Another free clinic closes.

Harrisonburg’s Free Clinic is going out of business after 30 years of providing medical care to low-income, uninsured adults. The clinic’s board attributed the decision in part to the decline in the number of patients resulting from Virginia’s Medicaid expansion. The clinic had 600 patients before expansion and 90 patients afterward, reports Virginia Business. Also, staffing the facility, which relied upon the contributions of 80 volunteers, became problematic during the COVID-19 epidemic. And, thus, Virginia civil society continues to shrink and Virginia’s health care system continues to consolidate under the control of monopolistic health care systems and monopsonistic, taxpayer-funded insurance programs.

Virginia’s ruling class in action. Christian Dorsey, a member of the Arlington County Board, is in hot water for fraudulently misrepresenting his liabilities while filing for bankruptcy, reports the Washington Post. Dorsey had listed a second mortgage payment as one of his obligations, which would have reduced the amount he had to pay toward his other debts. But in fact, court testimony revealed, that debt had been forgiven and Dorsey had made no payments on it. As a practical matter, that means Dorsey has no protection from creditors for at least three months. The bankruptcy came to light after a story in the Post forced Dorsey, who also serves on the Metropolitan Washington Area Transit Authority board, to return a $10,000 campaign contribution from WMATA’s largest union. Between his Arlington board pay and his consulting fees, he earns more than $120,000 a year.

Good Governance Rule #1: You don’t want people facing bankruptcy anywhere near the public till. Good Governance Rule #2: You don’t want people who misrepresent facts to federal judges anywhere near the the public till.

Virginia Tech applications up. The number of students applying to college may be dropping nationally, but Virginia Tech is seeing a surge in interest this fall. After undergraduate enrollment rose 2.4% this year, Tech has seen a 35% increase in prospective students applying “early action,” reports the Richmond Times-Dispatch. “Early Action” applications are similar to “Early Decision” applications in that they require prospective students to submit in the fall. The difference is that Early Action is non-binding; the student does not commit to enroll if her application is accepted. Tech has offered the Early Action alternative since 2018. Question: Does the increase in applications reflect a genuine increase in interest in Virginia Tech or just a relaxation of admission standards?

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21 responses to “Bacon Bits on a Snowy Day”

    1. I think I learned the concept from my Econ 101 class with Kenneth Elzinga.

      1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
        Reed Fawell 3rd

        I learned it in my 8th grade Jesuit Latin class.

        1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
          Reed Fawell 3rd

          “To rescue Virginia from the edupocalypse’

          Now Bacon is showing off. See:

      2. djrippert Avatar

        I had Mr. Elzinga too. Didn’t remember that one.

    2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      E.g., Defense. Well, unless you think of the Air Force aircraft as really different from the Navy.

      1. They can be quite different from a design stand-point. Air force planes don’t need to be able to withstand arresting hook landings.

        PS – Yes, I know what you really meant…

        1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

          Yeah, I’d love to see an F16 hook a wire. Wonder how far the cockpit would travel?

  1. djrippert Avatar

    Has Virginia Tech opened that new campus in Arlington yet?

  2. Emilio Jaksetic Avatar
    Emilio Jaksetic

    It will be interesting to see whether the voters of Arlington County will hold Mr. Dorsey accountable for his lack of candor with the Bankruptcy Court, or whether they will just shrug it off.

  3. SuburbanWoman Avatar

    Across the Commonwealth you can find BOS members who owe federal taxes, have judgements and garnishments and some are late and delinquent in paying local taxes. It is a shame local journalist are not uncovering these facts and sharing with the public. We are voting on the people who will make decisions regarding public funds.

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      How’d you find out about them then?

      1. Easiest way is to use PACER, it reveals all sorts of fun things like bankruptcy filings. Did that for all elected officials in Prince William County, and yes, such filings do exist for them.

        1. idiocracy Avatar

          Virginia Court Case Information is how I found out that Manassas Park’s former city manager has a $15k judgment against her from Bank of America.

        2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

          Well then, no reason for an investgative reporter. That’s oppo.

          OTOH, I’d be happy if lawmakers were not only required to disclose their taxes, but fill them out by themselves without the CPA.

  4. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Lemme see, a choice. Do I want to go to a doctor, receive diagnostic testing and treatment all paid for by healthcare insurance, or do I want to go to a free clinic that depends on contributions and donated services?

    Just for clarification. Suppose a patient went to a free clinic prior to the Medicaid expansion with a lump under his arm that interfered with his ability to move his arm. They diagnosed a benign operable tumor. Where did he get the surgery to remove it and the post-op rehab? How long would he have had to wait for the surgery? What if it were life threatening and not benign?

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      It’s all about the outcomes. The money buys results.

      Non-expansion kills, and as in the case of South Carolina, it still costs money. SC attempted to fill the gap with State grants to “free clinics” and to encourage partnerships with hospitals (Healthy Outcomes Plan). Cost still rose (32% in 5 years), coverage gaps still existed, and people died needlessly.

      The is no such thing as a “free” clinic and its cost is measured in lives.

      1. “…people died needlessly.”

        I know someone from Canada who would have died “needlessly” because of the long wait times there. Fortunately she had the money to pay for treatment and was able to cross the border into the U.S. to get it in time.

        “The money buys results.”


        1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

          It was reported pre-Obamacare that 10s of thousands of Canadians came to the US to obtain medical services annually. In the same time millions of Americans went to Mexico for affordable care. Works, eh?

    2. NN – You are mistaken. One cannot apply for Medicaid without a photo ID. Nor can you get treatment covered by Medicaid or health insurance without a photo ID. Nor can you get some prescriptions without a photo ID.

      According to the Democrats, presenting proof of identity is an unnecessary and unrealistic burden. If the arguments about voting are to be taken seriously, shouldn’t those burdens be removed everywhere? What’s the problem? People are honest. Aren’t they?

      On the positive side, removing proof of identity for all things medically related could really cut the cost to insure everyone in Virginia. We would only need to buy two, maybe three health insurance policies to cover everyone.

      John Doe
      Jane Doe
      Pat Doe

      “24 things that require a photo ID”

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        Nate, seriously, WHERE did I say anything about an ID? If I provide a drop location, would you share what you put in your coffee?

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