Bacon Bits: Special Societal Dysfunction Edition

Parents can’t be trusted.

Childhood gender dysphoria diagnoses leaped 70% from 2020 to 2021. More than 40,000 children received the diagnosis nationally in 2021, up from 15,000 in 2017, reports Reuters, citing a Komodo Health Inc. analysis. The number of children on puberty blockers more than doubled between 2017 to 2021 to more than 5,000 — 1,390 cases added last year alone. Against this backdrop, Charlottesville City Schools has declared its opposition to Governor Glenn Youngkin’s transgender guidelines for public schools that would give parents the power to decide the names, pronouns, restrooms and locker rooms their children use.

Can you say, “lower standards”? Ninety-two percent of Virginia’s public high school students graduated in 2022. That’s a tad higher than the pre-COVID graduation rate of 91.5 for the Class of 2019 — even though high school students in 2022 suffered massive learning loss during the pandemic and consistently under-performed the Class of 2019 students in their Standards of Learning test scores.

No, wait, don’t kill all the lawyers. We still need some. Facing high caseloads and a “dwindling staff,” reports the News & Advance, the Lynchburg Commonwealth’s Attorney has made the decision not to participate in the prosecution of some misdemeanors. Commonwealth’s Attorney Bethany Harrison said the number of attorneys is 27% shy of what it should be. If police want to prosecute trespassing, drunk in public, altered license plates, or driving with a suspended license as standalone charges, they will have to handle the cases themselves. Unfortunately, the police department is suffering a labor shortage, too — with 28 vacancies reported in the fall of 2021.

What? Bus drivers, too? Add to teachers, policemen, nurses and other occupations suffering debilitating labor shortages: transit operators. With the exception of one week in May, Hampton Roads Transit has struggled to staff its dozens of routes, reports the Virginia Mercury. At one point, the authority was running 100 drivers short. The transit industry was having recruitment problems before the COVID epidemic, but shortages have gotten worse. Base pay for bus drivers in Hampton Roads is $20 an hour, with top operators earning up to $27 an hour. But pay isn’t the biggest issue, says the Mercury — it’s working conditions.

What could go wrong? The City of Richmond is on track to create a citizen review board (CRB) to investigate police misdeeds. An argument has broken out over how much power to give the entity, reports VPM News. A social-justice group, the Richmond Transparency and Accountability Project, seeking to end mass incarceration, laments that the board would have “the fewest powers of any CRB in the state of Virginia.” Mayor Levar Stoney is trying to thread the needle between holding police officers accountable while also showing “appreciation” for the work they do. The department has more than 100 vacancies and Police Chief Gerald Smith says a strong review board could hurt morale even more.

Let me guess, a deputy shortage as well? Accused killer Stone L. Colburn — the scary-looking dude shown to the left who was accused of killing his brother’s girlfriend– was mistakenly released from Loudoun County jail last week. Fortunately, he was arrested Friday in Chatham County, Ga. The finger pointing has begun over who is responsible for the release. Colburn’s attorney was planning to argue that his client was mentally incompetent and should be assigned to the Central State mental facility rather than prison. After a complex sequence of legal developments in which the sheriff’s department concluded that the murder charge was dismissed, Colburn was released from custody. Sheriff Mike Chapman told Channel 4-Washington he was still sorting out what happened.

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34 responses to “Bacon Bits: Special Societal Dysfunction Edition”

  1. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Maybe if the Loudon deputies wouldn’t diddle little girls…

  2. LarrytheG Avatar

    Yep, the world is going to hell in a handbasket. I think this is a disease as Conservatives get older… it just gets worse and worse!

  3. Geez… 40,000!? That’s about….0.05% of the school-age population in the US! Run for the hills! And why do you lot keep ignoring the provision that allows teachers to ignore pronouns parents approve for their child?

    Also, why shouldn’t we have strong oversight for one of the few branches of government that has the power to shoot us? Bring on the CRBs.

  4. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    Wow is me. So what do we ask the legislators and politicians to do?

