Bacon Bits: Plumbing New Depths of Depravity

“I shot that bitch dead!”

Those are the words of the six-year-old student at Richneck Elementary School in January shortly after he shot his teacher Abigail Zwerner, according to recently unveiled court documents reported by The Virginian-Pilot.  One has to ask: in what kind of world does a six-year-old child think that way? In what kind of world would a six-year-old who thinks that way actually carry out his violent intent? Somehow, we have come to live in a world in which many families fail to teach the most basic norms of civilized behavior. I apologize: I shouldn’t have used the word “civilized.” Even in so-called uncivilized societies, young children don’t behave that way. The United States of America has reached a new stage in human social evolution that is more debased than any other.

Parents’ rights and social media. Speaking of plumbing new depths of depravity, there is a growing sense that social media has a corrosive effect on America’s children — mainstreaming pornography, violence, and reckless, self-destructive behavior. Social media was a major topic of conversation in a “parents matter” town hall meeting that Governor Glenn Youngkin held in Hanover County yesterday. Said one participant: “It is like closing a door with all the windows open. I feel like anyone can come in at any time, and as much as we try to protect our children, it’s really hard and you feel incredibly vulnerable.”

I have seen no indication that the infamous Richneck Elementary six-year-old was influenced by social media, so the problem is bigger and more pervasive than anything that takes place online. But if you think of social media as enabling a digital island of the Lord of the Flies where the norms of the adult world are forgotten, you won’t go far wrong.

In a world gone mad, expect to see more laws like the bill signed into law this year that restricts access to PornHub and other pornographic websites to anyone who cannot document that they are 18 or older.

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20 responses to “Bacon Bits: Plumbing New Depths of Depravity”

  1. Lefty665 Avatar

    Horrifying words from the kid. But remember, we already knew he was a severely emotionally disturbed little boy. He was just a half step short of placement in a more restricted setting when he shot his teacher.

    The devolution of society is better demonstrated by the school staff, the Principal and Assistant Principal that let him proceed unattended to class and brushed off several reports that he had a gun. Newport News has taken some steps to rectify that. Both school administrators are gone and they have a new School Superintendent. The boy’s mom has been charged for giving him access to the gun too.

    It’s all an ugly picture, but there are some signs of progress, the schools seem to have shaped up, the boy seems to be getting the intense psychiatric care he needs, and his mom is being held accountable. Those are signs of hope.

    1. Hey – we can’t trample his rights to threaten and kill others at his desire…..

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        WTF? Who said anything about “his rights to threaten and kill others?” The kid is severely mentally ill. That gives him no rights to commit mayhem or anything else.

        If we’re smart he will get intense psychiatric care and cease to be a danger to the rest of us. Getting him out of his home could be the best thing that ever happens to him. It took about 25 years of therapy to fix John Hinckley.

  2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    I also worry about all the violence, pornography, and other bad influences available to kids over social media. However, I had the chance this summer to spend a lot of time around my grandchildren and their friends, along with some of the parents. Yes, these are kids that have a lot of material advantages (middle class and upper middle class) that many kids do not have. But they also are exposed to, or have availabilty to, the same malign influences over social media that all kids do. I did not see any evidence of negative influence. And I am sure that, if there were any, my daughter and her husband would have stepped in and taken steps to end it. So, children can be protected, particularly if they have been raised in a secure and loving environment.

  3. Carter Melton Avatar
    Carter Melton

    Got to wonder how much Hip Hop and Rap this troubled boy was exposed to

    1. You might find this interesting. Please don’t let the source put you off, it’s pretty good.

      1. Carter Melton Avatar
        Carter Melton

        Says it all…..thanks

    2. ouch. Try that in a small town.

      1. Carter Melton Avatar
        Carter Melton

        Try it anywhere you want, but if this troubled boy was exposed to “entertainment” that routinely degrades women as “Hos” and “Bitches”, and glorifies violence, his shooting of his teacher is probably consistent with his idea of acceptable behavior

  4. The United States of America has reached a new stage in human social evolution that is more debased than any other.

    Social devolution. It’s called social devolution.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Are we not men?

  5. Teddy007 Avatar

    Maybe one should refresh one’s readings on sociopaths. They have always been with us.

  6. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “In what kind of world would a six-year-old who thinks that way actually carry out his violent intent?”

    In what kind of world does a six-year-old have easy access to the means to carry out his violent intent? One where there’s an unsecured gun or three in every kid’s home, I suppose.

    1. and that crime is rarely prosecuted. like most so called ‘gun crimes’…… see Hunter Biden example.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “A. It shall be unlawful for any person to recklessly leave a loaded, unsecured firearm in such a manner as to endanger the life or limb of any child under the age of fourteen.”

        A lot of outs in this law. It was crafted so that very few scenarios would be chargeable (the gun must be loaded, it’s must be “recklessly “ left, and a child must be “endangered”). With a decent lawyer, even the mother of the 6 year old in question would be let off. This is why there are typically no charges filed. Add to this the fact that it is just a misdemeanor offense…. anemic, meaningless gun laws equate to no gun laws.

  7. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Yeah, it reached that low in November 2016, did a dead cat bounce in 2020, fell again in 2022 when SCOTUS was found to be privately funded, and is destine to test a new low with the Republican primary.

    Parental rights are all the rage until parental wrongs.

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      ..and reach an even lower low with no Dem primary and the re-coronation of demented old Joe and ha-ha-ha Harris.

      Can’t anybody running this country play this game?

  8. Turbocohen Avatar

    Democrats did this to America. This is their socialist utopia now.

  9. Mike Allen Avatar
    Mike Allen

    Black on white hate crime.

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