion (maybe) and have a new World War with terrorist cells all over the country, and the virtue signaling, law breaking sanctuary cities finally crying “no mas” now that the cost is hitting them, but meanwhile, here in the State of Presidents the most important issue is to make sure women have the unfettered right to kill their babies, to the point of electing a woman who performs sex acts for money. She is definitely ready to be a politician! So go on NN, you be you!

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            One thing is for sure… counting on the GOP to govern… is a sure loser!

          6. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            If we could ever get to the GOP actually governing instead of being the Washington Generals, while the Commies are destroying the country and starting WWIII

          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            THe GOP cannot agree among themselves how to govern…

          8. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Because about 1/3 are Pubbies in Dem drag.

          9. LarrytheG Avatar

            I’d posit that because 2/3 of them are Trumpsters!

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      It seems that Ms Ali has been put on leave. It would not surprise me if it were a paid leave.

      1. If that’s an example of how they vet their own employees, what are we to think about the vetting of potentially dangerous extremists who would seek to do us harm?

      2. BTW – Your link is to a publication from the UK. I find it interesting to note that mainstream news outlets are so far ignoring this.

        Extremists of any stripe should not hold responsible positions at DHS, or any other government agency.

  3. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

    We are probably stuck with EV mandate in Virginia. If we elect Repubs to reverse that, their first priority would be ban abortion. Our purple electorate will probably not allow that. Only chance is maybe a new Independent party. The reversal of Roe v. Wade is a gift to liberals in the blue and purple states. Trump was at least right about that back-firing on Repubs.

    1. vicnicholls Avatar

      There is no ban on abortion proposed. Another person who can’t manage to read all sides and put out correct info. Just what we the people don’t need.

      1. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

        Not from the women’s rights perspective. Repubs want to start the process of clamping down, just as Liberals want to start the process of mandated gasoline vehicle ban.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          a key difference is that even if most/all Dems actually DID want to ban gasoline, they are not s t o o p i d enough to not back off after hearing from their constituents, unlike some folks on the other side who seem to prefer to claim they do support women..when the actual facts suggest otherwise.

        2. vicnicholls Avatar

          98% of abortions are done in the first 15 weeks. Does a woman have a right to dismember abortion a child? Have you seen what is done? No anesthetic. That is barbaric. Give me specific examples of one after 15 weeks, because none result in the death of the Mom. Btw, I have 2 ob gyn quotes on the issue so looking for medical not garbage, response.

    2. I’m a conservative Republican and would not support banning abortion.

      I’m also retired and not in a good position to buy an EV.

      5 Hidden Costs of Electric Vehicles

  4. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    The abortion issue is only an issue because Republicans are idiots and scared of being called mean.
    So the Dems lie (probably be censored for that but what do you call intentional misstatements designed to deceive?)
    Here is how you deal with the issue of permitted infanticide
    “So, you aren’t saying unlimited abortion on demand?”
    “OK, when is the proper limit?”
    “40 weeks?”
    “38?” and so on. It will be pretty obvious who the monsters are.

  5. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    1. I hope that the guy choking the county attorney was arrested and charged with assault. Choking is a felony offense.
    2. I would have thought that you would be pleased that Arlington County is trying to control student movement as part of its effort to improve safety in the schools.
    3. Suspending virtual public comment is hardly “authoritarian”. It is reverting to prior methods of commenting.

    1. Banning the internet, telecommunications, word processors and the industrial printing press is not “authoritarian”. It is reverting to prior methods of commenting…

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        not really. it’s about providing a venue for commenting. It does not prevent other “commenting” in all manner of places and media including word processors, internet, soapboxes in parks, etc.

        For instance, are you ENTITLED to 3 minutes at a podium at a BOS meeting?
        What entitles you? Why not 5 or 20 minutes? Why not at a closed session? Why not at other public meetings or courtrooms or DMV?

        1. Public comments are governed by specified local published policies.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            They ARE and MY POINT is that no one is entitled to go and provides any/all comments any time and place they wish. It IS “restricted” and has been … “free speech” is NOT saying what you want anywhere you want anytime you want!

        2. I wish you would spend just a little more time analyzing my comments instead of jumping up to “correct” me as quickly as you possibly can.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            ” Banning the internet, telecommunications, word processors and the industrial printing press is not “authoritarian”. It is reverting to prior methods of commenting..”

            I probably misunderstood.

            My bad!

  6. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Electric hall passes. Been there, saw that, and oh boy did it not work. The sweathogs will have a field day with this. Alas, Arlington must learn everything the hard way.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      RFID personnel tracking . Works for business!

  7. A different kind of weirdos recently hijacked Zoom during a Board of Supervisors meetings in Fluvanna County.

    from Fluvanna Review Sept 28, 2023:

    Zoom interrupted

    During the discussion on signs, the county’s Zoom meeting was infiltrated by a group of unknown individuals who began broadcasting graphic images and sounds on the live video feed.

    Assistant County Administrator Kelly Harris quickly cut the feed, and the meeting went on uninterrupted. However, the inappropriate images shown meant that the video could not be uploaded to YouTube for later viewing. An audio recording of the meeting is available on the county’s website.

    “Audio will always be available,” said Harris, “and we are currently assessing how we go forward with Zoom.”

  8. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Here is a Virginia bit…

    “Virginia likely voters support allowing the retail sale of recreational marijuana (58%) and staying in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (65%), a carbon cap and trade program aimed at reducing carbon pollution.”


    “A majority of Virginia likely voters support either keeping Virginia abortion law as is (49%) or making abortion law less restrictive (23%), while 24% say Virginia should make abortion laws more restrictive.”

    Oh and…

    “A majority are satisfied with their community K-12 public schools (58%) and trust teachers to make the right decisions for children in K-12 public schools (81%).”

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      maybe they’ll reflect these sentiments in the election? Would be GOOD!

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        If this poll is solid, I certainly don’t see a GOP sweep in those numbers…

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