  5. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    Ah,, that poor Lynchburg Commonwealth’s attorney. Because her office will no longer be prosecuting misdemeanors, she will now have to included in Jim Sherlock’s and Jim Bacon’s rants against the “Soros” prosecutors in Fairfax, Loudoun, and Arlington.

    The state funds the offices of the Commonwealth’s attorneys, so an easy fix is available to help retain deputy CA’s and attract new ones coming out of law school–significant increases in the pay scales of those offices. Oh, that’s right–the Governor wants to reduce state revenue.

  6. LarrytheG Avatar

    re: ” If police want to prosecute trespassing, drunk in public, altered license plates, or driving with a suspended license as standalone charges, they will have to handle the cases themselves. Unfortunately, the police department is suffering a labor shortage, too — with 28 vacancies reported in the fall of 2021.”

    Apparently not enough of a shortage such that they can’t arrest for ” trespassing, drunk in public, altered license plates, or driving with a suspended license”, etc.

    You’d think the police would have to do what the Prosecutors have to do when short of staff – prioritize – which by the way is a real and honorable Conservative concept!

    And way better than blathering endlessly about all the ills of society – on a daily basis. Sheesh!

    1. Just so you know, Larry, one of the reasons I “blather” so frequently about the social breakdown in our society is that you and your fellow travelers are in total denial that anything is wrong (except when it can be laid at the feet of conservatives). Spike in homicides? A conservative fixation. Failing schools? Conservatives are making it all up. Cancel culture in higher-ed? Conservatives are wildly exaggerating. A hundred thousand dead a year from drug overdoses? Fox News propaganda.

      Keep it up. The more you deny, the harder I’ll work to prove you wrong because I know there are thousands of people who think just like you do. I understand that there is literally no level of evidence that could persuade you. But I figure I can pick off a few stragglers!

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        You tell him, JAB. Without your vigilance women will refuse to wear hijabs; VA GOP delegates will cease physical assaults upon one another; the Gov will be free to pursue election integrity and, simultaneously support election denier candidates in order to move forward; Loudoun GOP competitors will be free to campaign without disruption from one another; Fairfax County is crumbling under crime due to progressives. Social breakdown encouraged or denied by fellow travelers cannot be permitted to rule. If allowed to continue, Youngkin may not be able to raise another $2.4 from small donor Virginians. The thousands who think like Larry must be lectured repeatedly to see the light.

      2. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        You tell him, JAB. Without your vigilance women will refuse to wear hijabs; VA GOP delegates will cease physical assaults upon one another; the Gov will be free to pursue election integrity and, simultaneously support election denier candidates in order to move forward; Loudoun GOP competitors will be free to campaign without disruption from one another; Fairfax County is crumbling under crime due to progressives. Social breakdown encouraged or denied by fellow travelers cannot be permitted to rule. If allowed to continue, Youngkin may not be able to raise another $2.4 from small donor Virginians. The thousands who think like Larry must be lectured repeatedly to see the light.

      3. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        You tell him, JAB. Without your vigilance women will refuse to wear hijabs; VA GOP delegates will cease physical assaults upon one another; the Gov will be free to pursue election integrity and, simultaneously support election denier candidates in order to move forward; Loudoun GOP competitors will be free to campaign without disruption from one another; Fairfax County is crumbling under crime due to progressives. Social breakdown encouraged or denied by fellow travelers cannot be permitted to rule. If allowed to continue, Youngkin may not be able to raise another $2.4 from small donor Virginians. The thousands who think like Larry must be lectured repeatedly to see the light.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          …. the whole friggin world is going to hell in a handbasket I tell you!

          AND it’s happening because woke liberals fail to understand what Conservatives do!

          I don’t mind the lecturing but the blather… geeze…

          1. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Right here in River City!!!

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Not something “new” for JAB, been that way for awhile… wrote this book:


      4. LarrytheG Avatar

        Denial? Nope. The world is a messy place and the reality is it always has been. Conservatives are genetically pre-disposed to gloom & doom sometimes.

