Bacon Bits: Intolerable Behavior

Good neighbors.

Janique Martinez and her family, who are Black, moved into a Virginia Beach cul-de-sac on Jessamine Court five years ago. Some time ago, “constant” banjo music began emanating from the house next door. Then in July, sounds of a monkey screeching came through a window every 15 to 30 seconds. The loud noise was a nuisance, but multiple visits by police to the neighbor brought only temporary respite. Then in September, Martinez said she started hearing the n-word. Virginia Beach officials say they can’t do anything more than they already have. But the community has rallied around the Martinez family. Last Friday about 25 people gathered on the street Friday chanting, “Spread love, not hate,” according to The Virginian-Pilot story. Apparently, the neighbors didn’t need indoctrination sessions under the guise of “training” to know racism when they see it, to stand up against it, and to show solidarity with their Black friends.

Bad neighbors. Chad Wolf, who served as acting secretary of the Department of Homeland Security under Donald Trump, writes today in The Daily Signal how he was targeted last year by protesters outside his house week after week. The “protest” played out the same way every day: the demonstrators would organize a quarter mile away, march through neighborhood streets, holding up traffic, then remain for an hour or more while shouting through loudspeakers. They never applied for a permit, which was required in the City of Alexandria. But there was a difference from the Martinez case. City Councilman John Chapman joined the protesters on several occasions. And so did some of Wolf’s neighbors.


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5 responses to “Bacon Bits: Intolerable Behavior”

  1. I’ve been thinking a lot about what advice I might offer to Janique Martinez and her family on how to handle their next door neighbor, and I keep coming back to just two words:

    1) Tar
    2) Feathers

    What do you think it means?


    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Had a buddy whose upstairs neighbor made constant noise, shouting at his wife and kids, loud music, TV cranked. All the neighbors complained to no avail. Gary signed out a frequency generator and hooked it up to his most excellent stereo with his AR speakers, and at 2AM dialed it up to 25k Hz and slowly cranked the volume until the guy’s dog started howling. He then did it a couple of more times giving the guy a chance to fall asleep again.

      It was a great idea until the guy started kicking and beating the dog, probably the wife too.

      Gary brought the generator back and never checked it out again.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Gasoline, match. What do you think it means?

      1. If you start a man a fire he stays warm for a night.
        If you start a man afire he stays warm for the rest of his life.

  2. regarding Mr. Wolf — water sprinkler system on long range

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