Facebook face plant.

On more than one occasion, I have complained on Bacon’s Rebellion that Facebook had blocked advertisements promoting the blog on the social media platform. I conflated the restrictions with the de-platforming experienced by other conservative outlets. I can now report that after a brain-numbing exercise, that Bacon’s Rebellion is now qualified to advertise. The hang-up was a restriction on anyone promoting “Social Issues, Elections or Politics.” To over-simplify, I had to prove that I was not a Russian bot. It wasn’t easy, let me tell you. The Facebook administrative interface for advertisers is labyrinthine in its complexity. I had to repeatedly call upon the Facebook help desk for assistance (which is not easy to find) as I waded step by step through the morass of links, unclear language and instructions that did not match up with what I was seeing on my screen. But those obstacles apply to everyone, not just conservatives. A special call out to “Mimi” for carrying me across the finish line. Here’s hoping Bacon’s Rebellion can grow big and influential enough to warrant a genuine de-platforming!

Proof of vaccination. Two weeks ago I blogged about my less-than-satisfactory experience using the Virginia Department of Health’s online portal to obtain a certified proof of vaccination. I was required to submit an online request. Would VDH respond or would my request disappear into the ether? I promised to report back. A VDH employee did call me. I emailed scanned copies of my vaccination card, the data was duly entered into the VDH database, and I now possess a PDF certification. The system isn’t scam-proof, and if something can be scammed, you can be sure that someone will try to scam it. A clever person undoubtedly could forge a a digital certification. Therefore, it makes eminent sense that VDH is developing a QR-code system that connects directly from smart phone to VDH database without intervening digital documents. All in all, it was a positive encounter with the state bureaucracy.


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19 responses to “Bacon Bits: Follow Ups”

  1. DJRippert Avatar

    “The Facebook administrative interface for advertisers is labyrinthine in its complexity. ”

    When our government fails to exercise its responsibility to prevent private sector monopolies and oligopolies the inevitable result is government-style inefficiencies in the private sector.

    Allowing Facebook to acquire Instagram was dereliction of duty from our federal government.

    See also:

    1. Google buying YouTube.
    2. Microsoft buying LinkedIn.

  2. DJRippert Avatar

    Therefore, it makes eminent sense that VDH is developing a QR-code system that connects directly from smart phone to VDH database without intervening digital documents.


    If all it takes is a scan of your vaccination record to get into the VDH database then I can get a QR Code under false pretenses anyway.

    I know of no way other than through the use of a smartphone to effectively use the QR code. Is there another way? Otherwise, our government is getting closer and closer to mandating a very expensive piece of technical equipment (that goes obsolete quickly) for basic civil functions like entering a restaurant. Once again favoring the oligopoly of Apple and Samsung.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      My first attempt to get a human call back from VDH failed. Placed a second one yesterday, and at least got an email confirmation it was in process. I got both shots at the health department’s clinic at Arthur Ashe and it will be very disconcerting if that never got entered.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        We’ll see about Arthur Ashe. But people move. I was vaccinated out-of-state. I have friends who were vaccinated by the military. I think VDH will find it hard to track down all the legitimate vaccinations electronically.

      2. I submitted my online request on August 11 and received a call on 9/16 with the Caller ID of VA COVID Richmond, VA at 9:16 AM.

        The person asked for me, told me she was calling in reference to my request, asked my birth date and said I’d receive an email in a few minutes with a copy of the VDH Vaccine Record.

        The email arrived at 9:24. It required going through a verification link, but it worked fine.

        I downloaded the record and it had my two Covid shots, plus my last flu, pertussis and Td booster, and two two pneumonia shots. It’s the same form used for children to show on registering for school. It had my name and birth date and gender, but no entry for mother’s name or race — and no place for a phone number.

        So to test the system, I went back and entered my name and birth date and got the
        original message. But, then I noticed a message that the system was down
        for maintenance.

        I checked again today and even though they called me, they didn’t put my phone number into the system and the message said: There is no phone number associated with your vaccination record. Please submit your request online and allow 3to 5 business days for staff to respond. For other questions, please call 877-VAX-IN-VA.

        Wonder if anyone’s phone number is actually connected to their vax record. I sent a copy of the VDH record to my doctor’s office to put in my file in case I ever need to get another copy.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          but did not have your childhood shots?

          1. I wasn’t in Virginia. My doctor has that info.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Can’t you download and print the QR and carry that? I made the mistake of downloading our vax records to my 12-year old iPad. To get it to our phones as pdf, I had to tranfer to my Dell first. Stupid AirPrint has never worked, and I ain’t dropping my LAN security just to transfer the files.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        I suppose you could do that. Maybe VDH will mail you a printout of the QR code if you ask. That would be the best.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Oooh, ooooh. I think DMV replaces a lost DL at cost, like $2. We need our QR code on the back ot replacement DLs!

  3. Super Brain Avatar
    Super Brain

    I thought the Facebook help desk was run by the Easter Bunny Or Tooth Fairy.

    1. Yes, Virginia, there is a Facebook help desk.

  4. LarrytheG Avatar

    Well, I do give Jim credit for coming back and explaining the FB issue because prior it sounded like FB was “targeting” Conservatives but even then JAB has to allude to potential future “deplatforming”.

    And I do question the monopoly premise. There ARE competitors to FB just as there are competitors to WalMart.

    If a competitor is an excellent competitor – do we penalize them?

    All this talk about how bad the Govt is on a daily basis, i.e. “the problem with govt is govt”, etc, etc.. and NOW govt is blamed for NOT interfering with the private sector.

    which is it? Do you REALLY WANT the Govt riding herd on social media like China does?

    I dunno guys… sounds like flip-flops…

    Yes, you want “small govt” to throttle FB?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      The Conservative social media platform is called “Faceplant”.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        yes, but do they have a help desk and “de-platform” ?

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Yes, but there is only one error code, ID-10t

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      I want the government to enforce anti-trust law whether it’s against Standard Oil or Facebook.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        But do they really have a monopoly so that other competitors cannot compete against them or are they more like WalMart where it really does not have a monopoly but it dominates because it is a well-run company? Would you actually want the
        govt to treat WalMart like it was Standard Oil?

        What should the govt do to FB? I’m NOT in favor of the govt deciding what can be post on FB or not.

  5. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    Although you had to jump through a lot of hoops and it was painful doing so, it is good to know that Facebook is taking the task of blocking Russian bots seriously.

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