Bacon Bits: Mobilizing Against COVID-19

NoVa field hospital sites identified.

State officials have begun identifying sites to use for field hospitals in the event that an influx of COVID-19 patients overwhelm the capacity of Northern Virginia’s hospitals. The first phases of plans call for adding beds in existing hospitals or on hospital campuses. A third phase would establish new treatment facilities at the National Conference Center in Loudoun County, the Dulles Expo Center in Fairfax County, and the Goerge Mason University campus in the City of Fairfax, according to a briefing given yesterday to the Prince William County Board of Supervisors, as reported by WTOP News. The Northam administration has said it was examining sites with the Army Corps of Engineers, but had not publicly identified specific locations.

Thousands volunteer for medical reserve corps. Virginians can erect emergency field hospitals, but who will staff them? Health providers will be stretched to the breaking point just dealing with COVID-19 patients in regular hospitals. Perhaps members of the Virginia Medical Reserve Corps can helo. As of Tuesday morning, reports the Richmond Times-Dispatch, more than 12,300 volunteers across a variety of health professions had signed up. Of those about 8,200 are deployable, meaning they have had their credentials confirmed. Virginia’s Medical Reserve Corps, established in 2002 after 9/11, operates 27 units across the state.

Making more hand sanitizer. The Appalachian College of Pharmacy, located in Buchanan County, is using its compounding lab to produce hand sanitizer. The college delivered its first shipment last week to Food City for distribution to Food City pharmacies, reports the Bluefield Daily Telegraph. “We told them we’ll take all you can make,” said Food City CEO Steve Smith. “We’ve been out of hand sanitizer for days and have tried different avenues to get it without success.” (Hat tip: Mary Trigiani.)

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12 responses to “Bacon Bits: Mobilizing Against COVID-19”

  1. LarrytheG Avatar

    Went to the doctor this morning. Scheduled status check on body parts. They check you in with a forehead temperature check.

    The doc said that their regular order of gloves and other has not come in and will not for awhile so they are running out of some sizes an conserving what they have left.

    Said they are seeing about 1/2 they normally see so that is helping.

    All elective surgery is postponed indefinitely not only on when the restrictions are lifted but when they can get re-supplied on their PPE, glvoes, masks, etc.

    At the Pharmacy – no sanitizer, no alcohol , elsewhere no TP or paper towels but meat available in limited quantities,produce is plentiful.

    A few were wearing masks.. I had one but did not use, I was careful in touching surfaces.. carts… doors, etc..

  2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Everclear. Or any 151 proof rum, e.g. Wrey and Nephew, will do. Don’t forget the ginger beer.

  3. LarrytheG Avatar

    locally in Fredericksburg, Mary Washington Hospital has converted it’s parking garage to some version of an overflow area but it does not look like a full up field hospital…

    The food bank is operating – but on an appointment basis – only one client at a time and they cannot go into the warehouse – all is brought out.

    Church is totally electronic except for the pantry which is also
    for clients to stay in cars with food brought to them.

    The local Battlefield park is still open with a fair number of folks walking.

    Still a fair amount of auto traffic locally but I-95 is down but nowhere near empty.

    Food delivery trucks are numerous – like chips, soda, beer, etc..

    Walmart parking lot was about 1/2 to 3/4 full… not crowded.

  4. “The Northam administration has said it was examining sites with the Army Corps of Engineers, but had not publicly identified specific locations.” Nice! Who is leading this at the State level; who is briefing the PW Board? What is going on, Mr. Northam; will we see any actual preparations on the ground underway during this new calendar quarter?

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I was looking at the “new” hospital put up in NYC by the Army Corps.

      It looks EXACTLY like an empty building that someone puts beds and curtain partitions in…with electrical cords snaking across the concrete and things like oxygen tanks on wheels like a welder might have, etc, etc.

      These are places where people who normally go to hospitals will end up as the main hospital will be reserved for virus victims.

      I would imagine that such a thing in NoVa would be a complicated affair with a lot of pros and cons to be considered with a lot of input from the existing hospitals.

      Northams biggest failing IMHO is that people want him to be as voluminous and knowledgeable as Cuomo or perhaps Hogan and he’s apparently not that person.

      He does not have access to state-wide TV or National TV like Cuomo or Hogan who both have easy access to major TV markets.

      1. WTOP radio would probably be glad to. No more Ask-the-Gov program after the Gov’s PR disaster last time he did it. Hogan apparently never wanted to do that program, so it had became the Ask-the-Va Gov program.

  5. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    It looks like the administration does have a plan and is moving to implement it.

    1. Agreed. Field hospitals and the medical reserve corps are two critical components of the COVID-19 response. One can argue whether the response was fast enough or too slow, but at least something is happening — and it’s happening before the hospitals are being overwhelmed (at least if we can believe the official statistics).

    2. So — talk about it. Tell us about it. Reassure people about it. Be visible as well as transparent. The local media are hungry for local COVID information to talk about — can’t N. manage a well-publicized, well-attended press conference?

  6. LarrytheG Avatar

    clearly not “good enough” for those who want to “hold him accountable”, though.

  7. “Accountable”? How about merely “heard from”?

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