Bacon Bits: School Meltdown Update

The latest news about our dysfunctional schools:

Another day, another beating. A 15-year-old boy at Freedom High School in Prince William County was hospitalized Friday after three other students punched and kicked him in the head after an argument in the hallway. His injuries were not considered life-threatening. Prince William police said the case resulted in an “informal action” for the boys after consultation with Juvenile Court Services. Future actions will be handled through the juvenile diversion process, reports the Woodbridge, Va., Patch.

Parents fighting back. With help from the Alliance Defending Freedom, a group of parents and teachers is suing the Harrisonburg City Public Schools over a requirement for teachers to use students’ preferred pronouns and to keep students’ gender preferences confidential from their families, reports The Republican Standard. Said ADF Senior Counsel Ryan Bangert: “Parents—not public schools or government officials—have the fundamental right to direct the upbringing, care, and education of their children. Teachers and staff cannot willfully hide kids’ mental health information from their parents, especially as some of the decisions children are making at school have potentially life-altering ramifications. As the clients we represent believe, a teacher’s role is to support, not supplant, the role of the parent.”

Just one question: Who was doing the touching? Back in March, conservative parental activist Ian Prior put the Loudoun County School Board of teachers “on notice” that unidentified teachers at a Loudoun elementary were being subjected repeatedly to “inappropriate touching” several times a day for several months, and no one in the administration had addressed their concerns. Last night, the two teachers involved spoke out publicly for the first time, claiming that the school system had “retaliated against them after they testified before a special grand jury. The teachers were asked not to return next year, according to an email blast from the Fight For Schools organization.

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17 responses to “Bacon Bits: School Meltdown Update”

  1. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    What the Dickens?

  2. LarrytheG Avatar

    re: ” With help from the Alliance Defending Freedom, a group of parents and teachers is suing the Harrisonburg City Public Schools”

    it’s THIS Group?

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll


  3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “Parents—not public schools or government officials—have the fundamental right to direct the upbringing, care, and education of their children.”

    Hmmmm… the Conservative position now is that public schools and school boards do not have the right to direct the education of children in the public school system…??

    1. WayneS Avatar

      It is, as they say, “black letter law” in Virginia:

      Code of Virginia § 1-240.1. Rights of parents.
      A parent has a fundamental right to make decisions concerning the upbringing, education, and care of the parent’s child.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        That does not state that public school officials have no rights to make decisions concerning the education of public school children. That was something ADF added.

    2. WayneS Avatar

      It is, as they say, “black letter law” in Virginia:

      Code of Virginia § 1-240.1. Rights of parents.
      A parent has a fundamental right to make decisions concerning the upbringing, education, and care of the parent’s child.

    3. WayneS Avatar

      It is, as they say, “black letter law” in Virginia:

      Code of Virginia § 1-240.1. Rights of parents.
      A parent has a fundamental right to make decisions concerning the upbringing, education, and care of the parent’s child.

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    A) Oh Lord. Glad we did have such fights in the 60s.
    B) Hostile to children.
    C) (WDVM) — A former Loudoun County Sheriff’s deputy has pleaded guilty to soliciting a minor online. Attorney General Jason Miyares said Dustin Amos, 33, will be sentenced in June. Amos was arrested on Dec. 17 after he was found messaging an undercover detective who posed as a 15-year-old girl through an app.

    1. WayneS Avatar

      C) If this is the same deputy who had previously aroused suspicion by texting & spending too much time with high school-aged girls, then I’m glad they caught him with something concrete. His previous behavior was inappropriate but apparently could not be proven to have ‘crossed the line’. If it’s not the same guy, then I’m glad they caught him and would add a recommendation that the Sheriff consider reviewing his hiring criteria for deputies.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        There’s two of ’em. The latest was handled internally by the Dept. You’ll find where no charges were brought.

        1. WayneS Avatar

          In that case I recommend the Sheriff consider reviewing his hiring criteria for deputies.

      2. killerhertz Avatar

        F the police

  5. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    My grandson’s “graduation” from kindergarten the other day at his private, all-white seg academy. Uh, actually, NOT. Probably more diverse than his neighborhood school. Hooray to all the parents who have found the alternative and right now I’m happy to see him and his brother not in the public system. (Need to get him some braces to go under that vest.)

    And I used to be a huge, huge booster for the public system. They’ve lost me.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Looks like a proper lobbyist, he does.

    2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      So the Conservative anti-public school campaign is working then… at least in your case…

    3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      So the Conservative anti-public school campaign is working then… at least in your case…

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