        Yeah, a hundred thousand dead from drug overdoes and thousands more from fiddling with the cell phones while driving and thousands more from other human flaws and mistakes.

        It’s something that happens.

        We try to not do stupid life-threatening and other self-destructive things but some of us fail at it.

        Been that way since humans started walking erect!

  7. Lefty665 Avatar

    Long ago I was a witness in a case that resulted in the conviction of a long time fence. As the judge was pronouncing the sentence the fence collapsed and his attorney called it a mental breakdown. The judge said fine and remanded him to the forensic unit at Central State until he was well enough to serve his sentence in jail. The fence was miraculously healed right there in the courtroom and was escorted off to jail.

  8. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

    We’ve all seen the commercials from plaintiffs lawyers. From contaminated water at Camp Lejeune to weed killers. Mark my words, within 10 years, there will be similar commercials aimed at chemical and surgical procedures performed on then minors who were involved in gender identification issues. If were early in my career, that’s the area I’d select for my practice area.

    Some of these targets have deep pockets, such as medical schools and insurance companies. Quite a few doctors too.

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      Finally, a productive use for endowments.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      but where does that money come from? Us?


      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        The money comes from those with deep pockets. It goes, in dribs and drabs, to the individuals who are parties to the suits, while the lawyers who put together these class action suits get the lion’s share of the money.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          I suspect Camp LeJune will be taxpayer money. For other, non-govt, it will probably come from the company’s assets and if they can, they’ll get it back from future customers or go bankrupt.

          But I’d think Doctors are protected from lawsuits if they follow the established policies and guidelines of the Medical Groups associated with their specialty – as well as
          what stipulations that insurance requires for reimbursement as well
          as the insurance for them against lawsuits.

          I’ve seen individual physicians sue for malpractice but more often that not, the doctors veer outside the guidelines.

          For all doctors that treat a specific condition – like transgender to be sued, seems like that would take quite a bit more than individual malpractice standards.

          I’m skeptical but the number and types of lawsuits these days seem to have no bounds.

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Still, better they make billions off class action than get involved in politics. Imagine the mayhem a legally trained Congressperson might cause?

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            Are the current levels of mayhem not sufficient?

    3. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      You can take CLE and initiate a new practice. Plaintiff lawyers = social disintegration.

    4. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Uh yep, but the good news is that those lawyers have proved that Tylenol, not MMR vaccines, cause Autism.

      On the other hand, the fact that your kitchen blender hasn’t killed thousands, and your Pinto doesn’t explode on contact is the result of civil suits. But then again, because of civil actions it takes 3 hands to use a gasoline can and the Sacklers will suffer at all.

      Seems like a wash.

    5. I think it much more likely you will turn out to be correct on this than incorrect.

      But the vaping law suits will come first.

  9. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “Governor Glenn Youngkin’s transgender guidelines for public schools that would give parents the power to decide the names, pronouns, restrooms and locker rooms their children use.”

    Unless, of course, Conservative teachers or school staff disagree then those parents are SOL. Oh, and as to restrooms and other facilities, YOUNGKIN’s policy is exactly the opposite of what you say. The only thing overriding him (Him?) is the courts and federal law. Honesty is a way better reporting approach, JAB…

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      so many rubes to be sold Youngkins Up is Down , “parents rule” blather.. and so little time…

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      All that and denial too…

      YOUNGKIN: Well, what — what I do know is that we have — we have questions about the election process.

  10. So Lynchburg has a shortage of prosecutorial lawyers. Maybe they don’t believe in locking people up because the lawyers all went to Liberty University Law School.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      keep yur day job… 😉

  11. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Trump speaks at rally about the stolen government classified documents…

  12. That guy isn’t scary-looking.

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        Wow, what a face. He’s putting his schizophrenia right out there where everyone can see it. Don’t think I’ve ever seen a more, or better, graphic illustration of mental illness. That should be in textbooks. The bilateral crown of thorns is the only dissonant piece, but then if you’re God…

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